Different exercises cater to the diverse needs of the body. Some of them are upper body workouts, lower body workouts, general workouts and warmups. The Push-ups, chest presses and reverse fly are common and popular workouts for the upper part of the body. Plyometric exercises, Side lunges, Burpees, etc., are mainly for lower body workouts. The most popular and now trending is the jumping lunge

Here are the steps to perform it perfectly, the benefits, other alternatives, etc.

What are jumping lunges?

Jumping lunges, also known as Plyometric lunges or plyo lunges, are famous bodyweight exercises that strengthen your lower body. It is a compilation of stretching and contracting the muscles repeatedly. Since jumping is involved, it improves balance and helps in cardio. It also builds bone density and engages you in bodily movements. The exercise is a unilateral movement that enhances leg power and body mechanics. When compared to Burpees, jumping lunges are easy and increase the heart rate pumping. 

Keep in mind that before doing jumping lunges, try doing walking lunges or side lunges exercises to get the short explosive movements.

How to do jumping lunges exercise?

  • Stand in a position where your feet are shoulder-width apart, and knees are slightly bent. Torso should be straight and upright and tuck the chin inside.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Take a step forward in a lunge position, and bend your hip towards the floor until the back knee is 2 inches from the floor.
  • Contract your core muscles and thus engage core muscles throughout the exercise.
  • Make a jump and quickly change the back leg to the front while airborne.
  • Land softly and slowly on the ground with the other leg forward.
  • Take low jumps initially, and you can increase it gradually once you get the balance and rhythm.
  • Rest for some time before the next jump.
  • Based on your capability, continue to jump and repeat the exercise 5 - 10 times on both legs.
  • In between the jumps, take a rest, and at the end, do the stretching.
  • Relax your body and mind.

Jumping lunges with dumbbells

Once you are familiar with jumping lunges workout and comfortable landing safely on the ground, you can try holding dumbbells in each hand. By doing so, it increases the difficulty for your legs. You add little weight initially and increase the weight according to your comfortability.

Jumping lunges benefits 

Jumping lunges benefit those who exercise regularly. Some of them are: 

  • You can do it in your leisure time at your comfortable place. These are home exercises, and no equipment is required. 
  • It strengthens the lower part of the body.
  • It is very convenient and increases the flexibility of your muscles. 
  • It also relieves mental stress.
  • It is a unilateral leg movement that increases the leg power.
  • Jumping lunges involve more pressure on joints and muscles.
  • It strengthens the lower body's muscles, joints, and connective tissues.
  • It increases the metabolism of the body.
  • It increases the strength of quads, glutes, and hamstrings.
  • It enables you to move faster as it builds power in your core.
  • Changing your leg position in mid-air helps to stabilize your body and psyche.
  • It releases all the stresses from your body and mind.
  • The hips, knees, and ankles are all double-strengthened.

In your regular workout, this lunges exercise strengthens the major muscles in your body.

Alternating jumping lunges 

If you cannot maintain body balance, awareness, or a good confidence level while performing jumping lunges, you can try these alternatives. 

Listed below are five alternating jumping lunges:

  • Jumping Bulgarian Split Squat: This is identical to jumping lunges. You can have a support stand, box, or other tools to support your back leg. It will give you balance and increase your stability.
  • Power March/Skipping:  This is the essential explosive ability required to do jumping lunges. This exercise provides good leg drive, strength, and power to the hip.
  • Speed Split Squat: The posture is similar to jumping lunges. Here you will not leave the ground. There is no jump. You can repeat as fast as you can do without stopping or resting.
  • Jump Squat: This is bilateral plyometrics and helps you develop body power and control. It prepares you for jumping lunges exercises.
  • Assisted Jumping Lunge: You have supportive equipment like a band or straps that will allow you to stabilize your balance, and it has the jumping lunge setup. You can balance yourself when you are falling and maintain the equilibrium. The exercise is good for the persons who have injured, 

Tips to do jumping lunges: 

  • Always do warmup exercises or quick core workouts to avoid injury.
  • Initially, do it slowly, then gradually increase the speed.
  • Rest in between the jumps.
  • Do not stretch the forward knee beyond your foot as it increases the knee pain. 
  • Do not lock your knees as it may create problems while landing.
  • Always make sure that you have proper footing on the ground. If you land up on your toes, you will injure yourself.
  • Always begin with small jumps.
  • Stretch your muscles and relax at the end of the exercise.


These exercises improve your lower body and help in dynamic stability, coordination and balance. Energy is produced on ankles, hips, and knees as you leap up, exerting pressure on the foot. The jumping lunge exercise is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. It targets the muscles of glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, and calves. If you have good hip movement and control, this exercise will be easier to perform. You can also opt for jumping lunges Crossfit.

Initially, attempt small jumps, practice more for comfortable landing positions and body mechanics, and gradually go for explosive jumping lunges. It makes an individual more energetic. The athletes and lifters also benefit from this. Firstly, learn all the skills and ideas, then practice with a professional teacher. You can utilize this fitness exercise and achieve success in keeping yourself fit. No exercise is difficult if you do it step by step. 

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