What Is Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorder is a condition in which a person feels persistent fear and anxiousness. While anxiety is common and occurs to everyone as the bodys natural response to stress, if you feel it all the time which affects your day-to-day life, then you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder.There are various types of anxiety attacks:

  • Agoraphobia: In this type of anxiety disorder, you feel fear of being in a specific place, feeling you cannot escape from it. Examples can be an elevator or an airplane.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder: You feel stress and worry without any reason.
  • Panic disorder: In this case, you may have recurring panic attacks in unexpected situations.
  • Separation anxiety disorder: This is the fear of being away from parents or loved ones.
  • Specific phobias: These may involve fear of a situation, activity, or object.
  • Medication-induced anxiety disorder: Some medications can also induce anxiety symptoms.

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Anxiety disorder symptoms are not the same for everyone. They depend on the type and severity of the disorder. Some of the common signs and symptoms include:

  • Panic and fear
  • Uneasiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Heart palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Troubles in sleeping
  • Nausea
  • Tense muscles
  • Dizziness
  • Overthinking
  • Lack of concentration
  • Weakness in body
  • Sweating
  • The urge to avoid situations that trigger anxiety

In some cases, people can control their symptoms through meditation and other tips. However, if these symptoms start affecting your daily life, it is advised that you consult a doctor to lead a better and healthy life.

‍Who Is At Risk?

Anxiety disorder risk factors may or may not trigger the disorder but they are known to increase the chances of developing the disorder. The most common reasons for anxiety disorder are as follows:

  • Any kind of trauma such as sexual abuse or any traumatic event.
  • Certain serious medical illnesses can cause anxiety.
  • Mental health disorders such as depression can trigger anxiety attacks.
  • The use of drugs and alcohol makes you more prone to anxiety disorders.
  • A family history of anxiety disorder can also be a risk factor.
  • Negative events in life can also increase the chances of anxiety.

Anxiety Disorder Causes

‍Not much is still known about the causes of anxiety disorders. Some potential anxiety disorder causes include:

  • Genetics: Most people with a family history of anxiety disorder often face the disorder.
  • Drug Withdrawal: Anxiety disorder may get triggered by drug misuse or its withdrawal.
  • Medical Conditions: Diseases related to heart, lung, or thyroid can cause symptoms that can worsen an anxiety disorder.
  • Brain Issues: As per some scientists, an anxiety disorder may occur due to the brains inability to control fear and emotions.

How Is Anxiety Disorder Diagnosed?

Anxiety disorder diagnosis cannot be done through a single test. The doctor will conduct various physical and mental evaluations that may be as follows:

  • Physical Examinations: The doctors ask you symptoms and may conduct blood tests or urine tests to see if there is an underlying health condition.
  • Mental Health Evaluations: You may have to go to a psychiatrist instead of a general physician. The anxiety disorder doctor will ask several questions or will do clinical assessments to measure your anxiety score.

How Is Anxiety Disorder Treated?

‍There are a number of treatment options for anxiety disorders. The most common and effective anxiety disorder treatment methods are:

  • Medications: Several medications can help in reducing the stress and manage the anxiety attack symptoms.
  • Therapy and Counselling: Depending on the type of anxiety disorder, you may be advised to go for therapies such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).

Dealing with anxiety disorder can be challenging. Therefore, the best thing to do is to seek an anxiety attack cure soon. Here at Care.Fit, we have a team of highly experienced mental health experts who can give you world-class consultation. You can also book an appointment online to save the struggles of visiting the clinic. Visit our website or app to know more.

‍How Can Anxiety Disorder Be Prevented?

Prevention of anxiety disorder is not easy since exact causes are still unknown. However, there are some steps you can take to reduce its impact:

  • Seek medical attention sooner to avoid getting serious disorders.
  • Avoid drug or alcohol as they trigger anxiety symptoms.
  • Stay active to ensure you feel good.

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