We are all leading extremely busy lives these days. We are not only pulled in different directions because of our professional and personal commitments but also constantly exposed to truckloads of information, most of it unpleasant. All of this leads to a lot of mental chaos i.e. when thoughts continuously whizz through our mind not letting it stay calm or relaxed. But what really is relaxation? It is certainly not just slumping down on the couch and watching TV or zoning out at the end of the day. Your mind is said to relax when it is calm and peaceful minus all the thoughts that induce anxiety and negativity. Achieving this feat is easier than it sounds. For people who get affected by stress easily, relaxation becomes an acquired skill through relaxation therapy and other techniques. Read on to know why relaxation is important and how to make it an integral part of your life through relaxation techniques.

Why is relaxation important?

Experts equate being relaxed to the art of stress management. Shedding unnecessary worries and bringing your mind and body in sync has tremendous benefits. We have rounded off some of the most important ways in which relaxation positively impacts you:

  1. When you regularly practice relaxation techniques, your resting heart rate decreases reducing palpitations.
  2. Your breathing rate normalizes when you practice relaxation techniques.
  3. Staying relaxed reduces hypertension by normalizing your blood pressure. In the long run, these prevent damage to your arteries reducing the risk of heart diseases and stroke.
  4. Your blood circulation improves when you do relaxation exercises. This helps in letting all your organs function optimally preventing several diseases.
  5. Better blood circulation also helps in bettering your ability to fight infections, prevents hair loss, improves your memory, and lets wounds heal faster.
  6. When you practice relaxation therapy, you experience less stress, anxiety, and panic.
  7. Doing relaxation exercises helps in improving your ability to think, concentrate and be more creative and productive.
  8. Your ability to deal with stressful situations and traumatic events improves when you religiously follow relaxation techniques.
  9. Staying relaxed improves your digestive process and prevents flatulence, gas, constipation, and bloat.
  10. Relaxation exercises help in loosening your muscles and reducing their stiffness and tension. This lowers joint pains and inflammation.
  11. A relaxed person has a better and more positive outlook on life. You can take up more professional challenges and forge more friendships and relationships.
  12. A calmer person has more energy to work, exercise, and do recreational activities.
  13. Relaxation exercises help you sleep well and prevent insomnia.
  14. A relaxed person doesn't find any use for dependence on substances such as drugs, tobacco, or alcohol.

Which are some of the easiest and fun ways to relax?

Wouldn't all of us just love to relax and enjoy all these benefits that come along? But, telling our minds to relax is easier in theory than in practice. Watching TV for hours while overeating or mindlessly scrolling social media are not relaxation techniques. It is a skill that needs to be learned and nurtured to improve our lives. Here are some of the easiest relaxation techniques to learn that can teach you how to relax:

1. Rest

Taking rest and adequate sleep is one of the most important relaxation techniques that have long-term benefits. To make your rest period less fitful, avoid consuming too much caffeine, switch off your phone and TV an hour before you sleep, and set a schedule for sleeping. You can also listen to calming meditation music to help you fall asleep. Other great ways to help induce sleep are light-hearted bedtime stories and sleep meditation.

2. Do yoga

Doing yoga for mind relaxation is not only easy but also has amazing results. It involves unifying your mind and body to bring you to a state of peace. Here are some of the simple poses of yoga for relaxation: Bharmanasana (Tabletop pose): One of the best poses of yoga for mind relaxation, this requires you to gently get down on all fours so that your wrists are directly your shoulders and your knees are under the hips. Center your head neutrally and gaze ahead as you breathe deeply. Adhomukhasna (Downward facing dog pose): Shift your toes under your feet and press your palms into the floor. Lift your hips towards the ceiling. Push your heels back slightly and allow your head to drop while taking deep breaths. Balasana (Child Pose): Lower yourself into a kneeling position. Extend your arms forward and relax your torso on your thighs. This is one of the most effective relaxation techniques that improve your circulation and concentration.

3. Listen to music

Relaxation music is an amazingly therapeutic technique used for centuries to help people relax. It helps regulate your heart rate and breathing, quietens the nervous system, and reduces stress. Depending on your mood and preference, don't hesitate to experiment with relaxation music. For the relaxation music to work, prefer it to have slow beats and no lyrics or emotional triggers.

4. Meditate

Meditation is one of the best relaxation techniques that frees your mind off negative thoughts and reduces stress. For practicing relaxation meditation, you need to be mindful of the thoughts running through your brain. Some things that help in relaxation mediation are a quiet and clean setting and using an object to focus your thoughts. You can also recite a mantra or a prayer, visualize, or scan your body to make relaxation meditation work better.

5. Spend time with nature

The sounds and sights of nature have been scientifically proven to decrease stress and help a person relax. So, go out and spend some time amidst the swaying trees and chirping birds.

6. Try aromatherapy

Soothing fragrances help reduce anxiety-like nothing else. Try scents such as sandalwood, lavender, orange blossom, or geranium.

7. Experiment with journaling

Seeing your feelings spelled out in front of you gives you perspective and helps you focus on what you should be thankful for.

Never let stress or chaos get the best of you. Practice these simple relaxation techniques to enjoy a wholesome life.

Top Search Terms For Yoga

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July 15, 2022
Healthy Mind

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