Salabhasana is popularly referred to as the locust pose as the posture imitates a locust with a backward bending pose. The name of this asana is got from two Sanskrit words. 'Shalabh' means grasshopper, and 'asana' means posture. As the Salabhasana meaning is therefore identified from the most renowned Sanskrit language, it is believed to be practised by sages several years ago. The paramount importance of practising Salabhasana is that it strengthens the pelvic organs. This backbend pose is best for both beginners and advanced practitioners. Yoga can be reached out by everyone at almost all meditation centres and is one of the reputed fitness centres to conduct yoga classes actively. They have options on their site with a meditation centre near me facility to choose the nearest location. They also effectively teach pranayama yoga and yoga postures for kids. This allows even the children to benefit from yoga sessions as Salabhasana cannot be performed by small kids.

How to do Salabhasana?

The guided steps to perform Salabhasana is mentioned below. People with injuries and other health conditions are recommended to practice this or follow these steps under supervision or with a tutor's help.


  1. The first step to do Salabhasana is to spread a yoga mat on the floor.
  2. Then lie on the belly over the yoga mat with the arms placed along the sides of the torso. The forehead must be resting on the floor.
  3. The palms have to be faced up with the legs and feet close to each other.
  4. One must place the soles of the feet at the uppermost position.
  5. The buttocks must be held firm towards the pubis.
  6. Close the eyes and relax the whole body by inhaling deeply.


  1. Exhalation must be done as one lifts the head off the ground. The arms and the legs are also raised by only resting on the belly, front portion of the pelvis and lower ribs.
  2. Then the buttocks are held firm, and by stretching the back, one has to imagine that a weight is pressing down the upper arms. Contract the lower back muscles and then do the following steps.
  3. A push up is done against this resistance.
  4. Then by gazing forward or upward, the skull must be lifter to the back of the neck. At this step, one must take care not to protrude the chin forward and not crunch the neck's back.
  5. In this position, one has to stay for thirty seconds to one minute, and then he/she can release the posture by exhaling.
  6. By taking a few more breaths, the entire procedure repeated one or two times. This is entirely optional and dependent on the stamina levels of the performer.
  7. One should wait until the breathing and the heartbeats return to normal and then carry on with the regular activities.

What Adverse Effects of Salabhasana?

There are few contradictions and ill effects caused by performing the Salabhasana either in the wrong manner or by a person associated with other health issues. They are:

  1. It might cause a severe back injury. People with weak spines and low bone density and backs are prone to be affected by this side effect.
  2. People with neck injuries and other neck problems must take extra care to hold their neck in a neutral posture by looking at the ground. To avoid unnecessary strain to such people, they can make use of forehead support with the help of a folded thick blanket.
  3. Salabhasana is seen to cause headaches in a few people leading to tremendous and inescapable fatigue.
  4. The stomach creates problems such as flatulence, constipation and indigestion in very rare cases while performing Salabhasana.
  5. A Salabhasana posture might cause lower back pain problems and other back-related health issues when incorrectly practised.

What are The Benefits of Salabhasana?

The health benefits are linked with Salabhasana, and by practising, they tend to become strong and fit. The various uses of performing this asana are:

  1. Salabhasana benefits and improves the posture of a person. This helps to combat all spine problems and backaches as they are directly connected with the body posture.
  2. As the performer lies on his belly, this pose stimulates the organs of the abdomen and makes them healthy. All the digestion and abdominal problems are quickly resolved on regular practice of Salabhasana pose.
  3. Salabhasana pose relieves stress levels of the body by creating good vibes for the mental health of a person.
  4. Salabhasana yoga stretches the shoulders, chest, thighs and belly to great extents such that it gains more flexibility.
  5. The muscles of the spine, arms, legs and buttocks are strengthened. Locust pose benefits and helps to get rid of all muscular and joint pains in the body.
  6. Salabhasana benefits and helps people with slipped disc, sciatica and back pain recover if their condition is mild.
  7. Salabhasana yoga increases the appetite, and people suffering from appetite problems can perform this and rectify their health issue.
  8. Salabhasana improves the functions of the stomach and liver efficiently.
  9. Irregular bowel movements are corrected, and it creates a proper and enhanced functioning of the bowels.
  10. The benefits of locust pose are that it regulates the acid-base balance of the body effectively.
  11. It increases blood circulation in the human system.
  12. It regulates metabolism and therefore helps in losing weight.
  13. It is seen to reduce hypertension.
  14. It boosts concentration levels, and hence it is recommended for young children.
  15. It resolves knee arthritis and injuries caused in the hamstrings.
  16. It stimulates the entire nervous system, especially the parasympathetic outflow of it.

What Precautions are kept in mind while performing Salabhasana yoga?

There are certain precautions to be followed and kept in mind while performing Salabhasana yoga. They are:

  1. Take it slow and do not hurry with the moves.
  2. Do not push hard and strain the body beyond its limits.
  3. People with blood pressure complaints and a weak heart should never try practising Salabhasana yoga as it does not suit their health condition.
  4. Patients with abdominal tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, or hernia and similar complaints must avoid practising Salabhasana.
  5. Do not bend the knees and take care to hold it straight through the entire practice of the Salabhasana locust pose.
  6. Please do not raise the chin above the floor and try hard to hold it against the ground.
  7. This is contradicted for migraines and people with injuries or spondylolisthesis.
  8. Pregnant and menstruating women must never practice this asana.
  9. Glaucoma patients must never perform it under any circumstance.

‍What to do Before and after Salabhasana?

One cannot perform Salabhasana all of a sudden without committing a few asanas or poses before it. It is similar to how an individual does a warm-up before physical activity. 

The primary preparatory poses are:

  1. Gomukhasana
  2. Bhujangasana
  3. Supta Virasana
  4. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
  5. Virabhadrasana I
  6. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
  7. Virasana

The follow-up poses are similar to the stretches and cool down after a workout, and they are:

  1. Ustrasana
  2. Sarvangasana
  3. Bharadvaja's Twist
  4. Dhanurasana
  5. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Summing It Up

Salabhasana is one of the challenging asanas, and it will require lots of effort to master it. It must be necessarily performed during the early morning hours for better results. But no harm will befall if practised during the evening hours of the day during busy or hectic schedules. The only criteria are that it has to be done on an empty stomach as it is one of the most efficient abs strengthening posture in yoga asanas.

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