What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a type of skin disorder that Causes your skin cell to multiply almost ten times faster than normal. This leads to a skin build-up of red patches that are covered with white scales. The skin build-up may appear anywhere but are more commonly seen on the scalp, knees, elbow, and lower back. According to psoriasis doctors, the triggers for psoriasis include stress, infections, and cold. It usually appears for the first time in early adulthood.  Unfortunately, Psoriasis is a long term chronic disease with no permanent cure. It tends to flare up for a few weeks or months and then subside for a while before flaring up again. It is a good idea to practice coping strategies and lifestyle habits to Prevent psoriasis from taking over your life.

Different Symptoms Of Psoriasis

Psoriasis Symptoms and Signs may vary from one person to the next. Some Symptoms are:

  • Red, inflamed, and raised patches of skin
  • White-silver plaques or scales on the red patches
  • Small scaling spots
  • Dry skin prone to cracking and bleeding
  • Itching or burning around patches
  • Thick, ridged, or pitted nails
  • Swollen and stiff joints
  • Soreness around patches

Unfortunately, not everyone has the same symptoms due to different psoriasis types. Most people who suffer from psoriasis tend to go through cycles of Symptoms. They will notice their symptoms become severe for a few days or weeks and then suddenly clear up and become unnoticeable. It repeats after a few weeks. This is usually caused due to a psoriasis trigger. The trigger causes the condition to flare up again. If you have no active signs of psoriasis, it only means that you are Symptom-free presently and not psoriasis-free completely.

Who Is At Risk?

Although psoriasis is related to a couple of Risk Factors, it may still appear if you are not associated with any of the Risk Factors. According to medical experts, you have a greater risk of developing psoriasis if you have more Risk Factors:

  • Family history of psoriasis
  • Any stress or emotional disorders like suppressed anger, anxiety, Depressions, stress, and so on.
  • Psoriasis may develop if you have a respiratory infection like sinusitis, tonsillitis, or strep throat.
  • It may appear at the site of the previous injury on your skin like a cut, injection, or burn.
  • HIV/AIDS patients are at a higher risk.
  • Studies have shown that obesity increases your risk of developing psoriasis.
  • Excessive intake of alcohol is a Risk Factor for psoriasis.

Some medications have also been observed to trigger or cause psoriasis. Interestingly, fair-skinned people who have a family history of psoriasis are more prone to developing Disease than dark-skinned people. It can be triggered by climatic and weather conditions.

Causes Of Psoriasis

Medical professionals are not exactly sure about psoriasis Causes. However, they do agree that it can be a combination of Causes, rather than a single one. In most cases, the immunity system is weak, which leads to inflammation. This triggers the formation of new skin cells at a faster than usual rate. Under normal conditions, skin cells get replaced every ten to thirty days. If you have psoriasis new skin cells are formed every three to four days leading to build-up. The silver scales are caused when the build-up of old cells are replaced by new ones. Some of the common reason for psoriasis include:

  • Emotional stress
  • Cuts or scrapes
  • Surgery
  • Medications like beta-blockers or antimalarial medication

How Is Psoriasis Diagnosed?

Psoriasis Diagnosis is generally easy, especially if you have plaques or skin build-up on your scalp, elbows, ears, knees, nails, or belly button. The doctor will give you a physical exam to take a close look at the skin build-up and also ask you questions about your family medical history. Unfortunately, there is no psoriasis blood test that can help the doctor make a Diagnosis in case the physical exam is not enough. The only available psoriasis test involves taking a small piece of your skin and checking for a skin infection. The doctor will also take into account your psoriasis Risk Factors before making a Diagnosis.In some cases, psoriasis can be difficult to Diagnose as it looks similar to other skin conditions. In such cases, the Diagnostic test for psoriasis can be useful to make a final Diagnosis and chart out a course of treatment. Once it has been established that you are indeed suffering from psoriasis, the doctor will assess the severity and grade it accordingly.

  • Mild psoriasis: If less than 3% of your body is covered with skin build-up, it is graded as Mild Psoriasis. In such cases, people often have isolated patches on their knees, scalp, elbows, hand, and feet.
  • Moderate psoriasis: If it covers about 3% to 10% of your body, it is graded as Moderate Psoriasis. It usually appears on the legs, arms, scalp, torso, and other areas.
  • Severe psoriasis: If the skin build-up covers more than 10% of your body, it is considered Severe Psoriasis. People who have severe psoriasis are more prone to develop psoriatic arthritis as well.

With Cure.fit’s Consulting Service, you can opt for online doctor consultation from the comfort of your home. You get to talk to the best doctor for psoriasis and decide how to go ahead with your Treatment. It is essential to consult with the best dermatologist for psoriasis if you want to prevent it from flaring up too often and playing havoc with your regular life.

How Can Psoriasis be Treated and controlled?

Psoriasis does not have a cure. According to the top dermatologist, psoriasis can be controlled by taking good care of your skin and scald. You need to stay clear of dry and cold weather. If you do not have a choice, invest in a humidifier. If you have high-Risk Factors, always try to avoid cuts, scrapes, and bumps. You also need to use plenty of moisturizing solutions and make sure that your elbows, knees, arms, and legs are well moisturized. This will Prevent psoriasis flare-ups and keep your skin soft. Since certain medications can trigger psoriasis, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor to find alternatives to them. At the end of the day, you need to learn how to identify your psoriasis triggers and stay clear of them.

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