Are you looking for an effective and wholesome strength workout? Try a kickbacks workout and incorporate them into your strength training routine. There are various kickback workouts, like a glute and tricep kickback exercise. The glute is a lower body workout, whereas the tricep is an upper-body workout. Instead of performing the regular lunges, deadlifts and squats, a glute kickback exercise will stimulate your glutes extensively and target better on the lower body muscle groups. In contrast, a tricep kickback exercise will work the triceps brachii muscles of the upper body. Eventually, kickbacks exercise will strengthen the shoulder joints and improve the forearm and elbow moves.

You can perform different leg kickbacks and standing tricep kickbacks with resistance bands, cable machines, dumbbells, etc. Both the kickbacks are suitable for a home workout, and let us discuss how to perform them here in detail.

How To Perform The Glute Kickbacks In Perfect Form?

  1. Start the gluteus kickback by getting onto your fours with the toes and knees flexed, touching the ground. 
  2. The hands must be placed directly under the shoulders, with the knees right below the hips
  3.  Now rotate your shoulders in an outward motion, thereby engaging the lats. Having the pelvis and chin tucked throughout the leg kickbacks exercise, start squeezing your left glute and push the left heel upwards.
  4.  Make a pause on the top position of the glute kickback exercise and take care to have the hips and shoulders parallel to the floor.
  5. With your right leg at a ninety-degree angle, bring the left leg back to the starting position, simultaneously maintaining the alignment. 
  6. Keep repeating for many repetitions and then switch to the right leg. This is an excellent butt workout, and you can begin with 2 sets with 10 reps on each side.
  • These variations are Donkey kickbacks, cable glute kickbacks, standing glute kickbacks, etc. The Donkey kickback exercise is quite popular amongst them as they are seen to target the glutes with more intensity effectively. You must perform by staying on all fours with the knees under the hips and hands under the shoulders. Ensure that your back is flat, and tuck your chin so that the neck’s back faces the roof. Now engage the lower abdominals and make a ninety-degree bend on one knee. Then slowly lift the other leg straight upwards behind you. Once you reach the max height in the Donkey kickbacks, return immediately to the starting position. You will know the extent to which you should perform when your hips start to rotate and where you should stop. Now repeat the Donkey kickback exercise on one leg and then switch to the other side.
  • Now, if you don’t have sufficient space to perform on all fours, you can always do the simple standing glute kickback. You can do it effortlessly by having the hands on the hips and shifting the whole body weight onto one leg with the other toes on the floor. The other leg has to be necessarily diagonal behind, and to perform it correctly, make use of a resistance band. Then by squeezing the abs, tuck the pelvis and kick the leg behind you away from the ground. Take care to maintain your knees straight, and then bring them back to the floor. This is one rep in a standing kickback exercise and so perform as many as possible. Using a cable machine with the same exercise is the cable glute kickbacks.

How To Perform The Tricep Kickbacks In Proper Form?

  1. It would be best to do a tricep kickback exercise with the back straight and the feet as wide as the shoulders. Take care to maintain your posture straight and have the knees bent slightly. 
  2. The same goes here, and you have to keep your chin tucked throughout the entire exercise with the neck and head in a neutral position. 
  3. Have a grip on the floor and ensure that your total weight is distributed evenly on the feet.
  4. Then hinge your hip and lean forward such that your upper body is at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees. 
  5. Now grab dumbbells on both hands with the elbows at a ninety-degree angle. Rotate the arms outwards by engaging the back muscles and maintain the alignment as you do this. 
  6. Start squeezing your triceps by straightening the elbows and then finish the move with a slight bend on them. 
  7. Bend the elbows further to return to the starting position and repeat the same.
  • This is also known as the standing tricep kickbacks as it is done in an upright posture.
  • You can perform the above exercise with dumbbells on both hands, popularly referred to as DB tricep kickbacks. Have the palms facing each other and start performing the exercise with the knees bent and engaging the core. You can accomplish this in either a kneeling or standing posture; whatever the position, maintain your spine straight and hinge forward a little on the waist. Then with the torso parallel to the floor, straighten the elbows such that the upper arms are closer to the body. Exhale and inhale throughout the process and pause for a few seconds in the topmost position. Try performing at least 2 sets of DB tricep kickbacks with 10 reps in each if you are a beginner. 

Benefits Of Kickbacks Exercise

You can see the following results by adding the kickbacks exercise to your routine.

  1. It helps build lower body strength and prevent injuries on knees and joints.
  2. You will maximise the other glute workouts like deadlifts and squats.
  3. A gluteus kickback will help improve the body posture as it aids in holding the gluteal muscles firmly.
  4. The triceps kickback workout adds strength and enhances the flexibility of the shoulders and arms. It increases the upper body range of motion, which is helpful to perform other activities and exercises with better efficiency.
  5. A tricep standing kickback sculpts the arms and also helps to reduce pain associated with arthritis.

It is possible to perform the kickbacks workout on the go without any special equipment. People often underestimate body weight's ability in exercises and do not acknowledge the gain coming along. The above variations will undoubtedly make your fitness program more enjoyable. However, stay consistent with the journey to see the best results.

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