Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana, also known as the revolved head to knee pose, is a seated yoga asana that targets your shoulder muscles, hamstrings, and spine muscles. It is an easy yoga pose that even beginners can practice without much effort. However, yoga trainers prefer to add this yoga pose to the second half of the yoga session as your body needs to be warmed up before you start practicing it. 

If you want to strengthen your hamstrings without the use of heavy gym equipment, you should definitely learn how to do Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana. This is a complete guide on Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana where you will know how to practice the right form of this asana, what are its benefits, precautions, modifications, and much more. 

Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana Benefits

If you add this asana to your daily workout and stick to your routine, you are going to get the following Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana benefits:

  • This pose can help you open up your groin, chest, and shoulders. With increased flexibility, you will be able to do other intense yoga asanas.
  • Revolved janu sirsasana can help you loosen up your hamstrings if they are tightened because of running or any other athletic sport. 
  • While practicing Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana, you open up your rib rage. This makes more space for oxygen and improves your breathing. 
  • The gradual spinal twist of this yoga pose is believed to provide relief from headaches and improve your digestion. 
  • Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana yoga pose improves the blood flow to almost all major parts of your body which induces a calming effect. 
  • If you sit on a chair for long hours, this yoga pose can help you loosen up your body and stretch your spine. 
  • Since this is an easy yoga for beginners, you can do this yoga to increase the flexibility of your body for other yoga asanas.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Here is a step-by-step guide that will help you do Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana yoga pose the right way. 

  • Start this asana by first getting into the Upavistha Konasana (also known as the Seated Wide-Legged Straddle pose). 
  • Now, bend your left knee, and place your left foot’s sole on the inner part of your thigh. 
  • Breathe in and stretch your arms towards the sky. 
  • Breathe out and lean the upper part of your towards the right, as far as possible. 
  • Bring your right forearm’s backside towards the ground inside your right leg. 
  • If you think that you can’t stretch your body that far enough, you can bring your right arm onto a large block placed at the inside of your thighs. 
  • Breathe out, start twisting from the waist, and gradually rotate your upper body towards your right. 
  • Lift up your chin and move your neck and head along with the twist of your upper body. 
  • Raise your left arm over your head and bring the left biceps right above your left ear. 
  • You have to keep your left straight while doing this. 
  • Otherwise, you can also bend your left elbow and grab your head’s back with your left hand. 
  • While practicing the revolved head to knee pose, you have to make sure that your left elbow does not collapse inward. 
  • Keep your elbow opening to the left and right foot flexed. 
  • Pause for a few breaths and then come back to the position where you started this yoga asana. 
  • Now, switch the side of your leg and the direction of your body twist. 

Precautions And Safety Points

If you get the revolved janu sirsasana wrong, you might end up putting pressure on any muscle group. To ensure that does not happen, here is a list of a few precautions and safety points that you can keep in mind while doing the asana:

  • Never rotate your neck too far as this will put a strain on your neck muscles. Instead of rotating the neck, you should try to twist your torso deeper. 
  • While rotating the torso, make sure that it is in line with your head. Some people bring their head down and round their spine while twisting the torso which is not preferable. 
  • As a beginner, you might get confused about how to do some steps of this asana. Instead of getting overwhelmed by it and leaving the asana altogether, you can join online yoga classes and learn the right form of revolved head to knee pose
  • Before you get back into the sitting position, wait for your torso to get fully straightened. 
  • If you have a herniated disc or any type of injury in your hamstring, you should avoid doing the revolved head to knee asana. 
  • If you have diarrhoea, stop doing this asana until your condition gets completely treated. 
  • If you have any unhealed injury in your knee, shoulder, back, or hips, you should consult a physical therapist before adding this asana to your home workouts

Modifications and Variations

Another benefit of this yoga asana is that you can modify it according to the comfort and strength of your body. If you think that you have mastered the traditional form, you can make the asana harder. Alternatively, you can also make the asana easier if your body is not flexible enough to deeply rotate the torso. 

Here is a list of some ways by which you can do Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana modifications and variations:

  • If you want to make the asana easier, you can do the stretch in a cross-legged position or use a blanket under the hips to ensure that the spine stays straight. 
  • To make the asana a little harder, you can grab the big right toe with your right hand and get yourself in a yogi toe lock. 
  • You can also grab the right foot with the raised left hand but you also have to ensure that your torso stays in a straight line with your head. 


If you want to make your shoulder muscles, spine muscles, and hamstring stronger by doing a home workout, Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana is perfect for you. It might take some time for you to learn this asana, but once you master the pose, you will be able to engage a number of your upper body and lower body muscles. 

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February 16, 2022

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