Meditation promotes several physiological variations in our body, which helps us to get into the habit of reacting to the challenges in life from a better, relaxed, and mindful place. According to the research, Meditation benefits in numerous ways stress, fatigue, blood pressure, sleep problems, insomnia. Such unhealthy conditions often arise from an ill mind that is clouded by stress and anxiety. But even a quick meditation can be a powerful technique that improves the response of relaxation. It also allows control of our autonomic nervous system, which reduces the frequency of how easily you are awakened. Meditation increases the secretion of sleep hormone--melatonin, serotonin, decreases blood pressure, reduces heart rate, and activate the sections of the brain that promote a calm mind. Meditation has many incredible benefits for stress management. It is a technique that can help relax your body and mind. And the best part is, it can be practiced in any way you want. Some methods connect with each person and with each individual's situation. If you like to swim, pool meditation may be the perfect thing for you. Those who want to run may prefer a running meditation. And while you can get the most significant benefits with the frequent practice of meditation, even 5 min meditation exercises can give a quick mood boost.

Things to Keep In Mind for a Quick Meditation

We all live in a world that contains distractions; the hustle and bustle are the norms. Even with a busy schedule, if you have only five minutes to meditate, you can still make it work. Five minutes can feel like a minimal amount of time, but it is sufficient to do a 5-minute meditation session and set the mood for your day. It will help reduce stress, increase your focus, productivity, and improve your mindfulness, while merely enabling you to be more aware during the rest of your work. Here are few things to keep in mind during quick short meditation for positive energy:

1. Set Aside Some Time

Set aside some time for yourself at least once a day. Set up a timer for about five or ten minutes, in which you can relax fully and without worrying about missing any important task.

2. Try To Relax Your Body

Try to relax while gently closing your eyes and take some deep full breaths from your diaphragm and try to release the stress in your body. Focus on breathing and count to five. Gently inhale from the belly, then into ribs, then to the chest, then to the crown of the head, and then slowly hold the breath for the fifth count. Change this process while exhaling and count for five, repeat the same process, and then start again. Try to visualize the stress leaving your body, escaping with each breath, and keep your focus on the breath.

3. Keep Your Focus On Your Mind

When you try to clear your mind from thoughts, do not focus on thinking about anything, instead focus on acknowledging the thoughts that wander your mind. And then, slowly let them go and bring your focus back to the breath and body.

If you notice and continue taking your mind back to the current moment, that is actual meditation. It will be easier to keep your mind and thoughts still.

4. Keep Practising

Maintain this practice regularly. Even if you start with a 30msecond session, keep doing it every day, while gradually increasing the time so you can go back to your work feeling relaxed, refreshed. Just focus on the sensations on your body, your breath, or focus on letting go of the thoughts. Try this meditation regularly to feel less stressed in your daily life.

Below are a few more tips for creating awareness of the meditation basics and helping you through the short meditation sessions.

1. Make sure to sit in a relaxed position

Even smaller bothering discomforts like uncomfortable clothes, noises, or an awkward sitting position can be a diversion from focus in short meditation for relaxation. So, make sure you are sitting in a comfortable position and a quiet place.

2. Try not to get too focused

Most people, when starting the meditation, wonder if they are doing it correctly? Or is this how its done, can make the process even more stressful. So, be in the flow, follow focus on your breath, and be in the moment.

3. Make it fun by Playing soft meditation music

To enhance your focus or practice, you can also use soothing music or any song that you liker so you can conveniently connect them with your session. You can again go for short guided meditation for sleep that is beneficial.

4. Practice These Short Meditations frequently

These short meditations sessions are a great and useful stress management technique. They can be used for both short-term relaxation and long-term resistance. And a regular practice of these short guided meditation for anxiety can help you become less responsive to stress and anxiety.

5. Try to increase the time in your short meditation sessions

Start with short sessions of  30 seconds, increase slowly to a minute, then 3 minutes over the times in a week for better results. When you are more practiced with meditation and doing it every day, these few-minute sessions will affect you.

No matter how busy you are, you will easily set aside some time for these mini-meditations mentioned below. Each of these methods takes 30 seconds or even less to practice.

12 Mindful Short-Meditations

Try to recognize the signs of your stress reaction. Your mind racing, your heart rate increased, and use then as a method to put prevent these signs. Sometimes even just by noticing your stress signals can help you feel good.

  1. Take one or a few deep breaths. Even one deep breath that you take can be counted, which will help you feel relaxed and energized instantly. Quick deep, relaxing breathing exercises take off the anxiety, slow down the heart rate, and lower blood pressure. A few deep breaths are a beneficial way to help yourself get back in charge of your emotions and state of mind.
  2. During these quick-meditation sessions, you can keep your eyes open. Keeping the eyes open gives a sense of wakefulness.
  3. Choose at least one activity to do with conscious attention. You can do any activity you like: taking a walk in nature, taking a hot shower any of these activities can be done with purposeful intent to focus on the current moment. You can start with 30 seconds short meditations sessions of focused attention.
  4. Learn to witness your thoughts go by. By practicing and learning to control your thoughts and emotions, you can learn a lot about your inner self. You will be able to focus better, control your feelings, and know what to think about and what to let go.
  5. Choose and recite a calming mantra, prayer, or motto. Also, try to write down a few positive and good perspective-giving sayings, and read them whenever needed.

The "Notice 5 Things" practice exercise will be a perfect one to start from. If you want to be aware of your surroundings, practice to notice any five fascinating things that you can hear, see, feel, or smell. This simple practice can be done on a walk, ride to work, or even just gazing outside your window.

We all know how a healthy mind is essential to a healthy life. But only a few people are aware that keeping a calm and relaxed mind can also improve health in the long term. Some of these short meditations require regular practice and dedication. But the benefits are enormous- more awareness of the present moment, less stress, less anxiety, less overthinking. You can also check out a little about advanced meditation to get more insight and detailed knowledge about leading a happy, stress-free life. Even if you cannot, or do not feel like, take time out for these short meditation to start the day, and try any of the short meditations mentioned above or just create your method.

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July 13, 2022
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