What is Migraine?

Migraine is a type of neurological condition that Causes multiple Symptoms. It is commonly characterized by intense headaches that can also be debilitating. These headaches are often preceded with warning triggers like hormonal changes, stress, exercise, certain food or drink, and so on. While some people experience migraine headaches due to stress at work or home, others are triggered by strong smells or lights. The headaches create a throbbing sensation in a particular area in varying intensity. Migraine headaches can be difficult to deal with when it hits at inopportune moments in life. The different migraine types depend on the type of headache you are experiencing. Sometimes the headache is accompanied but other Symptoms like vomiting, sensitivity to light, etc.

Symptoms Of Migraine

The migraine headache Symptoms often last for a longer time than a regular headache. A migraine attack goes through four different stages. Each stage has a different set of migraine Symptoms:

  • Prodrome: During this stage of the migraine attack, you will notice subtle changes that warn you of an oncoming migraine. These Symptoms include constipation, food cravings, mood changes, stiff neck, frequent yawning, as well as increased thirst and urination.
  • Aura: The aura stage of the migraine attack occurs before or during the migraine. The Symptoms start gradually and build up over time. Some of the Symptoms present during this stage include vision loss, difficulty speaking, weakness or numbness in the face, hearing noises or music, uncontrollable jerking, and so on.
  • Attack: This is when the actual migraine attacks. You will experience Symptoms like nausea, vomiting, pain on one side of your head, etc.
  • Post-drome: After the migraine attack is over, you will feel drained, washed out, and confused for maybe up to a day.

Migraine Causes

The exact Causes of migraines are not known.Triggers for migraine vary, they include:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress, Depression
  • Tiredness
  • Lack of sleep
  • Low blood sugar
  • Dehydration
  • Dietary factors
  • Specific medications

Some of the other common migraine Causes include fibromyalgia, bipolar disorder, overactive bladder, irritable bowel syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, etc.

Who Is At Risk?

Several Risk Factors make you prone to having a migraine attack. Some of them are:

  • Family History: If anyone in your immediate family has a history of migraines, you have a high chance of developing it as well.
  • Age: Although migraines may occur at any age, it usually starts during adolescence. Studies have shown that migraines tend to peak when you reach your 30s and then gradually become less frequent as the years go by.
  • Sex: Women are more prone to developing migraine than men.
  • Hormonal changes: Migraine attacks are frequent just before or after menstruation. It may also occur during pregnancy or menopause.

How is Migraine Diagnosed?

A trained doctor can do a migraine Diagnosis based on your Symptoms, medical history, family medical history, physical exam, and a neurological exam. There is no specific migraine test to Diagnose your migraine condition. In case your condition is complex, unusual, or severe, the doctor may prescribe further tests to rule out any other Causes behind your Symptoms.

  • MRI Scan: The MRIS scan produces detailed images of your brain and blood vessels. It helps doctors Diagnose different health conditions like strokes, tumours, infections, bleeding in the brain, and other neurological conditions.
  • CT Scan: The CT scan uses X-rays to create in-detail cross-sectional images of your brain. It helps medical professionals Diagnose infections, tumours, bleeding in the brain, brain damages, and other medical ailments that may be causing your headaches.

When your doctor is taking your medical history, they will ask different questions about the features of the headache, the severity, the location, and so on. The doctor may also ask you to keep a migraine diary to observe when the attacks occur. This can also be extremely useful in identifying the trigger that Causes your migraine attacks. It will also help detect the pattern of your headache. Women often experience a change in the migraine Symptoms when they go through hormonal changes.Some people also experience other types of headaches as well, like the tension-type headache. Identifying the type of headache is essential so that it can be Treated appropriately. In case you experience more than one type of headache, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. In fact, bringing your other types of headaches under control will also help reduce the frequency of your migraine attacks.

How Is Migraine Treated?

MigraineTreatment focuses on stopping the Symptoms rather than Preventing future migraine attacks. There is no specific migraine cure. Doctors often prescribe medication to help combat migraines. Pain-relieving medications or migraine tablets are also known as abortive or acute Treatment. These medications help stop the Symptoms brought forth by a migraine attack. The Preventive medications or migraine medications are prescribed by doctors to help reduce the severity and the frequency of the migraines. However, they will need to be taken regularly. The best medicine for migraines is learning to avoid your triggers rather than relying on medications.If you are not able to see a doctor, you can always use the consulting doctor online service offered by Cure.fit. You can meet the best Neurologist doctor in the country and get started on a Treatment schedule. The doctor may choose a course of Treatment based on the frequency and severity of your migraine headaches, whether you have vomiting and nausea as well as how disabling your headaches can be.

How Can Migraines Be Prevented?

In order to Prevent your migraine attack severity and frequency, you need to be able to identify the triggers and avoid them. Some of the common triggers that can lead to a migraine attack include:

  • Loud noises
  • Food choices
  • Weather changes
  • Hormonal changes
  • Irregular schedules
  • Stress

It is essential to learn how to avoid your triggers and plan to keep your migraine attacks under control. By warding off the triggers early on will help you avoid severe Symptoms of a migraine attack. Learning to Prevent your migraine attacks will help you live your life normally without any distraction caused by the Symptoms exhibited by these health conditions. After all, nobody enjoys a debilitating headache that can last for hours.

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