Parivrtta Trikonasana, or Revolved Triangle pose, is a standing forward bend that is combined with a spinal twist. This perfect combination helps in stretching the whole body while improving the body’s stability. Try it on a regular basis and you can develop a strong sense of physical as well as mental balance. 

A slightly challenging variation of Trikonasana, this pose targets your hips, back, shoulders, and legs. In short, it can offer benefits to your entire body. But there is a catch. This yoga is not for beginners or those who have no knowledge of yoga. So, if you are planning to start Revolved Triangle in your home workouts, it is recommended that you first learn the basics of yoga and then perform it under an expert’s supervision. 

While you can find an expert either offline or online, we can help you with the basics. This article teaches you what are its steps, benefits and precautions. Read till the end to learn it all:

What Are the Benefits Of Parivrtta Trikonasana?

Before learning how to do Parivrtta Trikonasana, it is important to learn about Parivrtta Trikonasana benefits. This helps in setting the right fitness goals and expectations from your session. Some of the best benefits are: 

Tones Muscles:

Parivrtta Trikonasana effectively stretches your hamstrings, thighs, back. This helps in burning the excess fat and toning the muscles. 

Improves Flexibility:

By stretching your spine and back, this yoga also enhances your flexibility and strengthens the spinal nerves. 

Opens the Hips and Shoulders:

While doing the Revolved Triangle pose, you also unlock your hip flexors and shoulder muscles. This not only improves their mobility but also lowers the risk of injury. 

Stimulates Abdominal Organs:

During Parivrtta Trikonasana, you can also notice stimulation of the stomach, liver, and kidneys. This, in turn, improves digestion and improves metabolism. 

Relieves Anxiety:

By improving the blood flow in the entire body, including the brain, Parivrtta Trikonasana also stimulates the functions of the nervous system. This eventually alleviates anxiety and other mental health-related issues. 

Some other Revolved Triangle pose benefits you can enjoy are: 

  • Reduces stiffness in neck and shoulders
  • Reduces lower back pain
  • Improves body balance
  • Increases focus and concentration power

How to Do Revolved Triangle Pose?

Now that you know the benefits, it is time to learn Parivrtta Trikonasana steps. Here is an easy step-by-step guide you can follow: 

  1. Start by standing straight with your feet at least three feet apart. Make sure that your hips are squatted towards your mat and the left foot is stepped forward. Your right foot should be turned out at a 45-degree angle. Put your hands on the hips. 
  2. Inhale deeply and hinge your torso forward but don’t bend your spine. If your feet that your spine is bending, slightly back off. 
  3. Exhale and pause here to decide which position would be most comfortable for your right hand. Whether you should place it directly under your left shoulder or inside your left foot, or outside your left foot, it should be placed at a comfortable position. 
  4. Now, take a deep breath and place your left hand on your sacrum. 
  5. Breathe out and twist your torso while opening the chest to the left. If you feel that your sacrum is becoming uneven, level it out by drawing the left hip forward and right hip backwards. 
  6. Now, take another deep breath and lift your left hand toward the ceiling. Imagine as if your left palm is pressing against a wall and were opening your chest. 
  7. Shift your gaze towards your left fingertips as the right-hand touches the ground. 
  8. Hold this position for several deep breaths or up to one minute.
  9. To release the Twisted Triangle pose, exhale as you untwist the body. 
  10. Repeat on the other side by keeping right foot forward. 

What Are the Common Mistakes To Avoid While Doing Parivrtta Trikonasana?

Whether you are performing yoga for beginners or experts, there are chances that you would end up making some common mistakes. To save you from that, we have jotted down a few mistakes people make while doing Parivrtta Trikonasana. Read and try not to repeat them: 

You are lifting the heels: 

Avoid lifting heels as it can throw you off the balance and cause more strain on your leg. It can also lead to injury. The best way to avoid raising your heels is to perform the pose against a wall. 

You are forcing the twist: 

No doubt that twisting is what makes this yoga unique but this does not mean you have to push your body’s limits. Twist your torso only till it is comfortable for your body, You can gradually increase the twist to condition your body. 

You are not breathing properly: 

It is absolutely necessary to maintain your breathing. This can hone your focus and allow more oxygen to the muscles for recovery. If you can ask your yoga instructor for awareness exercises to learn how to maintain a proper breathing pattern. 

Safety and Precautions

The Revolved Triangle yoga pose may seem simple but it can be challenging if you have not done it before. To be on the safer side, keep the following things in mind: 

  • If you have had any injury or a recent surgery, talk to your doctor before beginning this intense stretch. 
  • You should avoid this yoga if you have severe neck, back or sacroiliac pain.
  • Pregnant women must not try these deep twisting poses.
  • If you have low blood pressure, avoid Revolved Triangle yoga pose.
  • If you are experiencing insomnia or have migraines, then avoid Parivrtta Trikonasana.
  • Do not perform Parivrtta Trikonasana after having a heavy meal.
  • Always do the warmup or preparatory poses such as Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja’s Twist), Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I), Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose). 


The best thing about Revolved Triangle yoga is that once you have mastered it, it can be done on a regular basis to improve flexibility and mobility. So, start practising it as soon as possible. 

In case you are a beginner, it is strongly advised that you learn the technique from an expert yoga trainer. For this, you can also take online yoga classes offered by trained yoga instructors. They can also help in preparing a proper yoga session with other poses that complement Parivrtta Trikonasana and other deep twisted poses.

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