What is Virabadrasana 1?

Virabadrasana 1 belongs to the Virabadrasana group of standing lunging asanas of modern yoga. This pose in the group is also referred to as the Warrior 1 pose. This pose is dedicated to a mythical warrior Virabhadra and is often referred to as the most iconic and graceful pose in yoga. As per Hindu mythology, in the Virabadrasana 1 asana, Virabhadra is said to arrive holding a sword with both his hands and making his way up through the earth.  

Virabadrasana 1 didn’t get mentioned in yoga texts until the 20th-century. It gets a mention in 1939 in the practices of Krishnamacharya. 

Warrior 1 pose works on the muscles in your ankles, shoulders, thighs, back, arms, and calves and stretches your thorax, lungs, thighs, groin, and navel.

Who can do Virabadrasana 1?

Warrior One asana can be done by a variety of people. These include:

  • Seniors
  • Children
  • Pregnant women
  • People who want to strengthen their lower body.
  • Those who want to cure postural problems.
  • People who want to relieve pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders.
  • People who want to improve your balance. 
  • Those who want to calm their mind and improve their focus.

Who should avoid Virabadrasana 1?

In case you suffer from any of these conditions, you should not practice this pose of yoga Warrior 1 without consulting your doctor:

  • Spinal disorders
  • High blood pressure
  • Diarrhoea
  • Pain or recent surgery in the legs, back, shoulders, or arms.
  • Arthritis
  • Cardiovascular disorders

How is Virabadrasana 1 done?

Though it may seem like a simple asana, the Warrior 1 yoga pose needs focus and concentration. Here is a detailed step-by-step explanation of how to perfect the Virabadrasana 1:

  1. Begin by standing straight with your feet 3-4 feet apart.
  2. Turn your right foot out so that it is at an angle of 90-degrees. 
  3. Turn your left foot in by around 15-degrees. 
  4. Now slowly lift both arms sideways to your shoulder height. Your palms must be facing upwards.
  5. Exhale deeply and bend your right knee.
  6. Turn your head and look towards your right.
  7. Stretch your arms more.
  8. Hold your head high and don the determination of a warrior.
  9. Keep breathing deeply.
  10. To release the pose, breathe in and lower your arms.
  11. Repeat the yoga Warrior 1 pose on the other side.

How can Virabadrasana 1 be modified?

In case you suffer from chronic pain or limited range of motion, here are some modifications of the Warrior 1 yoga pose. These modifications can also be done to stimulate your practice and make it more engaging:

  • You can lift the back leg off the floor. It can be placed on a yoga block or a Bosu ball.
  • Instead of stretching your arms, you can keep your hands close to your chest.
  • You can put the back knee on the floor.

What are the benefits of Virabadrasana 1?

Regular practice of the Warrior 1 Pose has great benefits for your mental and physical fitness and strength. 

Here are some great reasons to include Warrior One Pose in your workout regime:

  1. One of the best Virabhadrasana 1 benefits is that it gives your chest, lungs, neck, and stomach a good stretch. This improves their flexibility and makes your daily movements easier.
  1. People who sit for long hours or drive for long durations tend to experience pain, tension, and stiffness in the lower back. Warrior 1 pose benefits by stretching and strengthening your back and preventing postural problems. 
  1. This is an excellent pose to strengthen your thighs, calves, knees, and ankles. This not just improves your workout performance but also enhances your functionality.
  1. One of the most important Virabhadrasana 1 benefits is that it enhances your circulation. This improved circulation reduces stress and anxiety, calms your mind, and even reduces the risk of neurodegenerative disorders. 
  1. One of the most important benefits of Virabadrasana 1 is that it improves your focus and concentration. This enhances your creativity and productivity.
  1. Amongst the top benefits of Virabadrasana 1 is that it improves your balance and coordination. This is especially important for people over the age of seventy or those with a reduced range of motion.
  1. Virabadrasana 1 stimulates your digestive organs. This prevents problems such as IBS, constipation, gas, and bloat.
  1. This is a great asana to open up your lungs and improve their capacity. This helps in preventing and managing asthma and COPD.
  1. Warrior 1 pose benefits people with frozen shoulder and sciatica pain.
  1. This asana doesn’t require you to invest in expensive equipment or yoga studio memberships. This makes it an excellent addition to your home workouts regime.

How to do Virabadrasana 1 safely?

Here are some things to keep in mind while doing the Warrior 1 Pose:

  1. Never start doing the Warrior 1 yoga pose on your own. Learn it from an experienced yoga trainer or by joining online yoga classes. This is essential to prevent injuries and muscle strains. 
  1. In case you have pre-existing medical conditions, never start practising Virabadrasana 1 without consulting your doctor.
  1. Don’t overstretch your body while doing this asana. This is especially important while doing yoga for beginners.
  1. If you have neck problems, don’t look up at your hands. Instead, keep your head neutral and gaze ahead.
  1. Start your practice slowly and don’t do Virabadrasana 1 in a hurry. This may cause injuries and stress.
  1. In case you are a beginner or have back pain, you can do Virabadrasana 1 standing against a wall.
  1. Always do this asana early morning on an empty stomach. This is when you are not rushing between things and have empty bowels.


Virabadrasana 1 not just has immense health benefits but also adds to your quality of life. To gain the benefits of this asana, you need to be consistent with your practice and keep yourself challenged and motivated. Couple this with healthy lifestyle changes and you can compound the benefits of this asana. 

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