Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has been passed down to us by our ancestors. Over the past few decades, it has become a popular choice of workout the world over—and for good reason. Yoga Asanas have proven to treat various kinds of physical and mental ailments through. Add to that its fitness benefits—like Weight Loss and strength-building, variations of yoga like Hatha Yoga can aid your fitness journey too. Yoga poses and exercises like Surya Namaskar have also proven to have a great many benefits on health and lifestyle.
One such effective pose is Vajrasana. Derived from the Sanskrit words “Vajra”, meaning both diamond and thunderbolt and “asana”, meaning pose, Vajrasana is also known as the Diamond Pose as well as the Thunderbolt Pose. Vajrasana is a simple pose that can be performed by people of all ages. Vajarasan has many benefits:
Vajrasana benefits include
1) Improved digestion
Digestion is an important process in our body. It is the process by which food is broken down into smaller, absorbable bits to be further used by the body to gain energy and nutrients. One of the advantages of Vajrasana is that it improves digestion by enhancing blood circulation in the lower abdomen and curing digestive acidity. Vajrasana also controls gas formation and pain in the abdomen and relieves and prevents constipation.
2) Relief from knee pain and strengthening of back muscles
Our knees hold the weight of our entire body. Hence it is important to keep the knees healthy and strong. Vajrasana can help keep knees functioning well even in old age. It keeps the knees and ankle joints flexible, preventing rheumatic diseases.
Like our knees, our back muscles are essential in supporting our body. It helps us perform basic movements and stand upright. The Vajrasana pose can also help in keeping our muscles strong.
3) An improved state of mind
Mental health is often overlooked and given precedence over physical health. But the Vajrasana Yoga pose can help us focus on both physical and mental well-being. Along with all its physical benefits, it can help keep our mind balanced and strong.
4) Strengthened nerves in legs and thighs
Our legs carry the weight of our entire body. So it is important to keep them in good shape. Vajrasana increases the flexibility of the lower body along with strengthening the nerves of the legs and thighs, improving our balance.
5) Improved sexual health
As we age, so does our sexual health and the organs related to them. Vajrasana can help strengthen our sexual organs and prevent sexual health-related ailments.
6) Reduced menstrual cramps
For those who suffer from painful menstrual cramps, Vajrasana is a great remedy. Research has shown that the asana is effective in curbing period cramps by relaxing the waist and hip region.
7) Obesity management
If you’re obese and on a weight loss journey Vajrasana can be of great help! When Vajrasana is practised along with a healthy diet and active lifestyle, it can help you manage weight and eventually reduce obesity!
8) Treatment of urinary problems
Urinary problems are common and occur among all populations. Vajrasana helps in treating the urinary diseases and keeping the urinary system fit and healthy. Apart from these benefits, Vajrasana also helps with hypertension. Now that is a great motivator to start doing Vajrasana!
How to perform the Vajrasana Pose?
Now that we’ve seen the benefits of Vajrasana, the next question that arises is how to perform this beneficial pose. Is there one specific way to do the Vajrasana Pose or are there multiple ways to do it? Let's take a look at the steps to start practising the Vajrasana posture. Vajrasana steps are as follows:

1) Before starting the Vajrasana or Adamantine pose, we’d recommend using a yoga mat for comfort.
2) Sit on the mat with your legs stretched out on the floor.
3) Now, keeping the hips on the heels, fold both the legs together (or one leg at a time). The buttocks will rest on the heels and thighs on the calves.
4) Adjust your pelvis until you are comfortable.
5) For beginners or those who feel uneasy doing the pose at first, breaks can be taken after every few minutes or seconds as deemed fit.
6) Hold the Vajrasana pose for a while to benefit from the Vajrasana yoga and then return to the first pose with legs stretched out.
These above Vajrasana Steps will surely help you reap maximum benefits. Also, there are ways that you can make the Vajrasana Yoga Pose a lot more comfortable. Follow these tips:
- Make sure you are doing the Vajrasana correctly to avoid any kind of discomfort.
- If you are experiencing ankle pain, consider using a folded blanket or any other uniform padding under your shins. Position the blanket in such a way that your toes hang off the back.
- If you have knee pain, place the blanket or towel across your calves.
- If you are experiencing a sitting discomfort, place a yoga block between your feet horizontally. This will take some weight off your ankles and knees.
While Vajrasana is a beneficial pose, there are some points that must be remembered before practicing it. Here are some key points to remember before performing this posture:
- Avoid the pose if you have acute stiffness or trouble in foot
- Don’t attempt Vajrasana if you have a slipped disc or any other back-related ailments- Take great care while performing this pose if you’re someone who has difficulty in moving your limbs
- Avoid the pose if you have intestinal problems or hernia
- Consult your doctor before starting a Yoga program,especially if you are pregnant.
- There are thousands of Asanas in Yoga. Vajrasana is the only Asana which you can perform after eating food. It is advised by Yoga practitioners and doctors alike to sit in Vajrasana after having meals every day.
Vajrasana is relatively simple, yet comes with so many benefits. If you’d like to get this asana right, you can do so by booking your next Yoga session with Cult, or simply type “Yoga Classes near me” on Google and book a class with us today.
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