Breathing is the most basic necessity in life. It is done involuntarily by taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. Improper breathing will reduce the oxygen carried to various body cells and interrupt the carbon dioxide release. These lead to panic attacks, emotional disturbances, and fatigue. Shallow breathing is the most common mistake that most people commit, which signals a stress response to the system. Deep breathing, on the other hand, regulates blood flow, heartbeat, and digestion. Deep breathing is the basis for almost all breathing exercises as it avoids the fight-or-flight response and aids better health.Breathing exercises are the best way to reduce anxiety and stress by improving lung function. They do not take much of your time in a day and are very easy to follow without breaking the practice routine. Start with simple lung exercises that will allow you to enjoy the sessions. Most important of all is how you find time to get started amidst the busy schedule.

What are the 10 best breathing exercises?

Following are the 10 best deep breathing exercises to try at home without much guidance. Please pay attention to the breathing techniques throughout and practice them multiple times a day to become your conscious breathing pattern. List of Best Breathing Exercises:

1. Deep Breathing

It is the best breathing exercise for the lungs to relieve the shortness of breath and prevent air from getting trapped in the lung. It will allow you to intake more fresh air and will let you feel relaxed instantly. Perform this by either sitting or standing with the elbows backward, thereby expanding the chest. Next, deeply inhale through the nose and count until five. Then slowly breathe out and exhale the nose. Perform this for a minimum of 5 minutes and if you are not getting tired, do it for an extended time.

2. Pursed Lip Breathing

A pursed-lip breathing exercise should be performed at any time and mainly during strenuous activities like lifting, bending, or stair climbing. It is a simple breathing exercise that slows the breathing pace through a deliberate effort. Perform this by relaxing the neck and shoulder initially. Then keep the mouth closed and inhale slowly with the nose for two counts. Next, purse the lips as if you are going to whistle and then exhale gently by blowing air through them for a count of four. Start by practicing this exercise 4 to 5 times a day.

3. Breathe Focus Exercise

A breath focus technique involves a focus word or phrase that will make you feel relaxed and smile. The words or phrases may be peace, relax, and let go to make you stay focused. Therefore, this varies from one person to another. Start by practicing this for ten minutes. Sit or lie in a place that is comfortable for you. Be conscious of your breath and keep alternating between regular, shallow, and deep breaths. Concentrate on the belly movement with each breath and then combine the focus word with support for further relaxation. Increase the duration gradually until you can perform it for twenty minutes.

4. Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing is a type of belly breathing exercise to be performed when you are rested or relaxed. First, do abdominal breathing by lying on the back with the knees bend and head on a pillow for support. You must place one hand on the upper chest and the other below the rib cage. Start to inhale slowly through the nose and feel the stomach on the hands. Then exhale as you tighten the stomach muscles with the lips pursed. Next, increase the difficulty level by sitting on a chair and performing it. Perform diaphragmatic breathing exercise 5 to 10 minutes about 3 to 4 times a day. Over time you will get used to this abdominal breathing, and the technique will become very easy.

5. Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate nostril breathing exercise for the lungs is proven to enhance cardiovascular body function and lower heart rate. It relaxes the body and is best when performed with an empty stomach. Do not practice this exercise if you are not keeping well. First, choose a posture and place that is entirely comfortable. Next, use the fingers and press the middle finger on one side of the nostril. Inhale and then exhale by closing the other nostril. Keep doing this cycle for up to 5 minutes.

6. Lion's Breath

Lion's breath, also known as simhasana, is a part of a yoga breathing technique that energizes the body extensively to relieve the tension of the chest and face. Perform this exercise by sitting in a comfortable posture. Press the palms on the knees with the fingers wide and inhale deeply with the eye wide open. Simultaneously have your mouth wide open and stick your tongue out. Then lower your chin and contract the throat muscles. Finally, gently exhale through your mouth, making the sound "ha". Perform these deep breathing exercises to help the lungs at least twice or thrice a day.

7. Coherent Breathing

Coherent breathing is also known as resonant breathing by breathing at a rate of five inhalations and exhalations in one minute. This rate of breathing increases the heart rate, reduces stress, and also decreases the symptoms of depression. Continue making this breathing pattern for a few minutes to see the best results.

8. Equal Breathing

Equal breathing focuses on both inhalation and exhalation by making the breath smooth and steady. Perform equal lengths of breath with balance and stability. Here you will have to identify the breath length that is neither easy nor difficult. Choose the most comfortable position and breathe in and out, ensuring that the durations are even with a focus word. Perform this for 3 to 5 counts continuously and continue doing it for at least five minutes.

9. Humming Bee Breath

Humming Bee Breath is yoga for relaxation practice that makes the performer feel a soothing sensation around the forehead and stay calm. Few reports state that these relieve anxiety, frustration, and anger with the best breathing exercises to help the lungs. Perform the humming bee breathing technique by sitting in a comfortable place and closing the eyes. Place the fingers partially covering the ear canal as you inhale and exhale with a gentle press on the ear cartilage. With the mouth closed, hum loud and continue doing this as long as you can. As you will be producing a loud humming sound, make sure that you perform this exercise in a suitable and accessible place.

10. Sitali Breath

Sitali breath is a type of yoga breathing practice that will aid in lowering the body temperature and relaxing the mind effectively. Do not force the breath but try to extend the breath. First, stick out your tongue by bringing its outer edges together. Next, purse the lips and inhale through the mouth. Next, exhale through the nose and continue this for at least 5 minutes. This practice involves inhaling through the mouth, making sure you are performing is free of allergens or air pollution.

Wrap Up

The simple and best ten lung exercises, as mentioned, can be attempted at home by almost everyone. Dedicating time to perform it is the real challenge as you can do the breathing techniques effortlessly. Consult with your physician if you are taking any medication; otherwise, you are all set to go at the comfort of your own space with the mentioned breathing practices. Start today and improve both your physical and mental health quickly.

Check Out This Quick Breathing And Meditation Routine Provided By Cult fit

This Video is perfect for anyone who is trying meditation for the first time. Breathwork and meditation is a powerful tool we can use to center ourselves, reduce stress and live more mindfully

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