Did you know that your bio-mechanism can get impacted tremendously if your body has a weak hip abduction? It will reduce the lower body’s functionality, including the ankles, knees and feet. This will eventually lead to a considerable decrease in your coordination, flexibility and core stability. Therefore, it is crucial to strengthen the hip muscles with excellent hip abduction home exercises and other oblique exercises.

While performing adduction of hip workouts at home, there are fewer chances to give a break for your workout session, thereby making consistency possible. But if you experience a painful hip abduction workout at any point, do not overdo or push your body beyond the limit, as doing so will cause permanent damage to the muscles.

Why wait? Start today with the various hip abduction exercises at home and set your glutes and obliques on fire.

Hip Abduction Benefits

If the hip muscles are weak, you are prone to injuries. Conditions like patellofemoral syndrome or iliotibial syndrome are possible with injured or dormant gluteus medius. By performing the hip abduction for glutes, you can improve your knee health and back stability with time.

Knee valgus is a condition that arises because of poor hip strength and is primarily seen in older adults and young women. The knees cave inwards here by giving a knocked appearance. Abduction of hip joint improves the condition and treats it over time.

Adduction of hip is seen to activate the core muscles by increasing the athletic performance in the person. In today’s sedentary lifestyle, people tend to spend most of their time sitting, because of which their glute muscles grow weak. An effective hip and butt workout will help resolve the situation and activate the gluteus medius effectively. Use the hip abduction band in such moves to improve the overall performance.

Types Of Hip Abduction Exercises

  • Side Lying Hip Abduction

Start the lying leg abduction exercise by lying on the sides with a mat on the floor. Now rest the head against the arm and have your knees bent. Place the feet together and then separate them by lifting the top leg upwards. As you do the side lying hip abduction, make sure that your hip is stable. The next step is to lower the lifted leg back to its original position slowly. Keep doing the lying leg abduction 10 times and then switch to the other side. Take it slow and try doing it in the best form.

  • Standing Hip Abduction

You can start performing this exercise by standing with the legs as wide apart as your shoulders. Place a chair or any supportive item near you, so that it will help with stabilising the move. As it does not require any special tool or equipment, you can efficiently perform these hip abduction exercises at home. Then by drawing the abdominals and safeguarding your back, kick your leg out to the side of the body slowly. A simple hack to do this is by pulling the belly button inwards. Take care to maintain the toes pointed with the knees straight. Then return to the starting position and try doing 10 to 15 standing hip abduction moves at least thrice continuously. You can then repeat with the other leg.

  • Seated Hip Abduction

You can perform this by sitting on a bench and using resistance or hip abduction band here to perform them flawlessly. This exercise is done with bands, and so it is referred to as banded hip abduction. Start by having the feet straight with one feet space in between them. Then move the knees to the sides gently with the help of the bands and get back to the starting position. Perform the seated hip abduction slowly to target all the muscle groups appropriately. You can perform 10 of these effortlessly and try doing 3 sets with some breaks in between.

  • Supine Hip Abduction

This exercise is done by lying flat on the floor with the back. This again makes use of resistance bands, and therefore this banded hip abduction can be done without any errors. Take care to maintain your legs straight and slowly bring one leg to the side. Then move it back to the starting point and perform at least 15 supine hip abduction moves to see good results. You can then shift to the other leg and perform it in the same manner.

  • Cable Hip Abduction

Fasten one leg to the cable pulley machine such that the cable is only a few inches above ground level. Then lift the leg from the floor to the sides slowly in a standing posture. Therefore, it is also known as cable standing hip abduction. This workout is a bit challenging and not recommended for beginners. After reaching your maximum height, slowly lower the leg down back to the original position. Try doing it correctly and attempt at least 10 counts of the cable hip abduction moves. Do not push yourself beyond your comfort zone if it turns out to be a painful hip abduction workout, as the cable standing hip abduction is the hardest amongst the abduction exercises. People are generally advised to take it slow as the injury caused might lead to severe problems.

  • Hip Drops

As discussed earlier, hip abduction benefits you by treating the iliotibial band syndrome, and one classic move that does it is the hip drops. It is simple and must be performed with perfect body control. The equipment needed here is a step or a raised platform. Start by performing with one foot on the raised surface in a standing posture. Take care to maintain the other leg straight. Now lower the leg from the surface with shoulders stable by initiating the move from your hips. Hold the position for at least two seconds, keeping the pelvis stable. Then return to your starting position and perform again in a slow manner. Try doing at least 15 reps with 25 counts on each side.

The abduction of hip joint with its effective exercises as mentioned above are frequently practised by weightlifters and bodybuilders. Therefore, undoubtedly hip abduction for glutes is very effective for injury prevention and body stabilisation. So, start today and make the change!

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