A pair of dumbbells and a good plan on how to use them is enough to change the shape of your body. In fact, there are many intense workout plans that can give you tangible results within a few weeks. If you are planning to do the same, this guide is for you. 

The best part about dumbbells is that, unlike heavy equipment, you can easily do the workout with them at home. You don’t need big space, extra equipment, and even a helper that can assist you with all the machinery. If you know how to do a workout at home correctly, you can build muscles on your own. 

Just like all other gym plans, a dumbbell workout is easier said than done. You have to know the types of shoulder exercises using dumbbells that are best for you. You will also have to know the right techniques on how to do it. Plus, it never hurts to know some dos and don’ts about these dumbbell shoulder exercises. If all of this sounds too overwhelming for you, we are here to help. 

We have curated this beginner’s guide on shoulder dumbbells workout at home. We are going to talk about 5 best dumbbell shoulder exercises. Along with a step-by-step guide on how to do these shoulder workouts with dumbbells, we are also going to answer some frequently asked questions. If you want to build strong shoulders, you should read this guide till the end. 

5 Best Dumbbell Exercises For Your Shoulder

Below down, we have mentioned the 5 best dumbbell shoulder exercises that you can do at your home with the help of dumbbells. Shoulder workouts with dumbbells focus on both strengthening up the muscles of the shoulders and increasing the flexibility of the joint. 

All of the shoulder exercises with dumbbells at home mentioned below are easily doable. So, even if you are someone who has never tried doing shoulder workout with dumbbells at home, you can still do these dumbbell shoulder exercises without any problem. The only condition here is that you have to follow the steps exactly like how we mentioned. Now, that is enough talk. It’s time to start the real fun. 

  1. Dumbbell front raise

It is one of those shoulder exercises using dumbbells that help you in strengthening your deltoid muscles. If you perform this best shoulder workout with dumbbells regularly, you will feel that the front part of your shoulder is getting stronger. Here is how you can do dumbbell front raise:

  • Stand straight and hold the dumbbells in your hands.
  • Keep your hands straight with palms facing the legs.
  • Now, slightly bend your elbows and knees when you raise the dumbbells to the level of your shoulders. 
  • Gradually, move down your hands and return to the position where you started. 

  1. Dumbbell lateral raise

Apart from focusing on the front part of your shoulder, you should also do shoulder workouts with dumbbells that activate your posterior deltoids. Dumbbell lateral raise require some effort to do but it also gives quite an effective result in strengthening your upper back muscles. Here is how you can per dumbbell lateral raise the correct way. 

  • Stand straight and hold the dumbbells in your hands.
  • Keep your hands straight with palms facing the legs.
  • Now, slightly bend your elbows and knees when you raise your arms to your sides at the level of your shoulders.
  • Gradually, move down your hands and return to the position where you started. 

  1. Reverse fly

Of all the shoulder exercises with dumbbells at home mentioned in the list, the reverse fly is probably the easiest exercise. Just dumbbell lateral raise, reverse fly also helps in strengthening your posterior deltoids. Along with that, it also engages your rhomboid and middle trapezius muscles. Here is to do reverse fly the correct way:

  • Stand straight and hold the dumbbells in your hands.
  • Keep your hands straight with palms facing the legs.
  • Slowly, form a 45-degree angle with the yoga mat by gradually bending your torso.
  • Now, slightly bend your elbows and raise the dumbbells.
  • Keep raising the dumbbells until they get parallel to the yoga mat.
  • While lifting the dumbbells, squeeze your shoulder blades. 

  1. Seated military press

There are some shoulder exercises at home with dumbbells that target almost all areas related to the shoulders. The seated military press is one of those exercises and hence should be included in your best shoulder workouts with dumbbells. The exercise helps you build anterior, medial, and rear deltoid strength. Here is the correct way to do seated military press:

  • Sit down on a yoga mat and hold dumbbells in your hands.
  • Raise the dumbbells to the level of your shoulders with your elbows bent and palms facing out. 
  • Bend your elbows when the weights are at the top. 
  • Now, bring the dumbbells slowly and return to the position where you started this dumbbell shoulder workout

  1. Standing dumbbell shoulder press

This is also one of those shoulder exercises at home with dumbbells that engage and strengthen all the muscles of your shoulders. Not only do these exercises build up muscles, but they also help in stabilizing the shoulder joint. Hence, you should add this exercise to your best shoulder workout with dumbbells. Here is how you can do standing dumbbell shoulder press the correct way:

  • Stand on the yoga mat with your both feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • Now, remember to squeeze your glutes and abs throughout the whole exercise. 
  • Raise up the dumbbells to shoulder height.
  • When your hands cover both your ears, you have achieved the standing dumbbell shoulder press position. 
  • Return to the initial position where you started the exercise and repeat. 


How To Choose Dumbbells For Exercises?

The answer changes from person to person as everybody’s physical strength is different. That being said, always remember while buying the dumbbells that you don’t have to do shoulder workout with dumbbells at home just once. It becomes hard to do reps in your shoulder workouts with dumbbells if you go for heavyweights.

How To Warm Up For Shoulder Workouts With Dumbbells?

Jogging on the same spot until you raise your heart can be a nice start. Another way to warm up is for dumbbell shoulder workout by doing the exercises we just mentioned without using dumbbells. 

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