Yoga is one of the oldest practices that has been used for self-development by the Eastern part of the world and dates back to 5000 years. Yoga teaches self-discipline, breathing, correct postures, and meditation. By following the yoga practices and principles people can reduce stress, clear and relax the mind and improve physical health. As the stress in daily lives increases more and more people have started using yoga as a way to relieve stress. If you are a beginner to it, here are some asanas of yoga that can be practiced in the morning, evening, or at your convenient time.

What Type of Yoga Asanas for Mind-body Relaxation?

Most men and women lead a stressful life due to various reasons. Even at night, they do not get sufficient rest and lay awake due to stress. That only adds up to the anxiety. People are looking at many ways to combat this stress but the best way is to practice yoga. It is effective in reducing blood pressure which can increase due to anxiety. The following asanas can be done to get relief from stress:

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

It is one of the asanas that help to calm the mind and also reduce anxiety. By doing this, it opens up the hip and lengthens the spine. It helps to reduce exhaustion both physically and mentally and leads to a healthy spine.

Steps involved in Sukhasana:

  1. Sit down with your back straight and the legs placed in front of you.
  2. Bend your knees and place your left foot under the right knee and the right foot under the left knee.
  3. Place the right palm and left palm on the right knee and left knee.
  4. Keep the head, neck, and spine aligned, look ahead, and breathe.
  5. Pay attention to your breath and stay for 60 seconds.
  6. Change the position of the crossed legs and repeat.

Balasana (Child Pose)

It releases stress and calms the mind. It is helpful for the nervous system and the lymphatic system. It stretches the ankles, hips, and thighs bringing relief to the back and neck pain. It is a good pose of Yoga for Lower Back Pain. Other poses like Ustrasana and Garudasana are also good for the back.

Steps involved in Balasana‍:

  1. Kneel down and sit on the heels.
  2. Bend forward so that the chest is on the thighs as much as possible.
  3. Place the hands on the side and breathe.
  4. Stay in this position as long as possible.

Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)

The main benefit of this asana is that it gives relief from stress but it also eases the symptoms of PMS and menopause. This exercise stretches the lower back, spine, and the hamstring. It is also one of the exercises in Yoga for Digestion & Gut Health as it can boost digestion, and stimulate the liver. Another exercise that is useful for gut health is trikonasana.

Steps involved in Paschimottanasana:

  1. Sit down and extend your legs forward.
  2. Bend your upper body forward and try to touch the stomach to your thighs.
  3. Now using your palms try to hold your feet. This may be difficult in the beginning but as you continue to practice this pose, your palms can reach your feet.
  4. Once your palms touch the feet stay in this position for 30 seconds concentrating on your breath.
  5. Return to the start position and repeat.

Uttanasana (Standing forward bend)

This asana can calm your brain and relieve mild stress and even depression. It stimulates the kidney and liver, stretches the hamstring, calf muscles, and the hips. Uttanasana is also useful in strengthening the knees. 

Steps involved in Uttanasana:

  1. Stand tall and bend forward so that the palms touch the ground.
  2. The knees should be kept straight and the legs should be stretched.
  3. Stay in this position for 3 breaths and go back to the start.
  4. Do at least 5 reps to get the benefits.

What Type of Yoga Asanas to Control Emotions?

There is scientific proof that the body stores emotions. Yoga links these emotions to specific organs and these get accumulated in them blocking their functions. But there are some asanas that can heal and balance the emotions. Listed below are a few of them that can help control your emotions.

Vrkshasana (Tree pose)

It is a pose that promotes balance and centring. It improves the stability of the legs and also calms the mind. 

Steps involved in Vrkshasana:

  1. Take a deep breath and stand firm on both feet,
  2. Hold the thigh muscles firmly and engage your legs.
  3. Place your hands on the hips
  4. Place your right foot as high as possible on the left thigh ensuring the right foot is firm on the ground.
  5. Take about 20 breaths and shift from your right foot to the left foot.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose)

It is a very demanding pose and needs great practice to do this shoulder stand position. It is an asana that can transform all the negative energy into positive energy. It also promotes healing and unifies the mind and emotions.

Steps involved in Sarvangasana:

  1. Sleep on your back, raise your legs up towards the head.
  2. Raise your legs skywards keeping it slightly apart.
  3. Ensure that the feet and legs do not touch.
  4. Hold it for 4 seconds and return to the start position.

Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

It is a standing yoga pose that is named after Lord Shiva. It helps to increase concentration, strength, and stability. It is a good pose to practice when you have tensions in life. It helps bring balance to the mind and body.

Steps involved in Virabhadrasana:

  1. Keep your feet about 4 feet apart
  2. Keep the front toes pointed straight and the back foot in a 45 degree,
  3. Bend your front knee so that it is at a 90-degree angle and extend your arms.
  4. Breathe for about 20 breaths and come back to the start position.
  5. Repeat the same on the other foot.

Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

Apart from other health benefits, it helps to relieve stress and anxiety. It strengthens the leg muscles, arm, neck, and shoulder muscles. This exercise increases lung capacity and also helps with breathing issues like asthma.

Steps involved in Dhanurasana:

  1. Lie flat on your stomach, with the feet and hips parallel. Keep your arms on the side.
  2. Fold the knees up and use your hands to hold the ankles.
  3. Bring your chest upward and pull your legs so that it forms a bow.
  4. Hold this pose for 15 seconds.

Matyasana (Fish pose)

It is a good exercise that can be part of your everyday Bedtime Yoga. It helps in bringing relief from respiratory disorders, relieves tension from the neck and shoulders. 

Steps involved in Matyasana:

  1. Lie flat on your back and keep your feet together.
  2. Place your hands with palms down under the hips.
  3. Lift the head and chest, lower the head backward touching the top of the head to the ground.
  4. Hold this pose and take long breaths.
  5. Lower the chest and head and come back to the start position.

Everyone, be it young or old, experience stress in their lives. Children and young adults are stressed about studies and adults about career and life in general. Elders are stressed about health and their retirement. The result of stress over time causes many health ailments both mental and physical. Practicing yoga is a holistic approach that brings peace to the mind, body, and soul and is the best solution for the overall well-being.

Try this Different Types of Yoga Asanas for Stress Relief Provided By Cult fit

Check out this video for different types of Yoga asanas for stress Relief by Cult fit

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