Rows are a widely used compound exercise. They involve the use of a few different joints that move across an extensive range of motion. This results in recruiting many muscles from around the body to perform the move, making it extremely effective in developing upper body strength and endurance.

A Chest supported row is an effective variation of rows. As the name clearly suggests, a chest supported row involves performing the rowing action while your chest is supported. This is done in a chest supported row by leaning on a bench with your upper torso. It removes the need for your back and other body muscles to stabilize the movement. Unlike other row exercises such as the bent-over row, your hamstrings and lower back are not required to stabilize the movement in a chest supported row.

The muscles engaged in the chest supported row are latissimus dorsi, teres major and minor, deltoid (rear), rhomboids, biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis, trapezius, infraspinatus, lower back muscles, pectoralis major, triceps, deltoid (front).

Chest supported row is a great exercise to do whether you workout at home or the gym. This weight loss exercise is extremely beginner-friendly. Performing chest supported row will make sure to fatigue the back muscles and will help you build muscle in the back area.

In this article, we will discuss how to do bench chest supported row. We will also discuss the benefits and the various alternative to chest supported row.

How To Do Chest Dumbbell Supported Row?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do bench chest supported row.

  1. To begin, set an incline bench to a 35-degree angle.
  2. Now, hold one dumbbell in each hand and lie face down on the bench with both your knees resting on the seat or with your feet planted on either side of the bench. Do whichever one is more comfortable for you.
  3. Now, extend your arms to hold the dumbbells directly below the chest in a neutral grip with your palms facing inwards. This is the starting position.
  4. Inhale. As you exhale, bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells in towards your body. Ensure that your elbows remain in close contact with the sides of your body. You should be feeling a small squeeze between your shoulder blades.
  5. Inhale. As you exhale, extend your elbows to lower down the dumbbells and return to the starting position.
  6. This is one repetition.
  7. Repeat for the specified number of repetitions.

Alternatively, you can also train unilaterally, i.e. working one side of the body at one time. Try to aim for 4-5 sets of 5-8 reps.

A few things to keep in mind while performing chest supported row include:

  • At the top of the row, the dumbbells should be aligned with the hips.
  • Make sure to keep the chest on the bench and the neck and spine aligned.
  • Your face should be above the end of the bench and not smushed into it.
  • Make sure to do a proper warm-up before doing the exercise.
  • Make sure to properly cool down your body post-exercise.
  • Always use only as much weight as you are comfortable with. Do not go too overboard and risk an injury.
  • Pay profound attention to the form throughout the exercise.

What are the benefits of a chest Dumbbell supported row?

There are various benefits of chest supported row. These may include:

  • Good rowing exercise for beginners: Chest supported row is a great exercise for beginners as it is easier to maintain the form in this exercise. By using an incline bench to lean on, chest supported row does not require your lower back, legs, and core to stabilize your body.
  • Better target the muscles: As bench chest supported row requires you to lean on an incline bench, it better allows you to target the muscles in the upper back. Through this, bench chest supported row also allows you to get more reps in and increase the strength in your back. Chest supported back row is a great exercise to isolate and work the back muscles.
  • Helps focus on form: As the incline bench chest supported row requires you to lean on an incline bench during the exercises, it allows you to focus more on the form. This means no more rocking motion while performing incline bench chest supported row that may cause stress to the lower back. Chest supported dumbbell row will allow you to lift the weight without making the load on the spine become a problem, helping to avoid any injury. Chest supported back row is a great way to learn the form.
  • Helps in building a stronger back: Chest supported dumbbell row helps you lift heavier weights as it removes the involvement of the weaker muscles. This causes chest supported db row to help in increasing the pure strength in your targeted back muscles. Chest supported db row also helps in improving your muscular endurance.
  • Improves posture: Chest supported row bench exercise helps in building a stronger back. This will help improve your overall posture. The increase in muscular endurance caused by chest supported row bench exercise will help one to keep their shoulders back and down supporting good posture.

What other Alternatives of Chest Dumbbell Supported Row are there?

There are various alternatives to chest supported rows.

  • Chest supported T-bar row: Chest supported t bar row is an amazing compound exercise that gives the upper back muscles a killer workout. In a chest supported t bar row, a T-bar is used instead of dumbbells to pull the weight. This chest supported row alternative is great for experienced exercisers as it helps to pull significantly more weight in a safe manner.
  • Chest supported barbell row: Chest supported barbell row is another great alternative for chest supported dumbbell rows. In a chest supported barbell row, a barbell is used instead of dumbbells to pull the weight. This chest supported row alternative has all the benefits of chest supported dumbbell row but can help in lifting more weight comparatively.

Now that you know all about this exercise, do not miss trying chest supported dumbbell row at home. As the exercise requires very few pieces of equipment, performing chest supported dumbbell row at home or gym is quite easy.

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