What is Jathara Parivartanasana?

Jathara Parivartanasana, also known as the belly twist pose and twisted abdomen pose, is a supine yoga asana in which you have to twist your abdomen. The wrinkling action of your abdominal muscles leads to all the benefits of this asana. 

The name of this asana comes from the Sanskrit language where “Jathara” means “belly”, “Parivartan” means “twisted”, and “asana” means “pose”. Adding all these words, we get the Jathara Parivartanasana or the twisted belly pose. 

In this guide, we are going to cover how to do belly twists, their benefits, precautions, and much more. Read till the end if you want to add Jathara Parivartanasana to your home workouts

What Are the Benefits of Jathara Parivartanasana?

Here is a list of some Jathara Parivartanasana benefits you get by practising the asana regularly:

1. It Strengthens Your Spine:

When you lie on your back and stretch the muscles of the neck and shoulders, your back muscles also get massaged. The spine stays straight in this asana and yet the spinal muscles (from the crown of the head to the bottom) get stretched, resulting in a strong spine. 

2. It Helps In Getting Relief From Fatigue:

Feeling tired after having a long, dull day in the office? You can do the revolved belly pose and get rejuvenated as this asana can release muscular tension. 

3. It Tones Your Abdomen:

One way to tone the abdomen internally and externally is by squeezing the oblique muscles and core muscles. Jathara Parivartanasana squeezes these muscles and this, in turn, leads to toning of the abdomen and massage of internal organs such as liver, pancreas, stomach, kidney, etc.

4. It Strengthens Your Legs:

There are various muscles in your body that are responsible for the mobility and flexibility of the legs. Revolved belly pose can strengthen almost all of these flexibility muscles. 

5. It Helps In Digestion:

As we just mentioned above, Supta Parivartanasana can stimulate various abdominal organs which aids the functioning of digestive organs and boosts digestive juices.

6. It Stimulates Your Manipura Chakra:

The solar plexus (Manipura chakra) is located near the navel. When you twist your abdomen in this yoga asana, you also stimulate this chakra. A stimulated and balanced Manipura chakra aids in digestion, increases self-esteem, promotes interpersonal growth, and regulates your body heat. 

How to Do Jathara Parivartanasana?

Jathara Parivartanasana is quite simple to practice when seeing it in the context of its huge list of benefits. Here is a step-by-step guide that will you practice revolved abdomen pose the right way:

  1. Roll out a yoga mat and lie down on it in the supine position. 
  2. Elongate your spine and legs, and place your arms to the level of your shoulders. 
  3. In this pose, your palms should be facing down and your body will be making a shape of T. 
  4. Now, bend your knees, keep your feet on the mat, and lift your legs. 
  5. Slowly, raise your feet too and make your shins parallel to the ground. 
  6. Breathe out, lower your knees and keep your feet stacked.
  7. Along with that, turn your neck and head to your right side. 
  8. This is the belly twist pose, pause here for six deep breaths. 
  9. Breathe in, lift your legs, bring your head back to the central position keeping your bent knees towards the trunk. 
  10. Breathe out, turn your legs towards the right and turn your head to the left. 
  11. Again, pause here for about six slow breaths. 
  12. Breathe in, raise your legs, and bring your head back to the central position. 
  13. Breathe out, place your feet on the mat, extend your legs and arms back to the position where you started the yoga asana. 

Beginner’s tips

Follow the below-mentioned tips to make the revolved abdomen pose a little easier:

  • Most people when they do this yoga for beginners find it hard to keep their shoulders touching the floor. To ensure that your shoulders stay intact on the ground, you can move your corresponding hand towards your butt. 
  • If you struggle to turn your head or your neck is feeling stiff, you can avoid turning the head. 

Follow-up Poses

Parivartanasana paves the way for the following yoga asanas by warming up and stretching your body:

  • Reverse Corpse Pose (Advasana)
  • Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)
  • Corpse Pose (Shavasana)
  • Intense East Stretch (Purvottanasana)
  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Preparatory Poses

If your body feels a little stiff, you can stretch with the following prep yoga asanas:

  • Supine Spinal Twist Pose II (Supta Matsyendrasana II)
  • Waist Rotating Pose (Katichakrasana)
  • Torso Stretch Pose 
  • Twisted Pose (Vakrasana)
  • Sage Marichi Pose C (Marichyasana C)

Precautions And Safety Points

Yes, the Jathara Parivartanasana is quite easy to perform but you still need to ensure that you are leaving no chances for injury or muscular strain. Here is a list of some precautions and safety points that can help you do that:

  • If you are recovering from hip replacement surgery or any type of abdominal surgery, you should avoid the Parivartanasana until you are fully recovered. 
  • If you have any injury in the rib cage, ankles, knees, neck, spine, hips, and shoulders, you should practice this asana only after consulting with your physical therapist or doctor. 
  • Women during post-pregnancy and people suffering from any rheumatic disorder, hips arthritis, the herniated disc should also avoid this asana. 
  • Join online yoga classes if you are getting overwhelmed with the asana steps. 
  • Do not lift your upper back from the floor while twisting your neck and head or it will reduce the efficiency of the asana. 
  • Make sure that your knees don’t lie below your pelvic region or you might end up putting strain on your leg muscles. 

Jathara Parivartanasana Variations

If you are bored of doing the same asana, again and again, you can also try variations of Supta Parivartanasana. Here is a list of some variations that are easy to practice and offer the same benefits as that of Jathara Parivartanasana:

  • Jathara Parivartanasana B
  • Eka Pada Jathara Parivartanasana
  • Jathara Parivartanasana with Eagle legs


You do not necessarily need to practice complex yoga asanas to improve your health. Easy yoga asanas like the Jathara Parivartanasana also can benefit your body without demanding much effort. Add this asana to your daily workout and feel confidence and energy in your body every day. 

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