Different Names of Tadasana:

English Name: Mountain Posture
Sanskrit Name: Tadasana Or Samasthitiḥ
Strengthens: Knee, Thigh, Ankle

What is Tadasana ?

If there is one pose that can be touted as an inevitable yoga pose, it has to be Tadasana. Also known as the mountain pose, Tadasana is the foundational posture of almost all yoga asanas. It is also holistically beneficial as it offers you multiple benefits ranging from increased height to treating sciatica pain. 

If you have been planning to learn the steps of Tadasana but do not know where to begin, it’s time to leave the confusion aside and read this article till the end. We have gathered all the important information – from Tadasana meaning to Tadasana steps and benefits. Just read on and find out the answers!

Tadasana Meaning And Basic Facts

The word Tadasana comes from Sanskrit where tada means ‘mountain’ and asana means ‘posture’; thus, the Mountain pose. Tadasana has a main objective; i.e., to instill strength, balance, and peace just the way a mountain does. 

It is also the base and part of various yoga asanas such as Suryanamaskar, Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Virbhadrasana, Trikonasana, and so on. This is also one reason why Tadasana is also known as the mother of all poses. 

Moving on, below are some Tadasana yoga facts you should know:

  1. Level: Basic
  2. Style: Hatha Yoga
  3. Duration: 10 – 20 seconds
  4. Repetition: 10 times
  5. Targets: Knees, Thighs, Ankles, Back

‍What are the steps of tadasana?

Now that you know a bit about Tadasana, let’s learn how you can do it at home. Again, remember that if you can ace Tadasana pose, you can improve your performance in other yoga poses too. 

Here are the steps of Tadasana you should follow to do this pose at home: 

  1. Stand straight with your feet together in such a way that your toes are touching each other. You can have a slight distance between the heels. Place your hands firmly alongside your body.
  2. Most of the Tadasana steps are about maintaining the right form; thus, make sure your keep your thigh muscles firm, engage your core, and strengthen the inner arches of the ankles when you lift them. 
  3. Now, imagine as if a stream of white light (energy) is passing through your ankles, moving up to your inner thighs, groin, spine, neck, and all the way up to your head. 
  4. Inhale deeply and stretch your shoulders, arms, and chest upwards. While doing so, you can also raise your hands up and feel the stretch in your body right from your head to the feet. 
  5. Hold this pose for at least 10 seconds. Exhale and then release. 
  6. Repeat. 

You can also take online yoga classes to learn about Tadasana steps and benefits. Along with this, don’t forget to upgrade your yoga level by practicing it every day. 

Tadasana Yoga: Dos and Don’ts

Here are some dos and don’ts you should keep in mind while performing Tadasana or the Mountain Pose: 


  • Always perform Tadasana two hours after taking a meal. 
  • Wear stretchable clothes to ensure you do not feel any discomfort.
  • Focus on breathing so that you can have constant blood flow. 


  • Do not perform Tadasana if you are pregnant. 
  • People who have headache, low bp, or insomnia should also avoid Tadasana.
  • Don’t put too much pressure on the knees as it may cause pain.

Checkpoints For 'Perfect' Tadasana Yoga Pose.Tadasana yoga is easy but it will not be as effective if you do not follow a proper form.

Below is a simple checklist to make sure your Tadasana pose is perfect: 

  1. Your feet should be sternly gro​​​​unded
  2. The top of your thighs should be squeezed inward
  3. Tailbone must meet the pelvis
  4. Stretch your chest stretched outwards
  5. Open your shoulders and don’t shrug
  6. Arms should be hanging beside your torso
  7. The neck should be stretched through the crown of your head
  8. Head should be over your heart and heart of your pelvis

‍What are the benefits of tadasana?

Should we convince you more to try Tadasana yoga? Well, here is list of Tadasana yoga benefits that would definitely make you add this simple pose in your daily health routine:

 Boosts Flexibility

Now that you have learnt Tadasana steps, you can realize that it is not just about standing simply. The yoga pose activates muscles in thighs, ankles, backs, chest, and arms to make them stronger and flexible. This again helps you in performing other yoga poses easily such as Ardhchakrasana, Surya Namaskar, and so on. So, if your body has become stiff and tenses due to an inactive lifestyle, you must try Tadasana on a regular basis. 

Promotes Good Body Posture

Long hours on the desk in office can impact your body posture; leading to back pain and neck pain. Tadasana benefits help you here too. It is seen that practicing Tadasana can promote good posture and also soothe your neck and back pain. Isn’t that a win-win situation!

Builds Stronger Legs and Abs

If you follow the right technique, especially under an expert’s guidance, Tadasana can also help you in engaging your core and leg muscles. A study also suggested that trying such yoga poses can also lower your body fat percentage and boost endurance.

Helps In Boosting Digestion 

If you have a hard time in digesting your food, try Tadasana. This yoga pose may put your digestive tract back on track. How? Well, the Mountain Pose engages your core, and this way, it can play a positive role in digestion.

Improves Balance

Tadasana yoga requires you to stand tall and straight and hence it is not a surprise that it can also improve your balance and body awareness too. This, in turn, lowers your risk of getting injured due to poor body balance.

Some other Tadasan yoga benefits are: 

  • It tones your hips and abdomen.
  • It also stretches your spine and makes it more agile.
  • It is also excellent for those who wish to increase their height.
  • It decreases sciatica pain, back pain, and neck pain. 
  • It can also help in reducing stress and elevating mood.

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June 13, 2022

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