Top 10 Smart Daily Habits for Weight Loss that work!

Being Obese or Overweight not only leads to heart issues and diabetes, it can also present as mood swings, sleeping issues, joint problems, breathing issues and always being in the lethargic state.Although we know that regular exercise and a healthy diet helps in reducing weight, the idea of working out is unappealing to many individuals. Making it a part of your daily life is the key to ensure discipline and long term benefits. Some practices you need to include as a part of your daily routine are as below-

+ Intermittent Fasting

This fasting involves daily short-term fasts and eating within a shorter period during the day time. There have been many types of research that prove intermittent fasting followed for 24 weeks have shown results in curbing obesity. The various methods are:

  • ADF or Alternate Day Fasting: In this method, you fast on every alternate day and eat normally on the non-fasting day.
  • 5:2 Diets: This involves fasting on 2 days a week. But consume 500 to 600 calories on the fasting days as well.
  • 16/8 Diet: This involves eating within an 8-hour window and fast for 16 hours. The fasting hours here involves only drinking water not even consumption of tea is allowed

Note:You must involve yourself in a healthy eating regimen during non-fasting days and avoid overeating. Also, listen to your body. If your body is not coping up with this mechanism then do not force yourself into it.

+ Keep Track of your Diet and Exercise:

Understanding the importance of diet tracking and exercising daily is a must to weight loss. You can do this by logging-in every item you consume in a day into an online tracker. To measure your physical activity there are various devices available like smartwatches or in-built pedometers in smartphones. Aerobic exercises like walking, running, jogging and cycling combined with counting calories are easy to implement ways and eventually lead to weight loss.

+ Mindful Eating:

This practice involves that you pay attention to what, how and where you eat food. This makes you aware of the calories put on your plate. In the modern-day busy schedules, people eat on the run, on office desks or maybe while watching TV. This doesn’t let you concentrate on the food. There are some techniques you must follow while practicing mindful eating:

  • Relax, sit down on a dining table set-up if possible and pay attention to your food.
  • Do not eat in front of a laptop or TV or phone.
  • Researches prove that it takes 20 minutes for your brain to receive signals that your stomach is full.  So it is important to chew every bite nicely and eat slowly to avoid overeating.
  • Eat nutrient-rich food and those foods that keep you full for long.

+ Eat a Protein-rich Breakfast:

A protein-rich breakfast will help you keep full for longer hours. This avoids eating in-between meals. Scientists have proved that proteins help in the regulation of appetite hormones which in turn keeps you full. It decreases the level of the hunger hormone ghrelin and increases the satisfaction level of hormones GLP-1, peptide YY and cholecystokinin. There is one more advantage of eating a protein-rich diet. It helps in relaxing muscles post-exercise. So your muscles do not feel sore the next day because of the previous day exercise.Some apt choices for protein-rich breakfast are oats, nuts, eggs, seed kinds of butter, sardines, quinoa porridge and chia seed pudding.

+ Reduce Intake of Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates :

Do not buy or reduce buying products that have sugar as an ingredient and instead, look for healthier alternatives to it. Refined carbohydrate foods like pasta, rice and bread are heavily processed which makes them lose their fibre content and other essential nutrients. Hence these foods get digested easily and convert to glucose very rapidly. This excess glucose enters the bloodstream and provokes insulin formation, which in turn accumulates fat in the adipose tissue, and leading to weight gain. So it is required to avoid eating refined foods and food that has sugar as an ingredient.Look for healthier alternatives like:

  • Choose nuts, fruits and seeds over sugary snacks.
  • Herbal teas and fruit-infused waters over sugary sodas.
  • Smoothies with milk or water over fruit juice.
  • Whole-grain bread, rice and pasta over the white ones.

+ Munch a lot of Fibre:

Eating a lot of fibre-rich foods will induce a feeling of fullness and keep you satisfied for longer hours. This reduces your chances to eat in-between meals. It also prevents the absorption of calories from the food you eat. It binds along with the sugar and fat molecules while they travel through your digestive system and reduces the absorption of calories. This minor change in your diet will work wonders on your body. Some amazing fibre-rich foods are:

  • Vegetables & Fruits
  • Nuts & Seeds
  • Beans, Peas and Pulses
  • Whole-wheat pasta, whole-grain breakfast cereals, oats, whole-grain bread, rye and barley.

+ Eat Healthy Fats:

You must include the two essential fats in your diet: Omega- and Omega-6. This will keep you full for long. But avoid unhealthy fats like saturated fats. Some food rich in healthy fats is salmon, nuts, leafy vegetables and Tuna.

+ The Gut Bacteria Balance:

The amount and varieties of bacteria vary from individual to individual. Some bacteria type can elevate the amount of energy generated from food and lead to fat accumulation and weight gain. But if you increase the good bacteria number in your gut there are chances that fat accumulation reduces considerably. Some good bacteria foods are:

  • 75% of the meal should be vegetables or other plant-based foods.
  • Eating a good amount of foods rich in probiotics like yoghurt leads to suppression of bad bacteria build-up and enhances good bacteria functionality.
  • Include food that rich in prebiotic fibre in your diet. This is present in many vegetables and fruits like artichoke, garlic, onion, leeks, asparagus, avocado, banana and grains like barley and oats.

+ Maintain a Good Sleep-cycle:

You must sleep at least 6 to 8 hours a day. Living sleep-deprived slows down the body’s metabolism rate. When the metabolism rate is reduced, the unused energy is stored as fat. Also, bad sleep increases cortisol and insulin production, which also promotes fat storage.

+ Manage Stress:

Stress leads to the release of cortisol and adrenaline hormones. The body responses to it, by decreasing the appetite. But when stress becomes a constant thing, cortisol becomes a part of the bloodstream and leads to an increase in appetite. So cortisol starts to mend the nutritional stores of your body by filling in carbohydrates. Then insulin comes into the picture. It transports glucose from these carbohydrates to your cells. If the body doesn’t utilize the energy generated, then it is stored as fat. So, managing stress leads to managing weight.Some that will help in stress reduction are:

  • Practice meditation or yoga.
  • Relaxing activities like gardening or a walk in nature.

Do you have more queries about the article or are you confused about the kind of treatment or regimen recommended or if you're unsure about whether this is the right solution for you? Get clear and straightforward advise to all your questions, fears or doubts right from the comfort of your home, by booking one of our condition specific Diagnostic Screening Packs or schedule an Online Consultation with our Top Gastroenterologists and Clinical Nutrition Experts at carefit.Read More | Are you looking for more quality content on Obesity? Be sure to check out our other short-reads curated just for you.

Note : This Article is Not a substitute for Medical Advice or Treatment. If you are suffering from chronic illnesses, taking regular medications or are vulnerable because of other physiological conditions like pregnancy, or low immunity, it is strongly advised that you consult a Medical Professional before starting or following any new regimen to rule out adverse side effects, contraindications and undesirable drug interactions with other medications.

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