Eagle Pose basics

Sanskrit: Garudasana (gah-rue-DAHS-anna)

Pose type: Standing balance

Target area: Full body

What is Garudasana?

Yoga, literally meaning union, is a subtle science and harmonising art that has benefits for your mental and physical health. It is a combination of breathing practices, meditation, and asanas

Depending on the position of your hand and feet, these asanas are divided into sitting, standing, reclining, balancing, or inverted asanas. 

Garudasana, also known as the Eagle Pose, is one of the most-effective standing yoga poses. Garudasana meaning gets its name from the Sanskrit words ‘Garuda’ that means eagle and ‘asana’ that means posture. Garuda, as per Hindu mythology, was the mount of Lord Vishnu who saved humanity from demons by being strong and focussed. 

The Garudasana pose, in its asymmetric body position, represents the same focus and strength. 

Being an advanced and challenging pose, you need proper Garudasana information to get the pose right and gain its benefits. 

Read on to know more about Garudasana steps and benefits.

Who can do Garudasana?

Before we give you more information about Garudasana pose and technique, it is important to know who can perform this yoga asana. 

Garudasana yoga pose can be done by:

  • Seniors
  • Children
  • People who have coordination and balance issues.
  • People who have postural problems.
  • Those suffering from sciatica pain or rheumatism.
  • Pregnant women who are in the first two trimesters.
  • People who suffer from weakness or numbness in the legs.

Who should avoid Garudasana?

There are certain categories of people who should avoid the Garudasana yoga pose:

  • Those who have had a recent shoulder, ankle, or knee injury.
  • People who are obese.
  • People who have frequent headaches. 
  • Those who have high or low blood pressure.
  • People who suffer from inner ear problems.
  • People with asthma or COPD.
  • Pregnant women who are in their third trimester should avoid doing Garudasana.
  • If you are currently having a fever, flu, or cold, avoid Garudasana until you are better.
  • People who are experiencing extreme stress or anxiety at the moment.
  • Those who have undergone recent surgery and are yet to recuperate.

How is Garudasana done?

To gain the benefits of the Garudasana yoga pose, you need to know its correct technique. Here is a detailed step-by-step explanation of how this asana should be performed:

  • Begin the eagle pose yoga by standing straight and fixing your gaze ahead.
  • Push your right leg firmly into the ground and bend your knees slowly. 
  • Lift your left foot to cross it over the right one. Your left thigh must be over the right thigh.
  • The toes of the left foot must be pointing towards the ground.
  • Now bring your arms forward keeping them parallel to the floor.
  • Cross the right arm over the left one and make the back of your hands face each other.
  • Gently turn your hands to make the palms meet in a Namskar mudra.
  • Keep your eyes focused ahead and hold the pose for 5-6 seconds.
  • Slowly untwine the hands and bring them to rest at the side of your body.
  • Bring your left leg back to the ground and return to the starting position.

Repetitions:  Start by doing 3-4 repetitions of the eagle pose yoga and gradually build your practice. 

How can I modify Garudasana?

Garudasana can be modified according to your level of conditioning, flexibility, and age. This helps minimise the risk of strain and injuries. Here is the modification information on Garudasana:

  • If you are a beginner and find it difficult to balance yourself on one leg, you can rest your back against a wall for support. This is also applicable for people who have health issues but have been cleared by their doctor to practise Garudasana.
  • If you can’t wrap one leg over the other in the Garudasana pose, use a block to rest your foot instead. 
  • You can practice Garudasana in a chair.

What are the benefits of Garudasana?

Just like any other yoga asana, the eagle pose yoga pose also promotes healthy living while nurturing your mind. Here is a roundup of some of the most important Garudasana benefits:

  • Since this asana is all about balancing your body, it promotes stabilisation and coordination. This is especially important for people who due to age or injuries find it difficult to balance their bodies.
  • This is a great pose of yoga for relaxation. It promotes body awareness and calms your mind when you focus and hold the pose. In the long run, it prepares your body to deal positively with stressful triggers and regulates your emotions.
  • One of the most effective neck pain exercises, this pose requires you to stabilise your neck and shoulders while holding the pose, making it one of the best poses of yoga for tight neck and shoulders.
  • An important Garudasana benefit is that twisting and stretching your arms and legs, it improves your circulation. This prevents pains, cramps, and stiffness in the joints. 
  • Another great eagle pose yoga benefit is that it improves your flexibility and makes doing daily activities easier.
  • One of the most important eagle pose benefits is that it prevents and helps you manage conditions such as sciatica.
  •  One of the best Garudasana benefits is that it reduces lower back pain and stiffness, especially due to postural problems.
  • An important eagle pose benefit is that it cures and prevents digestive problems.

Which are some tips for performing Garudasana safely?

While this may seem like a simple asana, it is important to know Garudasana steps and benefits correctly to avoid possible injuries. 

Here is some Garudasana information on how to perform this pose safely:

  • Learn Garudasana preparatory poses from an experienced trainer. Never start doing it on your own. You can join online yoga classes to learn Garudasana steps and benefits.
  • Stop practising the eagle pose immediately if you experience pain or dizziness.
  • Always warm up by doing Garudasana preparatory poses to stretch your muscles.
  • If you have a history of health problems, never start without knowing all the information about Garudasana and talking to your doctor.


With this information on Garudasana, we are sure that you will be able to gain all the incredible benefits of this asana. We recommend that you stay consistent with your practice and don’t give yourself unrealistic targets. 

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