Most people turn to bench press for building chest muscles and that’s definitely a good option. But when you want to push all your focus on your pecs and make sure they get all pumped up and in shape, it’s always best to go the extra mile and try other chest workouts such as cable crossover

A cable crossover is an isolation move that specifically targets your chest muscles. That’s why many bodybuilders also include it in their workouts. So, if you have been planning to get terrific chest muscles and don’t hesitate to try compound exercises, you should definitely try cable crossover for chest

How To Do Cable Crossover?

While you can try the standard standing cable crossover, we have tried to include all the three types so that you can practice them easily as per your choice. These three types include the mid-chest cable crossover, high cable crossover, and the lower cable crossover. 

Also since these exercises need a cable machine, it is not possible to include if you wish to do workout at home. If you do want to try an alternative or variation, you can try resistance bands and try dumbbell workout. For now, let’s start with the classic cable crossover for chest

High Cable Crossover Exercise

  • Start by fixing the cable machines’ pulleys at each side and shifting them to the highest position.
  • Grip the handles of the cable and stand in the middle.
  • Now, walk a few paces forward and slightly bend the elbows. This is the starting position. 
  • Engage your pecs and pull both handles downwards to mid-thigh level of your body in an arc range of motion.
  • While doing this, make sure that your hands meet or cross; thus, the name cable crossover. 
  • Hold this position for two seconds and squeeze your chest muscles tightly.
  • Slowly return your arms to the starting position as you exhale.
  • Repeat. 

Mid-Chest Cable Crossover Exercise

  • Fix pulleys at each side of the cable machine to match the level of your armpits.
  • Clip a single grip handle and grip the handle to stand in the middle. 
  • Now, walk a few paces forward and slightly bend the elbows. This is the starting position. 
  • Engage your pecs and core muscles as you pull both handles in front of your body in an arc range of motion.
  • While doing this, make sure that your hands meet or cross; thus, the name cable crossover. 
  • Hold this position for two seconds and squeeze your chest muscles tightly.
  • Slowly return your arms to the starting position as you exhale.
  • Repeat.

Low Cable Crossover Exercise

  • Fix pulleys at each side of the cable machine to match the lowest level.
  • Clip a single grip handle and grip the handle to stand in the middle. 
  • Now, walk a few paces forward and slightly bend the elbows. This is the starting position. 
  • Engage your pecs and core muscles as you pull both handles upwards in an arc range of motion.
  • While doing this, make sure that your hands meet or cross; thus, the name cable crossover. 
  • Hold this position for two seconds and squeeze your chest muscles tightly.
  • Slowly return your arms to the starting position as you exhale.
  • Repeat.

Are there any Cable Crossover Benefits?

By performing standing cable crossover, you enjoy the following benefits:  

  • It is a great way to add muscle and define your chest and upper body. 
  • Along with the chest muscles, cable crossover benefits your arms, core, and glute muscles too. 
  • It can increase your range of motion and improve shoulder stability. 

Cable Crossover Variations

Here are some cable cross variations and alternatives so that you can also do cable crossover at home. With these changes, you can do cable crossover with dumbbells and resistance bands too. Take a look!

  • Single-arm Cable Crossover: In this variation, you use only one arm to stretch the cable to do the crossovers. Just make sure you hold your pecs with a free hand to support it. 
  • Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly: In this alternative, you can try cable crossover with dumbbells. But as the name suggest you need dumbbells instead of the cable machine. To do this, you should lie down on a bench with your feet on the floor. Knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle. Open your arms with each holding dumbbells and push them upwards so that they meet above. Hold and return to the initial position. 
  • Resistance Band Crossover: This is an excellent way to do cable crossover at home. Just attach the band to a fixed place and follow the steps we mentioned above. Just make sure you anchor them tightly to avoid any mishappening. 

Other than these, you can also try the following exercises when you cannot do cable crossover at home

  • Push ups
  • Dumbbell pullover
  • Chest dips
  • Band punch-down
  • Resistance band pull-apart


You will only enjoy the cable crossover benefits if you follow the right technique and avoid injuries. To help you, we have listed below a few of the precautions and tips that will help in preventing any accident. Read carefully: 

  • Always start with a warm-up before this exercise to open up your muscles and prepare them for the workout. 
  • If you have any back or shoulder injury, do not perform a cable crossover. In case you have recovered, talk to your doctor before beginning the workout. 
  • People with health conditions such as osteoporosis, high bp, or heart disease should also avoid this workout. 
  • You should also avoid cable crossover if you are pregnant or have been recovering from childbirth. 
  • Always check your legs’ position before starting the workouts or when you have to switch sides. If you do not have a strong stance, your chances of muscle twist or sprain increase. 
  • Make sure you keep breathing so that your muscles get oxygen to function and recover optimally. 
  • If you are a newbie to strength training, do not just jump to cable crossover. Get proper guidance from a gym trainer. Once you are familiar with weight training, you can start this workout. 

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