What Is Hypothyroidism?

Thyroid disorders are quite common these days, and occur when the thyroid gland doesn’t function well. It either creates too much thyroid hormone or does not release a proper amount of thyroid hormone into your bloodstream. When there is a lack of hormone release, it is known as hypothyroidism while the excess release results in hyperthyroidism. 

In this article, we will focus on hypothyroidism and learn yoga for hypothyroidism. Keep reading: 

What Is Yoga For Hypothyroidism?

It is a known fact that yoga asanas can help in treating various health issues. Thyroid disorders are also among them. While you cannot use yoga for hypothyroidism to treat it entirely, you can notice differences in your metabolism and health which eventually prevent any further complications. In fact, a study stated that women who performed yoga poses for hypothyroidism for at least 6 months required fewer medications to keep their thyroid hormone level in check. 

When the perform asanas for hypothyroidism, you can relieve stress and also improve the functions of the thyroid gland. It is important to note that there is a connection between stress and hypothyroidism. When you tackle stress through yoga, you also the reduce effects of hypothyroidism. 

However, don’t depend on finding the cure for hypothyroidism in yoga. It is a complementary therapy and not the replacement for the medications or treatment options that doctors suggest. Thus, along with performing yoga for hypothyroidism, make sure you also seek consultation from a health expert. 

It is also advised that you check with your doctor before beginning any yoga program. To make your session more effective, learn the best yoga for hypothyroidism from a yoga expert. They will also customize a session according to your needs. If going out is not an option, you can also take online yoga classes and stay healthy at home. 

Different Yoga Asanas For Hypothyroidism To Do

There are plenty of yoga poses for hypothyroidism that you can perform based on your level of expertise. Below, we have discussed some of the best yoga for hypothyroidism that are a mix of easy and moderate level poses. Read and learn: 

  1. Pranayama

To begin with here is one of the easiest yet effective yoga for thyroid. Performing pranayama for hypothyroidism ensures that your thyroid functions well by improving your blood sugar level and reducing adrenal stress – both of which are responsible for hypothyroidism. It also helps in cleansing blood, which again impacts an underactive thyroid. In addition, you can also improve your respiratory health and speed up metabolism. 

  1. Sarvangasana

Also known as the Shoulder Stand Pose, Sarvangasana is one of the challenging asanas for hypothyroidism. You need to have at least an intermediate level of expertise to perform this yoga for hypothyroidism. That said, Sarvangasana is also one of the most effective yoga for hypothyroidism. This yoga exerts pressure on the thyroid gland and improves blood circulation in the gland. This squeezes the stagnant secretion and nourishes the thyroid; thereby reversing hypothyroidism. 

  1. Ustrasana

Ustrasana or the Camel Pose work on your thyroid by stretching the neck and increasing blood circulation. You can also increase your spine strength and flexibility by performing this yoga for hypothyroidism on a regular basis. But there are a few things you should keep in mind. For instance, you should avoid this yoga if you have arthritis, vertigo, or any abdominal injuries. Also, if you have hyperthyroidism, you should skip this asana. 

  1. Setu Bandhasana 

Known as the Bridge Pose in English, this yoga for hypothyroidism again focuses on improving the blood flow in the thyroid gland by stretching your neck. You can also perform Setu Bandhasana to strengthen your muscles and stretch your whole body. However, if you are a pregnant woman, you should avoid this yoga for hypothyroidism

  1. Halasana

If you are looking for yoga poses for hypothyroidism that also relaxes your nervous system, halasana is a great choice. This yoga stretches your neck to stimulate the thyroid gland while also strengthening your nervous system. It also boosts the strength of your back and abdominal muscles to improve body posture and digestion. Do not perform this yoga if you have hyperthyroidism. 

  1. Viparita Karani (Inverted Pose)

Do Viparita Karani on a regular basis and protect your body from several ailments including hypothyroidism, vertigo, acidity, piles, and so on. This simple yoga for hypothyroidism improves the blood flow towards your upper body along with your thyroid gland and improves its function. This yoga also cures insomnia and calms your mind to manage anxiety and stress. 

  1. Matsyasana 

Also known as the Fish Pose, Matsyasana yoga relieves a lot of tension in your thyroid gland area and also stimulates its functions by increasing the blood flow. This occurs when you invert your head. You can also perform this yoga for maintaining the health of your abdomen and spine. 

A few other yoga asanas for hypothyroidism you can easily perform at home are: 

  • Dhanurasana or the Bow Pose
  • Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose
  • Navasana or the Boat Pose
  • Bitilasana Marjaryasana or the Cat-Cow pose
  • Janu Shirasasana or the One-legged Forward Bend

Benefits Of Doing Yoga for Hypothyroidism

Along with improving thyroid function, you can also try yoga for hypothyroidism in:

  • Getting a strong body
  • Boosting immune system
  • Controlling blood sugar level and blood pressure
  • Improving your flexibility and posture
  • Lowering stress and anxiety levels
  • Reducing risk of acidity, GERD, and other digestive disorders
  • Removing fatigue and tiredness
  • Improving nerve function
  • Relaxing mind and improving overall mood


Add this yoga for hypothyroidism and you may improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. This is also a great way to improve your overall health and mental peace. But if you are looking for a cure for hypothyroidism in yoga, we would suggest that complement it with proper treatment and medications prescribed by a doctor. 

The main aim of yoga is to control thyroid function and stimulate it. Also, the process may take a while. Thus, always consult a doctor first and then start the yoga for hypothyroidism.  

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