What is Savasana?

After we have engaged our body in exercise, a cool-down session is extremely important. Also known as the warming down session, this session allows you heart rate and breathing to come back to normal levels as you relax.Though the cool down session depends on the kind of exercise that you did, one such relaxation exercise that works across every workout, including yoga of course, is Savasana.Savasana meaning the Corpse Pose, is a pose that is performed at the end of your yoga asanas routine. Its name is derived from the words sava, which means corpse, and asana, which means pose. Savasana pose is an ancient 15th-century pose that is a combination of Yoga Nidra meditation and relaxation aimed at letting you become more aware of the exercises that you did, your surroundings, and charging you up for the day ahead. One of the most essential components of Savasana yoga pose is that the yoga practitioner must feel comfort.Though it looks easy, Savasana is often referred to as one of the most difficult of yoga poses. This is because, while its easy to contort our bodies into different poses, it is quite difficult to tell our mind to stop wandering and relax in a state of quietude. It needs some practice to train your mind to get into a state of mindfulness and letting go of all tensions and actions for the time that you are practicing Savasana.

Who can perform Savasana?

Savasana is a very important asana that must be done by everyone who performs yoga to relax the body after the asanas:

  • Yoga practitioners
  • People who do high-intensity workouts can end their session with a Savasana pose.
  • Seniors
  • Pregnant women
  • People who experience stress, depression, or anxiety frequently.
  • Those who want to calm their mind and practice mindfulness.
  • People who feel confused due to constant flurry of thoughts.
  • Those who have high blood pressure.
  • People who suffer from frequent headaches or have a migraine.
  • People who experience fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Those who have been diagnosed with insomnia.
  • People who feel frequent palpitations.
  • Those who feel sluggish or dont seem to have energy.

Who should avoid Savasana?

There are certain conditions that dont allow the practice of Savasana yoga pose and require the doctors consent to practice this asana. These include:

  • People who, due to back issues like severe stiffness or pain, are not allowed to lie flat on their back.
  • People who have a reverse curve in their neck.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People who suffer from acid reflux.
  • Anyone who has suffered from an injury especially in the back must avoid practicing Savasana yoga pose before healing completely.
  • People who are suffering from fever, cold, or flu must not perform this asana before they recover completely.
  • Those in the midst of an extremely stressful episode.
  • People who are experiencing severe fatigue or exhaustion.

How does Savasana help?

The beauty of this gentle asana lies in the amazing physical, mental, and spiritual benefits that it offers. Even a 5 minute Savasana session will leave you with these benefits:

  • Exercising the body increases our heart rate. Savasana pose helps to regulate your heartbeat and lets it return to the normal state.
  • Savasana is a great technique that relaxes your body one part at a time. When practiced regularly, it conditions the body to react calmly to stressful triggers without extreme reactivity or panicked reactions.
  • The regular practice of Savasana yoga pose conditions the body to release stress and tension that may have accumulated over time.
  • Savasana, when practiced with pranayama yoga, meditation, or mindfulness, calms the mind and empties it of chattering and unproductive wandering thoughts.
  • Savasana yoga pose is very effective in relaxing the muscles of the body that may be fatigued not only due to yoga asanas but also due to general activity, standing or sitting for long hours, etc.
  • This asana is very helpful in easing pains and inflammation in the joints and muscles due to exercise or conditions like arthritis, etc.
  • Savasana helps in improving blood circulation. This in turn is very beneficial for improving your immunity required to fight off infections and diseases, strengthening the muscles, improving the functioning of your lungs, etc.
  • This blood circulation improved by Savasana helps in improving the health and quality of your skin and hair, faster healing of wounds, and better cognitive functioning in the form of improved concentration, memory, and productivity.
  • Savasana is very effective in balancing your nervous system and regulating your emotions. Gradually, it eliminates your hypersensitivity, anxiety, anger, and impulsive actions.
  • By regulating your breath, the Savasana exercise helps you feel connected and grounded with things and people around you. This is very important for becoming more conscious and aware of your surroundings.
  • When you practice yoga nidra and Savasana regularly, the harmful impacts of stress and anxiety on your digestive processes are eliminated. This helps in improving your gastrointestinal functioning and eliminating constipation, gas, flatulence, bloat, etc.
  • It is a very beneficial yoga posture for kids that helps in calming their restlessness and improving immunity and endurance.

How is Savasana done?

Though Savasana is a seemingly simple asana, it can get quite challenging at the same time. Savasana exercise requires your mind to be in a truly relaxed state, and that may be tough at times! Here is a detailed step-by-step explanation of how this asana is done:

  • Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms at the sides.
  • Your body should be in a natural state of rest.
  • Close your eyes slowly and take deep breaths.
  • Feel your body connected to the ground.
  • Feel the tension and fatigue releasing your body, starting from the soles of your feet to your head, as you begin to loosen every part and muscle slowly.
  • Start to relax your mind and try to empty it of all the thoughts. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to a neutral state. You can even chant or play relaxing music to help improve your concentration.
  • Stay in this position for at least 5 minutes.
  • To come out of this position, deepen your breath and slowly start reawakening your body by wiggling your toes and fingers.
  • Bring your knees to your chest and roll over to one side. Use your arm as a pillow and rest for a few seconds in a fetal position.
  • Using your hands for support, come back up in a sitting position.

What are some tips for practicing Savasana safely?

This seemingly gentle asana can get a little tricky for some. To practice Savasana yoga pose, here are some tips to keep in mind:

•  Never start doing this asana on your own without getting complete information of Savasana. You can either learn it from an experienced trainer or look for a meditation centre near me.
•  Having Savasana information will help you doing it properly to gain its intended benefits.
•  In case you have any lower back, neck, or shoulder issues, you can modify the yoga asana Savasana by placing a pillow under your belly or knees.
•  Start slow and build up slowly. You can start with brief 10 minute Savasana sessions and gradually increase the duration and frequency.
•  Practice Savasana in a space thats well-ventilated, clean, and has no distractions.

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July 28, 2022

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