An effective exercise routine coupled with a healthy diet is essential for successful weight management. When you do a tiring workout session at a gym or home, the body uses lots of energy. Consuming proper food helps in replenishing the body with the much-needed nutrients. Hence it is essential to take care of your diet to get the desired results. While creating a diet plan, knowing the pre workout meal is necessary to prepare the body for energy burnout.

Why have a Pre Workout Meal?

There are varied views among health experts on whether one has to eat a pre workout meal or not. Fasted cardio is popular as it gives more energy at workouts, resulting in faster weight loss. But on the other side, many people talk about the benefits of a good pre workout meal for weight loss. So whether to have it or not is based on the individual goals and the type of exercise routine. But in general, here’s why you should have a good pre workout meal.

Pre workout meal meaning is simple, it’s having a meal or a snack before the workout. The primary purpose of having a meal before a workout is to replenish glycogen. This type of carbohydrate is short-term storage needed for instant energy. This is usually absent in the mornings as it is not in much supply and fuels the nervous system when asleep. However, the muscles need this as it helps them recover from the rigours of the previous day. The body needs a very small quantity of glycogen, but it needs something to provide energy; hence it is a good idea to have an early morning pre workout meal if you are doing a morning workout. Since the choices of these foods can make or break your results, it is recommended that you experiment with several options and stick to the ones that work for you.

Best Pre Workout Meal Choices

Some foods are better to have before your exercise routine as they help your body cope and allow you to give your best performance. While every individual has different nutritional requirements, there must be a perfect balance of protein, fats, and carbs. That ensures you to aid recovery, fuel the body, fight fatigue and reduce hunger pangs. Here is a list of such best morning pre workout meals.

  • Bananas

Banana is a natural power food packed with potassium and carbohydrates and is the best morning pre workout meal. These nutrients provide instant energy to the body and mind and support muscle and nerve function. The other major benefit is, it is a good grab-and-go meal. Smear some peanut butter or other nut butter and get an added boost.

  • Oats

Oats is rich in fibre and hence the best pre workout meal for fat loss. They are a good source of complex carbs and hence release energy slowly. So that means the energy levels can be maintained consistently throughout the workout. So you can aim to gain or lose weight and train longer with more energy. It is also rich in Vitamin B, which aids in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy. Irish oats are the most recommended if you are looking for the best type of oats. They have a lower glycemic index and are not highly processed, providing the maximum benefits. If you find that hot oats are heavy on your stomach, cook overnight and use it chilled.

  • Green Yoghurt With Chia Seeds And Some Berries

This is one of the best pre-workout meal in the morning as it is tasty and has all the needed macronutrients. The yoghurt is rich in protein, the chia seeds are a great source of healthy fats, and the berries have carbs. If you want more strength for your weight training or cardio, add nuts instead of chia seeds to make it the perfect pre workout meal early morning.

  • Grilled Chicken And Vegetables

If you plan to gain weight and build muscles, then a combination of sweet potato, broccoli, and grilled chicken is a good pre workout meal early morning. There are many healthy recipes online that you can try and have as a snack or a gym pre workout meal.

  • Smoothies

Fruits are a great source of simple sugars and are easily digestible. They are a great source of energy for highly intense workouts. Try a combination of banana, oats, almond milk, peanut butter, and flaxseeds smoothie to get all the benefits of pre workout meal. A smoothie is a pre workout meal at home, provided you smartly use it. Ensure that you do not add more fat and sugar. Also, if you opt for buying a smoothie as a gym pre workout meal made in the shop, be mindful of the sugar. This is the best pre workout meal for weight gain.

  • Scrambled Eggs With Cheese

This is an early morning pre workout meal that boosts your workout due to a good amount of protein found in eggs. Add all the ingredients and get the benefits of pre workout meal.

  • Trail Mix

This is among the foods that people who are looking for a good pre workout meal for weight loss should avoid as it has a high-fat content. However, it is a good choice as a pre workout meal for weight gain. If you buy the trail mix from a supermarket, avoid chocolates or sugar-coated nuts. Ideally, it is a pre workout meal at home to add what you like.

Tips To Stay On Track After Creating The Best Pre Workout Meal In Morning

Now that you know what is a good pre workout meal, it is important to stay on track with the best pre workout meal for fat loss or gain.

  • To make the task of making the best pre workout meal in morning easy, prepare it beforehand. For instance, the night before.
  • Make the preparations for a whole week. Spend 1 day to plan and prep. This not only removes any guesswork but also makes it easy.
  • Do not include fibre in your plan as it takes time to digest, and that causes stomach discomfort.
  • Do not drink too many fluids or even water as it gives you an unpleasant sensation while working out. If you are thirsty, take small sips.
  • Your body knows what is best, so listen to it. Play around with various snacks and include what makes you energetic. For some, even a tiny snack is enough.
  • Watch out for what you eat as post workout meal to undo your efforts.

Ask yourself what is a good pre workout meal meaning for you and your workout needs. For example, it is best to have a pre workout meal that contains more carbs for exercises like cardio, strength training, etc. On the contrary, if you are doing only cardio for a lesser time, you can skip the pre workout meal. However, if you have not eaten the previous night, a snack is a good idea. However, all this is individualised and is trial and error, so determine what works best.

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January 31, 2022
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