Almost everyone knows that PCOS is a prevalent disease among women these days. But its causes, symptoms, and treatment are rarely talked about. And there is a reason for that. The exact reasons and treatment of PCOS are not known yet. However, we do know enough about this disease that we can improve your condition better if you are suffering from it. PCOS is a serious condition that can drastically decrease your quality of life. Hence, it is better to know everything about this condition so that you can help yourself or someone else who might be suffering from this condition. Below down is a complete guide to this medical condition.

What is PCOS?

PCOS meaning is polycystic ovary syndrome. It is a medical condition in which women's hormone levels get imbalanced. It develops in women who are in their childbearing years, that is from age 15 to 22 years. Most women who suffer from PCOS do not even know about it. This happens because of a lack of knowledge about the condition and the PCOD test.Ovaries are the reproductive organs in women that are responsible for producing eggs and hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. These hormones can control the menstrual cycle. Apart from these hormones, ovaries also produce male hormones called androgens. In this condition, male hormones get secreted in high levels and cysts get formed in the ovaries. The work polycystic in PCOS means many cysts.There is another condition called Polycystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD which is often thought to be the same as PCOS. This happens because PCOD problem symptoms are somewhat similar to PCOS. In both conditions, periods get missed or delayed. In PCOD, immature eggs get formed in the ovaries which later turn into cysts. To explain PCOD vs PCOS in simpler terms, the former is a disease while the latter is a group of symptoms. You can get yourself diagnosed with a PCOD test. In the test for PCOD, postprandial glucose and hormone levels are checked in your blood.

What Causes PCOS?

The exact PCOS causes are not clear to the doctors and scientists yet. However, it is believed that when high levels of male hormones get secreted in the body for some reason, they start to interrupt ovaries from producing healthy levels of estrogen and progesterone, and releasing healthy eggs.There are various factors that are considered as potential PCOS causes. Here is a small list of such potential PCOS causes:

  • Inflammation: Women who are suffering from PCOS are mostly seen to have a high level of inflammation. Obesity can contribute to this condition.
  • Insulin resistance: Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps the body consume sugar and convert it into energy. It is seen that around 70 percent of women who are suffering from PCOS have developed insulin resistance. This means that their body cell is unable to use insulin as they ideally should. When your body is unable to use insulin, the pancreas produces even more insulin to counter that. This leads to the production of more male hormones.
  • Genes: It is often seen that PCOS can run down in some families. It is assumed that various genes can become the cause of this medical condition.

Remember that it is not necessary that your condition is caused by all of these or in fact any of the above-mentioned factors.

What Are the Symptoms of PCOS?

PCOS symptoms are often experienced around the first period by some girls. Others experience symptoms when they gain weight or have trouble with getting pregnant. Here is a list of the most common PCOS symptoms:

  • Skin Darkening: Dark skin patches start to form on various body parts like under the breasts,
  • Acne: Excessive production of male hormones in the body also leads to oilier skin and breakouts on the face, upper back, and chest.
  • Irregular periods: The lining present around the uterine doesn't shed because of the lace of ovulation. And periods do not occur without uterine lining shedding. Some women have less than eight periods in a time of year in this condition.
  • Hair growth: Excessive production of male hormones in the body leads to hair growth on different body parts such as the chest, belly, and back. This condition is called hirsutism.
  • Obesity: A large number of women who suffer from PCOS gain excessive weight.
  • Baldness: Male-pattern baldness occurs in which hair on the scalp falls out.
  • Headaches: Headaches also occur in some rare cases of PCOS.
  • Heavy bleeding: Uterine lining keeps building up and then becomes heavy. When it ruptures, bleeding occurs more than regular periods.

Remember that these PCOS symptoms do not occur to every woman with PCOS. Some women experience very less signs while others experience a lot of changes to their health. If you are experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms, you should get a blood test for PCOD done. A diagnostic test can a gynaecologist if your symptoms are caused by PCOS or any other condition.

What is its Treatment?

PCOS treatment involves a number of treatment methods like PCOS exercise, birth control pill, PCOS diet, and hatha yoga: yoga for PCOS. When you consult doctor online, you should tell him or her about your preference and the doctor will suggest PCOS treatment methods that you are comfortable with. Here is a list of some PCOS treatment methods:

1. Medications

There are various types of medications that can be used to improve your insulin levels, increase your chances of getting pregnant, and reduce other symptoms. Unwanted hair can also be reduced by medications.

2. Healthy Diet

PCOS diet contains fewer calories that help in controlling the condition. Search a dietician near me and the dietician will suggest you a PCOS diet.

3. Birth control

Birth control pills, patches, and vaginal rings come with some hormones that can restore your balance of hormones, control excessive growth, and help in protecting you against endometrial cancer.

4. Exercises

Apart from diet, PCOS exercise can also help you in getting relief from symptoms. Yoga is one such PCOS exercise. With exercises, you start to lose weight and that helps in increasing the effectiveness of your medications.

5. Surgery

When other PCOS treatment methods do not work, surgery can be used to improve your fertility. Tiny holes are created with the help of surgery to restore normal ovulation in your ovaries.

Various treatment methods are used at a single time. Lifestyle changes like having a healthy diet and doing exercises regularly should be incorporated into your daily schedule. Once you are diagnosed with PCOS, it is necessary to take such steps even when your symptoms are reduced down.The TakeawayPCOS might not be cured but its symptoms can be controlled to a large extent. But for that, we should spread awareness about the disease. Regular women health checkup is necessary to detect the condition at the right time. Most women who suffer from this condition do not even know what PCOS is.Once people start knowing what this condition is and how can this be treated, the next steps are relatively easy to take. So, don't hesitate and talk to your nearest or online gynaecologist about the condition.

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