A pelvic tilt is a physical condition in which your pelvic bone gets displaced from its ideal position. Normally, your pelvic bone sits in a neutral position inside the body are called the pelvis. Because of various reasons, the pelvic bone gets misaligned and gives rise to the pelvic tilt. 

The pelvic tilt is differentiated into the following three types:

  • Anterior Pelvic Tilt
  • Lateral Pelvic Tilt
  • Posterior Pelvic Tilt

The posterior pelvic tilt is the condition in which the front part of your pelvis gets raised while the back part gets dropped. In simpler words, your pelvic rotates upwards in the posterior pelvic tilt

It can cause problems in your spinal alignment and deteriorate the health of your lower back. If you do not correct the position at the right time, it can impact your daily activities such as exercising or just standing around.

Posterior Pelvic Tilt Symptoms

In the cases where the tilt is only mild, people do not show any posterior pelvic tilt symptoms. However, if the tilt gets bigger, you might experience the following symptoms: 

  • Pain while walking or exercising
  • Headache
  • Weakness or numbness in legs
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Hip pain

Posterior Pelvic Tilt Test

You can determine whether you have a tilt problem or not with the help of a posterior pelvic tilt test. Slide your hand down your back and notice the curve. If you feel that there is no natural curve and you are showing the above-mentioned symptoms, there are high chances that you have developed posterior pelvic tilt

To ensure that the condition does not become worse over time, you can also consult a chiropractor and re-confirm whether you have a posterior tilt or not.

Posterior Pelvic Tilt Causes

Before you learn how to fix posterior pelvic tilt, it is important to know what is causing your problem in the first place. Once you know the potential posterior pelvic tilt causes, you will be better able to treat the problem by choosing the right treatment method and a change in lifestyle. 

A majority of posterior pelvis tilt patients are those people who sit on chairs most of the day. The lack of movement for such people can lead to the following:

  • Weakening of leg muscles
  • Losing the sense of balance
  • Poor body posture
  • Reduction in the length of tendons present around pelvic bones

These factors can make your glutes tuck inward and your upper body lean forward. If these factors persist, you develop a posterior tilt

How To Fix Posterior Pelvic Tilt

There can be many ways to learn how to correct posterior pelvic tilt. The simplest way is by making some changes in your lifestyle. You can learn how to do posterior pelvic tilt sitting and correct your sitting posture. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how do to do posterior pelvic tilt sitting:

  • Sit on a chair with your hips touching the chair joint. 
  • Straighten on your back and touch the feet to the ground. 
  • Slowly lift your feet from the ground and you will feel a contraction in your hip flexor. 
  • Gradually, bring back the feet on the ground. 
  • Do this exercise every once in a while when you are sitting in the office or on your couch at home. 

Another way to fix posterior pelvis tilt is by doing exercises. These exercises help you in placing the pelvic bone back in its neutral place. 

Posterior Pelvic Tilt Exercises

Learning pelvic exercises is a must if you want to know how to correct posterior pelvic tilt. Most of these exercises are low impact which means you will be able to practice them even if you have no experience of doing workouts. 

Another benefit of these exercises is that they do not require any special equipment. Hence, you can easily add these exercises to your workout at home. Here is a list of a few exercises that will help you fix posterior pelvic tilt:

Posterior Pelvic Tilt Squat 

The squat is an exercise that only will fix posterior pelvic tilt but it will also help you strengthen your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Here is a step-by-step on how to do posterior pelvic tilt squat  the right way:

  • Stand straight with your toes facing front and feet at a distance of hip-width to each other. 
  • Pull your hips back, and bend your knees and ankles. 
  • Now, press your knees open as you sit down. 
  • Keep your feet on the ground, and shoulders back - this is called the squat position. 
  • Try to bend your knees to a 90 degrees angle and reach parallel. 
  • Straighten your legs by pressing into your heels. 
  • Get back into the position from where you started this posture pelvic tilt exercise and do reps. 

Posterior Pelvic Tilt Stretches

Also known as the superman stretch, posterior pelvic tilt stretches to target your lower back and gluteus. Here is how you can do it:

  • Roll out a mat, lie on your stomach, and place your arms in front of you. 
  • Lift your head and chest and hold this pose for half of a minute. 
  • Lower down your chest, and do 3 reps of this exercise. 

Leg Raises

This posterior pelvic tilt exercise helps you sit and stand straighter. Here is how you can do it:

  • Lie on a mat keeping your legs straight and your arms right next to your body. 
  • Raise your legs in the air to the maximum while ensuring that your lower back does not arch. 
  • Lower down your legs gradually and do reps of this posture pelvic tilt exercise without moving any part of your body other than the legs. 


It is easy to fix this condition with a posterior pelvic tilt exercise and lifestyle change if you detect it early. Or you might not even experience any major symptoms if your pelvic tilt is mild. However, if the pain is severe, you can consult a chiropractor to make sure that the condition does not get worsened over time. 

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