1.What is Rosacea?Rosacea is a skin condition Redness in the skin. This mostly affects the face and the condition can get worse if left unattended. Sometimes it is mistaken for acne, eczema and skin allergy too. Types of RosaceaThere are four subtitles of rosacea.

  • Subtype One: This subtype is mostly associated with redness in the face and visible blood vessels.
  • Subtype Two: This condition starts with breakouts in the skin like acne and it affects middle age women the most.
  • Subtype Three: THis is a very rare form where the skin on the nose gets thickened. It mostly affects men and it usually occurs in combination with other subtypes.
  • Subtype Four: This mostly occurs near the eyes.

2.What are the symptoms of Rosacea?There are many signs associated with Rosacea. The signs however may vary from person to person. Here are some of the common Rosacea symptoms:

  • Flushing: Sometimes a flushing episode can last for 5 minutes too. The blush can go from the face to the neck down too.
  • Hyperactive Skin: The blood vessels on the face dilate very easily to touch or any physical stimuli. Even sunlight can lead to breakouts as the skin is very sensitive.
  • Redness: Facial redness can also be seen resembling sunburn due to tiny blood vessels that are expanding near the surface of the skin
  • Inflamed Blood Vessels: As the signs get worse, tiny blood vessels also get visible and they cause swellings that look like spider webs. This can lead to the skin becoming blotchy.
  • Ocular Rosacea: This causes burning sensation near the eyes which leads to the eyes looking bloodshot.  At times it can lead to conjunctivitis too.
  • Facial Swelling: Due to excess fluid retention, the proteins on the face starts leaking out leading to fluid build up on the skin. THis makes the skin look swollen.

3.Who is at risk to get Rosacea?People who have fair skin and blush easily are more at risk to get Rosacea. It is very common among women however, the symptoms are worse among men. The common Rosacea risk factors factors include:

  • Women
  • Light Skinned person
  • Anyone over the age of 30
  • Smoking
  • Heredity of Rosacea

4.What are the causes of Rosacea?The main Rosacea causes remain unknown. It could be due to a combination of many factors including hereditary and other environmental factors. Some of the causes include:

  • Drinking very hot drinks
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Exposure to sunlight
  • Exercise
  • Drugs that act on the blood vessels
  • Cosmetic products

5.How is Rosacea diagnosed?There are no specific tests for Rosacea diagnosis. A doctor examines the skin and then questions the patient about the symptoms and other triggers. The best way to identify Rosacea is the presence of a dilated blood vessel. There is no set Rosacea test that can identify the condition.6.How is Rosacea treated?There is no specific Rosacea treatment strategy that a doctor can follow. The only thing that can be done is to manage it effectively. Sometimes, the Rosacea doctor can also suggest some simple medical procedures such as:

  • Using lasers to remove the bigger blood vessels
  • Dermabrasion process which removes the top most layer of the skin
  • Electrocautery where electric current is used for removing the damaged blood vessels.

A combination of medicine for Rosacea could be used for managing the disease too.

  • A  gel that is used for getting the blood vessels tighter
  • A medicine that can take care of swelling and redness
  • A combination of antibiotics can be used for killing the bacteria which causes the infection

The thickened skin condition can be treated via Plastic surgery. The surgeon looks at the areas and uses lasers to remove the thick skin and the excess tissue that can be used for fixing the nose again. There are many methods to perform this procedure and it is best to discuss with the doctor on which one will work best for you and the condition you are facing. 7.How to prevent Rosacea?Some of the tips that can be followed on the lines of Rosacea Prevention are:

  • Using Sunscreen: make sure that you use good sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVb rays.
  • Use natural Skin care: If you are someone who uses a lot of product for the skin, you can make the switch by choosing natural and organic skin care products
  • Moisturize: Always moisturize your skin. Hydrated skin responds better when exposed to UV rays.

There is no specific Rosacea cure and the condition can only be managed.

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