An interesting variation of incline bench press, incline dumbbell fly is a type of isolation exercise that works primarily on chest muscles. This means that you can have an excellent chest muscle and toned upper body you would love to flaunt. In fact, incline dumbbell fly is often done for aesthetic-based goals. 

That being said, you need to perform the workout properly to get the results. If you end up making mistakes in its technique or form, the workout may injure you or remain ineffective. 

In this article, we have tried to save you from such mistakes by offering you not just tips on dumbbell incline fly but by also solving other doubts and facts about the workout. So, wait no more and read the article till the end. 

Incline Dumbbell Fly: Basic Facts and Muscles Worked

Before learning how to perfect an incline dumbbell fly, it is important to understand its basic facts. For instance, what is the fitness level required for this workout, or what equipment is needed if you wish to make it a home workout. Below, we have shared these details: 

Other Names: Incline dumbbell fly is also known as incline chest fly and incline pec fly.

Level: Beginner to Intermediate 

Equipment Used: An incline bench and dumbbells 

Incline Dumbbell Fly Muscles Worked 

The incline dumbbell fly is an excellent exercise for your upper body. The incline dumbbell fly muscles worked include the following: 

  1. Chest muscles: The incline dumbbell fly works on your pectoral muscles and helps in muscle growth.
  2. Shoulder muscles: When you lift weights through a full range of motion, you tend to activate your deltoids and also improve the muscles such as rotator cuffs in your shoulders.
  3. Arm muscles: Incline dumbbell fly also works on the triceps and other arm muscles.

Incline Dumbbell Fly: Step-By-Step Instructions

Performing dumbbell incline fly is simple and easy but you need to have proper understanding of its steps. It is also great if you have any prior experience in weight lifting. This ensures that your lifts are stable and smooth. Before you start, here are some things you need to do: 

  • Use suitable weights: Make sure the weight of the dumbbells is not too high and you are not able to handle it. Begin with light weights and gradually move upwards.  
  • Adjust the angle of the incline bench: It is recommended that you keep the incline bench angle between 30 to 45 degrees. The bigger you set the angle, the higher you can engage the shoulder but extremes are not good when you are just starting out. 
  • Wear comfortable clothes: Wear clothes that are breathable and made of material that allows free movement of your hands. 

Done with the preparation? It is time to learn how to perform incline dumbbell chest fly: 

  1. Hold the dumbbells in each hand and pull them off the floor using a neutral grip with palms facing in. Now, place the ends of the dumbbells in your hip crease, and sit down on the incline bench.
  2. Lay back gently on the bench with your feet flat and fixed to the floor. Your upper back should be tight with the spine in a neutral position. Relax your head and keep the weights close to your chest. 
  3. Take a deep breath and lock the dumbbells at the top. Pause for a second and then slightly lower the dumbbells laterally so that they make a T shape. Maintain the angle of your elbow and do not let them droop. 
  4. As the dumbbells reach chest level, reverse the movement. For this, squeeze your pecs together and bring the dumbbells back to their initial position.
  5. Do not let dumbbells touch each other and begin the next repetition by lowering them down laterally. This is one rep. 
  6. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps of incline bench dumbbell fly

Incline Dumbbell Fly Tips

Knowing the steps is not enough when you have to do a perfect incline dumbbell chest fly. You should also be aware of the tips. These include: 

  • Don’t make the grip on the dumbbell handles excessively tight as this can over recruit the forearms and biceps; thereby reducing the exercise’s effect on the pecs.
  • Make sure you do not touch or bang the dumbbells together when they meet at the top position. This will ensure constant tension in the targeted muscles. 
  • It is recommended that you should always keep a slight bend in the elbows to avoid any injury. 
  • Prevent any arch in the lower back and remember to engage your abs. 
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor. This will help in focusing solely on your elbows and activating your pecs.
  • Do not overstretch your chest as it can put you to risk. Just stretch to a level where it allows a comfortable range of motion. 


What are the benefits of incline bench dumbbell fly?

The benefits include: 

  • Excellent for the development of the chest muscles
  • Improves strength and stability
  • Makes other workouts such as push ups easier 
  • Stretches chest muscles and also activates contractions in arms and back muscles
  • Improves body posture
  • Improves endurance and performance in sports 

What are some variations of incline bench dumbbell fly?

Here are a few famous incline dumbbell fly variations you can try:

  • Incline Cable Fly: In this variation, you can replace the dumbbells with a cable. Just slide the bench in the center of the cable station and use the bottom pulleys to perform the workout. It is much more effective as you require extra strength to maintain sustained resistance. 
  • Incline Dumbbell Reverse Fly: As the name suggests, for this variation you need to lie on your chest instead of back. Incline dumbbell reverse fly focuses on your back muscles instead of the chest muscles. 

What are some other dumbbell workouts you can do with an incline bench?

You can do the following workouts using an incline bench and dumbbells: 

  • Bench press
  • Decline bench press
  • Seated overhead press
  • Bicep curl

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