Talk about healthy recipes and you are most likely to find oats as one of the key ingredients. Loaded with various nutrients like fiber, magnesium, protein, potassium, and omega 3 fatty acids, oats are perfect for your healthy diet. They can be easily added with peanut butter, banana, or maple syrup and enjoyed as breakfast.But what about overnight oats? Are they as healthy as regular oats?In this article, we are going to answer each one of these questions. Bonus: we also tell you some of the amazing healthy oats recipes you can try.For now, let us first tell you what overnight oats are. As the name suggests overnight oats are the raw oats that were left soaked overnight in a liquid. The liquid can be almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk, or even Greek yogurt. The night oats absorb the milk at night and soften. This can make them good for any oats recipe for diet.

How are overnight oats healthy?

Yes, overnight oats are really healthy. Over the years, overnight oats have become a new trend as they have high fiber and nutrients as compared to cooked oats. When night oats are soaked, the starch in them is naturally broken. This leads to the absorption of more nutrients. Further, the acids present in the oats also break down overnight, and this assists in better digestion.What more? Due to the soggy texture, overnight oats recipes are much easier to consume in the morning. It is also believed that overnight oats also help in increasing the insulin in the body; thereby regulating Type 2 diabetes. Overnight oats calories are also not high which makes them good for weight loss.

Overnight Oats Health Benefits

Now that we know that overnight oats are healthy, here are some health benefits you can reap from healthy oats recipes:

  • Have Better Digestibility

Soaking oats overnight is almost as if you are cooking them; only the process is slower and it is done without heat. Now, this breaks down the starch and reduces the natural phytic acid present in oats. This breakdown results in the better digestion of overnight oats as compared to regular oats that are cooked.

  • Contain Increased Resistant Starch

RS is a natural crab that assists in digestion and weight loss. It also increases the feeling of fullness and decreases insulin levels that further proves healthy. Now, it appears that resistant starch is found at higher levels in cooked starchy foods than cooked ones. Thus, people often try overnight oats for weight loss.

  • Have Versatility

Overnight oatmeal is easy to make and the dishes you make from it are plenty. You can experiment with healthy oats recipes with endless additions and variations. From overnight banana oats and overnight oats with chia seeds to peanut butter overnight oats, you can make various oats recipes for weight loss and also for a basic healthy meal. You can also simply add things like coconut flakes, flaxseed, nuts and nut butter, fresh fruit, dried fruit, cinnamon, berries, and even cacao nibs, protein powder to your overnight oats recipe.

  • Save Both Time and Money

Overnight oats are not expensive and as they are so filling, you won't feel the need more during the day. This makes them best for those who are on a budget but still want something healthy. What more? Well, overnight oats recipe is easy to prepare and may take only 5 minutes. So you just wake up and eat them right away with anything. You can also make homemade oats granola and no need to spend hours cooking. You can also pack them with add-ins and eat them on the go.

  • Are Delicious and Tasty

Not all the healthy and weight-loss ingredients are tasteless. Take overnight oats as an example. You can make some of the most delicious and enticing breakfasts with overnight oats. You can also customize them as per your taste buds by adding sweet and sour ingredients. If sweetness is what entices you, you can pour honey and fruits like pomegranate and bananas to make your overnight oats enjoyable. You can also add cocoa powder or dried fruits to turn your simple overnight oats into a dessert to relish.

Top Healthy Oats Recipes

Here are some easy yet tasty recipes you can make with overnight oats:

  • Overnight Oats with Berries, Peanut Butter and Seeds: To start with, take some mixed oats. Add peanut butter and honey with milk. You can also use soy milk or yogurt. Let the oats soak overnight in a fridge. In the morning, take the soaked oats out and top them with berries and seeds. Enjoy the delicious and healthy overnight oats recipe for weight loss.
  • Overnight Oats Jar Banana And Pomegranate: Take a bowl and add basil seeds and water to it. Let the mixture soak. Now, in another bowl, add these soaked basil seeds with oats, curd, and honey. Add milk and mix everything properly. Refrigerate the mixture for some time. Now, layer this oats mixture in a jar. Top it with pomegranate and also add sliced bananas. Try this twice and your amazing recipe is ready.
  • Fruit Pop Oatmeal Bowl: First add water to a pan and bring it to a boil. Now add rolled oats and boil till the oats edges get soft and mushy. Let the boiled oats cool now. Once they are cooled down, squeeze the water out and put them in a bowl. In another bowl. Add curd, basil seeds, milk, and honey. Mix them properly. Add the oats in it and let them soak for a night. Similarly, also soak dried cranberries for at least 6 hours in chilled water. Later squeeze them. In a bowl, add white wine vinegar and lemon juice with water. Mix properly. Cut the pear into small cubes and add them to the vinegar mixture. In another mixing bowl, add overnight rolled oats and banana. Portion the soaked oats in a serving bowl. Top them with diced apple, pea, seedless dates soaked cranberries, and pomegranate. Finally, garnish with mint leaves and enjoy.

Mango-Ginger Overnight Oats: Take a mason jar and add oats to it. Now, add water, coconut milk, honey, and ginger. Also, add mango slices to the jar. Cover it and let it soak overnight. In the morning, top with pomegranate seeds and relish the yummy oats.Apart from the above-mentioned, you can also try some other recipes depending on your health goals. For instance, other oats recipes for weight loss are:

  • Cinnamon Roll Overnight Oats
  • Apple Pie Overnight Oats
  • Pumpkin Pie Overnight Buckwheat and Oats
  • Strawberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats
  • Spiced Pear Overnight Oats
  • Protein overnight oats

The Final Words

Overnight oats have become quite popular. It is not only healthy and good for weight loss but it is also easy to prepare and utterly delicious. All this makes them a perfect combination for a healthy breakfast. So, if you have been worried about what to add to your meals that are nutritious and delicious, overnight oats may be the perfect solution. Just experiment, try new recipes, and you will never get tired of it ever again.

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