Cauliflower recipes are comparatively low in calories, and they are therefore used in a variety of healthy recipes. Some of the typical cauliflower recipes made widely in day-to-day life are Gobi Mattar and Gobi Parantha. There are so many cauliflower recipes for weight loss and numerous other Indian cauliflower recipes, and cauliflower leaf recipes. They are:

Gobi Manchurian

•  These simple cauliflower recipes are first made by making the Manchurian sauce. It is prepared by sauteing garlic, ginger, and green chillies in a wide pan with oil. Drop spring onions and capsicum. After frying this for a minimum of two minutes, soya sauce is added with red chilli sauce, vinegar and red chilli paste. Add a pinch of sugar to the above mixture and mix everything with some amount of water. Once the sauce thickens, drop-in coarsely crushed pepper and turn off the flame; in two minutes, the sour, sweet and hot sauce will be ready to be added to the fried gobi in the final stages of this recipe.
•  Prepare the batter by mixing all-purpose flour, red chilli powder, cornflour, salt and pepper. Add water as required so that the batter is free-flowing and thick inconsistency. Alter the salt according to one's taste.
•  Prepare these cauliflower recipes by cutting them into small florets and then boiling them in hot water for a few minutes. Drain and strain all the excess water with the help of a clean cloth or colander. Make sure that the moisture from the cauliflower is all gone.
•  Now add them to the free-flowing batter and make sure to coat all the florets with it.
•  Take a Kadai and heat oil in it.
•  Slide in the batter coated cauliflower florets and continue frying in medium flame until they turn golden.
•  Remove the oil and drain the excess oil using tissue papers.
•  Add the prepared Manchurian sauce and garnish the dish with spring onions.
•  Serve these recipes using cauliflower hot as an appetizer or as a side dish to fried rice or noodles.

Tandoori Roasted Cauliflower

•  Start these quick cauliflower recipes by preparing a tandoori paste by whisking together yoghurt, minced garlic, grated ginger, lemon juice, and oil with the powders of coriander, cumin, fennel, turmeric, red chilli, garam masala, and salt.
•  Also, make the tahini cilantro sauce as the dish must be served with it. Whisk in yoghurt, cilantro, tahini, lemon juice, garlic and salt together. Alter the consistency of this sauce with water.
•  Pour the prepared tandoori paste onto cleaned florets of cauliflower. Allow it to marinate for a few hours.
•  Preheat the oven and then place the marinated cauliflower florets on a baking sheet. Bake it in the oven for 40 minutes by tossing sides now and then roast evenly on all sides.
•  Serve these Indian cauliflower recipes with the tahini cilantro sauce.

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

•  Prepare these cauliflower dry recipes by preheating the oven, and meanwhile, pulse the cauliflower florets in a blender to form a fine snowy powder. Microwave the cauliflower powder for 5 minutes. Allow the contents to go utterly devoid of moisture by hanging in dry towels.
•  Mix the cauliflower with parmesan cheese, Italian seasoning, egg, salt and mozzarella cheese in a large bowl.
•  Press the contents to a baking sheet into a 10-inch round.
•  Bake them until they turn golden.
•  Prepare these cauliflower recipes by removing the crust and top with any pizza sauce of one's choice and grate some more mozzarella cheese. Bake it again until the cheese melts, and then garnish with fresh basil leaves.
•  Serve these vegetarian cauliflower recipes hot for the best taste.

Cauliflower & Pea Mash

•  These easy cauliflower recipes are made by cleaning and cutting the cauliflower florets and boil them in salted water. Once it gets cooked, drain the excess water and leave it aside.
•  Boil the peas in a pressure cooker until they turn soft.
•  Combine the boiled peas and cauliflower into a blender and form a smooth paste to make these cauliflower recipes.
•  As they cool down, heat the oil in a pan and drop minced garlic into it.
•  Add the pea and cauliflower paste and cook until they thicken.
•  Furthermore, and salt and pepper and finish with chopped parsley or coriander.
•  Serve these boiled cauliflower recipes hot with a toasted bread slice.

Cauliflower Soup

•  These healthy cauliflower recipes are done by preheating the oven for 30 minutes and then placing cauliflower florets coated with olive oil and salt sprinkled on a baking sheet. It is then baked for 30 minutes until the edges of the cauliflower are caramelized.
•  Then in the soup pot, onions are fried with olive oil by adding a pinch of salt.
•  Once the onions turn, translucent minced garlic is added and stirred until it leaves out a good flavour.
•  Vegetable broth is then poured into the above contents.
•  The baked cauliflower florets are then incorporated into the soup pot and simmered for 20 minutes with occasional stirring.
•  Once the soup is done, butter is added.
•  Nutmeg and lemon juice are blended into the soup with a little salt at its final stage.
•  Garnish the soup with sprinkles of chopped parsley, green onions and chives.
•  Serve these cauliflower recipes hot.

Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower rice recipes are used as a substitute for rice in recipes like stir-fries and fried rice.

•  This is done by first thoroughly washing the florets of cauliflower in running water and removing all the greens from it.
•  Then it is crushed in a food processor or using a grater.
•  Excess moisture is removed by using a paper towel or cloth towel.
•  Take a large skillet and add one tablespoon of oil to it.
•  In order to make these cauliflower rice recipes Indian, it is first steamed. Then sauteing the cauliflower in medium heat, it is covered with a lid for 5 minutes.
•  Add soy sauce, salt or pepper to it as per requirement.
•  Cauliflower rice recipes are best for weight loss

Aloo Gobhi

These cauliflower recipes are done by taking a heavy-bottomed pan and add two tablespoons of oil to it.

•  Add cumin seeds and wait for them to crackle.
•  Then drop in one tablespoon of ginger garlic paste and saut until a pleasing aroma arises.
•  Drop finely chopped onions with sliced green chillies. Once the onions turn transparent, add diced potatoes to it.
•  Fry for 2 to 3 minutes.
•  Then cover and cook the potatoes for some time until they are half cooked.
•  Add cauliflower florets to it and incorporate red chilli powder, coriander powder, garam masala, and turmeric powder pinch.
•  Cook with the lid covered for some more time until all the contents are cooked well and become soft. But one should take care that the cauliflower should remain crunchy.
•  Finally, finely chopped tomatoes or lemon juice can be added and cooked for some more time until it blends with these cauliflower gravy recipes.
•  Garnish with coriander leaves and serve these cauliflower recipes hot with rice or roti.

The Takeaway

Cauliflower dishes are effortless to make, and it provides a lot of powerful health benefits. It is an excellent source of various nutrients as well as antioxidants. Antioxidants will reduce inflammation, thereby preventing many cancer and heart problems. Most important of all, cauliflower is very easy to replace instead of high carbohydrate foods that aid in weight loss.

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