What is Siddhasana?

Siddhasana, also known as the Perfect Pose or the Accomplished Pose, is an ancient seated yoga pose in hatha yoga. Siddhasana gets its name from the Sanskrit words ‘Siddha’ meaning accomplished and ‘asana’ meaning posture. 

Though it is an exercise suitable for meditation, it also has numerous benefits for enhancing the flexibility and strength of your body. It is also referred to as ‘Muktasana’ or the Liberation Pose. This comes from the sense that this pose helps accomplish liberation, which is the ultimate goal of all the other yoga asanas.

The Siddhasana pose opens up your spine, shoulder, chest, and hips while working on your inner thigh muscles. 

Who can do Siddhasana?

Siddhasana is a beginner level pose that can be done by a variety of people. These include:

  1. Children
  2. Elders
  3. People who want to include meditation in their yoga practice can do the Siddhasana pose.
  4. Pregnant women

Who should avoid Siddhasana?

Though it’s fairly simple, Siddhasana yoga asana must be avoided by certain categories of people including:

  1. People who have hips, knees, or ankle injuries.
  2. Those who suffer from arthritis.
  3. People who have sciatica pain.
  4. Pregnant women must do this pose only after speaking to their doctor.
  5. Those who have a fever, cold, or flu.
  6. People who are experiencing extreme stress or anxiety at the moment.

How is Siddhasana done?

Follow these steps to master the Siddhasana posture:

  1. Sit comfortably on the floor while keeping your legs close to each other.
  2. Gently fold your left leg and place your ankle close to the perineum.
  3. Place your right foot over the left making sure that your knees are touching the ground.
  4. Keep your spine straight and inhale and exhale deeply.
  5. Concentrate on your breathing.
  6. Maintain the Siddhasana yoga pose for as long as you can and return to the starting position.

What are some variations of Siddhasana?

Here are some variations of the Siddhasana pose that you can try:

Jalandhar Bandha

This is one of the most-effective asanas for reinvigorating your energy channels and putting you in a state of deep meditation. 

Steps Involved in Jalandhar Bandha

  1. Sit in the Siddhasana pose and start inhaling purposefully.
  2. Gently contract the throat to mimic the swallowing action.
  3. Bring your chin towards your spine and press it downwards. 
  4. Hold this asana for as long as it is comfortable.
  5. To return to the starting position, relax your throat, raise the chin, and exhale through the nose.

Ardha Siddhasana

 Also known as the Half-Perfect Pose, Ardha Siddhasana is an easier variation of the traditional Siddhasana. Ardha Siddhasana benefits people who suffer from a limited range of motion or whose hip joints are not open properly. Just like the traditional Siddhasana pose, Ardha Siddhasana Isha yoga has its significance. It is considered as a means to raise your consciousness and foster harmony with the universe.

Steps Involved in Ardha Siddhasana

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and keep your legs placed close to each other. 
  2. Position your left foot as mentioned in the Siddhasana steps.
  3. To get into the Ardha Siddhasana posture, place your right foot just in the front of the left foot instead of placing it over it.

What are the Benefits of Siddhasana?

Here are some of the most important Ardha Siddhasana benefits and those of the traditional Siddhasana pose:

  1. One of the best Siddhasana benefits is that it opens up your hips. This improves the flexibility in your pelvis area and enhances the health of your reproductive organs.
  2. An important Ardha Siddhasana benefit is that it is easy to do, especially for people who cannot do the full Siddhasana. 
  3. An important Ardha Siddhasana Isha Yoga benefit is that it improves your circulation. This helps in bettering your immunity and keeps your body healthy.
  4. Since Siddhasana is the prelude to meditation, it encourages stability in emotions. It reduces stress and anxiety by improving your response to emotional triggers.
  5. One of the best Siddhasana benefit is that it makes you more grounded. This not just improves self-image but also betters your interpersonal relationships with others.
  6. Ardha Siddhasana Isha Yoga improves your alertness and concentration. This, in the long run, keeps your mind sharp and prevents the risk of neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. 
  7. Siddhasana is beneficial in activating your chakras. This prevents a host of health issues.
  8. While doing Siddhasana you are required to sit in a firm and erect position. When you do this pose regularly, your spine gets strengthened. This helps in preventing lower back problems, especially in people who lead sedentary lives or need to drive for long hours.
  9. By increasing the flow of blood to your knees and ankles, Siddhasana asana yoga poses prevent pain and stiffness in their joints. This is especially beneficial for people who suffer from arthritis.
  10. Siddhasana practice doesn’t require an elaborate setup. All you need is a yoga mat and a quiet space to include it in your workouts at home.

What are some tips to do Siddhasana safely?

Though it’s a seemingly simple pose, to gain its benefits, there are some things that you need to keep in mind while doing Siddhasana. 

Here are some tips for practising Siddhasana

  1. Practice Siddhasana in the early morning hours. This is when you are not rushing between things and your stomach is empty, making it easier for you to concentrate.
  2. If you are practising Siddhasana at home, ensure that the space that you choose is free of clutter and noise.
  3. Don’t give yourself unrealistic targets while doing this asana. Give yourself time to get used to this practice. 
  4. It is always better to learn this asana from an experienced trainer or in an online yoga class. This will help you learn the proper Siddhasana posture and avoid muscular strain.


Siddhasana is the perfect pose to gather your thoughts and channelize them productively, especially in the increasingly chaotic world that we live in. However, consistency is the key to gaining the benefits of this asana. Be regular with your practice and don’t reduce its intensity suddenly. 

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