A yoga practitioner doing the Padmasana is probably one of the most commonly shared images of yoga. Even if you are a total beginner who has never tried yoga before, chances are that you have seen someone doing the Padmasana (Lotus Pose). Baddha Padmasana is the advanced version of the famous lotus pose. 

Baddha Padmasana also acts as a focal point for many types of meditation practices. Yoga gurus often start their yoga sessions with this asana. So, if you want to learn how to do yoga, having Baddha Padmasana information is a must. 

In this article, we are going to cover a lot of information about Baddha Padmasana. This includes the Baddha Padmasana steps and benefits, preparatory poses, and much more. Read this guide till the end and you will have all the necessary Baddha Padmasana information.

What is Baddha Padmasana?

The Meaning Of Baddha Padmasana

The name of this asana comes from the Sanskrit language where “Baddha” means “bound”, “Padma” means “lotus”, and “Asana” means “pose”. Adding all these words, we get the Baddha Padmasana or the bounded lotus pose.

Your energy gets locked in the Baddha Padmasana and hence many yoga practitioners use this asana to make a shield that can prevent their awareness from getting dispersed in the surroundings. For the same reason, it is a much-coveted yoga for beginners as they tend to divert their energy outside. 

The mention of the Baddha Padmasana is found in various major yoga texts such as the Gheranda Samhita, Yajnavalakya, and even Thirumanthiram. 

What Are the Benefits of Baddha Padmasana?

Here is a list of some Baddha Padmasana benefits that you get by practicing this asana regularly:

1. It Enhances The Agility Of Your Spine

This yoga posture, along with its simpler version, is famous for being very effective at improving the health of the spine. A few examples of the spine-related problems that get treated by the Baddha Padmasana yoga are sciatica, back pain, etc. Along with that, this asana can also make the spine strong and correct bad body posture. 

2. It Increases Your Mental Stability

This yoga asana is also efficient at increasing mental stability. If you add this yoga asana to your home workouts, you will experience that it is improving your mental peace. The yoga asana does that by improving the blood flow to your brain. The pranic currents going towards your brain are also considered good for practicing high-intensity meditation. 

3. It Strengthens The Leg Muscles

The various twists and turns happening in the Baddha Padmasana are beneficial for various body parts, especially the leg muscles. The stretch in your leg muscles is so deep that as a beginner, you might not even be able to hold this pose for more than a few seconds. However, if you practice this asana to your yoga routine, it will strengthen your leg muscles soon. 

4. It Improves The Flexibility Of Your Body

Along with muscular strength, Baddha Padmasana yoga also requires your body to be highly flexible. Your legs and hand muscles are stretched to their limits when you practice this asana for a longer period of time. Improved muscular flexibility helps in injury prevention and doing the day-to-day chores with ease.

5. It Eliminates Joint Problems

Over time, most people develop problems related to their joints. These joints can be of the lower legs, knees, hips, elbows, back, wrists, and shoulders. But if you practice Baddha Padmasana, it keeps your joints in good health and reduces the chances of developing joint problems. 

 6. It Provides Relief From Arthritis

Arthritis pain relief is another way this asana helps in making the health of joints better. If you have arthritis in any joint of the body, you can try this asana to get relief from pain. However, if your pain worsens while doing the asana, you should consult a doctor.

7. Aids In Digestion

Baddha Padmasana stimulates your internal organs that are required in the process of digestion. When you perform this asana, your digestive organs get massaged, the metabolism gets enhanced, and the overall digestion of food gets improved.

Prep Poses For Baddha Padmasana

The following poses can warm up and prepare your body for Baddha Padmasana:

  1. Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
  2. Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
  3. Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

How to do Baddha Padmasana step-by-step?

To achieve the right pose, follow the Baddha Padmasana steps:

  1. Start the asana by rolling out a yoga mat or soft towel and sitting on it. 
  2. Now sit in the simple padmasana where your left foot is on the right thigh and the right foot is on the left thigh. 
  3. Breathe out, move your right arm behind your back, closer to the left hip.
  4. Try to catch your right big toe with the right arm, hold this pose, and breathe in. 
  5. Now, exhale, move the left arm behind your back, closer to the right hip, and try to catch your left big toe. Again, pause for a few seconds, and breathe in. 
  6. At this point, your back and head should be aligned, your eyes should be either partially closed or fully closed. If your eyes are partially closed, then fix your gaze at the tip of your nose (also known as the Nasikagra Drishti). 
  7. Keep breathing at a normal pace and maintain the Baddha Padmasana pose. 
  8. As a beginner, you can hold this pose for about 20 to 30 seconds but once you master it, you can increase the time period as long as you want.

Follow Up Poses

You do not have to practice Baddha Padmasana in seclusion. There are various other yoga asanas that you can add to your home workouts as follow-up poses of the Baddha Padmasana. A few examples of such yoga asanas are:

  1. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
  2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
  3. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

You can learn these follow-up yoga asanas either through our guides or join online yoga classes and practice the yoga asanas under the guidance of a yoga trainer. 


From Baddha Padmasana steps and benefits to prep poses and follow-up poses, now you have all the necessary information about Baddha Padmasana. You should add this asana not just for its individual benefits but also because it is the starting point of various other advanced-level yoga asanas. 

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