Yoga is not just a way to boost health, it is a way of life. It connects a person with his/her inner self and opens up the mind to new possibilities and faith. 

Every yoga pose you perform has something unique about it and that is not just related to the physical benefits you get. Take Hanumanasana as an example. Also known as the Monkey Pose, this yoga pose gets its name from the Hindu god Hanumana and his giant leap. It is difficult to perform but once you have mastered Hanumanasana pose, you can reap plenty of benefits both mentally and physically.

In this article, we have created a short guide on Hanumanasana yoga pose wherein you will get to learn about the meaning, steps, and benefits of Hanumanasana. Let’s start!

Introduction to Hanumanasana or the Monkey Pose 

Hanamansana is made from two words – Hanuman (Hindu God of the same name) and Asana which means Pose. While it is known as Hanumanasana in Hindi, people call it the Monkey Pose in English. 

Whenever you learn Hanumanasana from an expert, they will often tell you about the story of Hindu God Hanumana and the story that is believed to inspire this pose. 

The story talks about the time when Hanumana took a giant leap from the Indian mainland to the island of Sri Lanka in order to reach Sita, the wife of deity Rama. The giant split in Hanumanasana pose tries to capture this leap of faith as you try to balance your body. 

Nowadays, it is touted as one of the most famous yoga poses. But since it requires a great deal of strength and flexibility, Hanumanasana for beginners is not advised unless they are doing it under an expert’s supervision. Some people also modify it to create a variation of Monkey Pose for beginners. 

Even if you are a beginner at yoga, it is advised to do a proper warm-up and start with preparatory poses such as Baddha Konasana, Janu Sirsasana, and Paschimottanasana. It helps in stretching the muscles and getting them ready for the intense stretch of Hanumanasana yoga pose. 

Once you have mastered Monkey Pose yoga, you can notice Hanumanasana benefits as you will find higher flexibility and better body posture. There are many other benefits of Hanumanasana which we will discuss later. 

Hanumanasana Yoga: Step-By-Step Instructions

If you were planning to do yoga and Monkey Pose is on your list, make sure you follow the steps properly:

  1. Kneel on the floor and keep them a bit apart. Now slowly extend your right foot forward such that your soles are straight and the heel touches the floor. Your toes should be pointing upwards. 
  2. Next, move your left knee backwards and raise the inner sole so that your soles are facing upwards and your toes are pointing parallel to the ground. Slide to come into a split position
  3. Inhale and as you exhale, bend forward to touch the floor with your fingertips. Then raise your arms overhead and join the palms in a prayer pose. 
  4. Stretch them and bend backwards a little. 
  5. This is the classic Hanumanasana yoga. 
  6. Stay in this pose for a few seconds and then bring the arms back. 
  7. Release the pose and repeat by alternating the legs. 

Other than these steps, you can also watch a video of Hanumanasana in Hindi and see how to do it properly. 


If you are just starting yoga, Monkey Pose is a difficult one to begin your journey. We would suggest you can try the following variations of Monkey Pose for beginners instead: 

  • Upavistha Hanumanasana
  • Ardha Hanumanasana

But in case you wish to make it more challenging, you can try Monkey pose Forward Bend where you have to bend your whole torso forward to touch the feet with hands as you balance your body in the split position. This is suitable for yoga experts. 

Hanumanasana Benefits 

Now that you have read how to perform it, it is time to learn about its benefits. Here are some of the best Monkey Pose benefits you should know: 

A Great Body Stretch

It can stretch plenty of muscle groups such as the hamstrings, groin, hip flexors, arms, core muscles, and back as well. 

Improves Flexibility

It can boost your body’s flexibility to improve your athletic performance. This also reduces the chance of injuries to the legs and back. 

Strengthens Muscles

Money pose can also strengthen muscles and improve endurance, especially when done on a regular basis. 

Boosts Body Stability

Since you have to balance your body on your hips while being in a split position, this yoga can improve your body’s stability and bring better alignment in the body. 

Improves Abdominal Organs’ Functions

Consistent practice of Monkey Pose yoga can also improve digestion and boost the functioning of reproductive organs. 

Reduces Stress

Monkey Pose benefits also include improvement in mental health. It can also release stress and calm your mind. 


Here are some tips and precautions to keep in mind to ensure you perform Hanumanasana without any injury: 

  • Always practice this pose under an expert’s supervision if you are not an expert. 
  • Always start the session by doing a warm-up with poses such as the Bridge Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Firelog Pose, and Standing Forward Bend.
  • Avoid Hanumanasana if you have groin or hamstrings injury. 
  • Do not rush through the steps as you may end up injuring yourself. 
  • Always wear comfortable clothes to avoid discomfort and allow your body’s easy movements. 
  • Do not eat heavy meals at least 40 minutes before performing the yoga. 
  • Do not perform this asana while doing yoga for beginners. In case you still wish to do Hanumanasana for beginners, try the variations mentioned above under an expert’s supervision. 


Incorporating Hanumanasana in your home workouts is a good idea but it will take a lot of time and expert guidance to master this pose. Thus, do not rush and start with baby steps. If going to a gym is not possible, try online yoga classes. Nowadays, you can learn from top yoga trainers while staying at home. Just sign up and start your yoga sessions!

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