Strong biceps are more than vanity! It is time to tone up and strengthen your muscles with this ultimate guide for bicep curl. The front of the upper arm is called the brachialis, and the lower arm is called brachioradialis. A bicep curl is a weight training workout that aims to take the brachialis to a higher degree. The front of the arm is responsible for most movements, like bending your elbow and keeping your hands strong. As these are essential for day-to-day activities, a biceps curl workout will enhance the body to brace the core muscles and make use of arm muscles in the proper form.

The bicep curl adds definition to the muscles and adds strength. Various types and modifications make use of barbells, cable machines, kettlebells, resistance bands, and dumbbells. They are effective for upper body training and can be included with any strengthening workout routine. However, the standing biceps dumbbell curl is the traditional one practised widely. This workout’s highlighting feature is that it can be performed anywhere and, therefore, is the best workout at home option, unlike the hamstring curls, which potentially needs a machine for an effective output.

Benefit Of Biceps Curl

The benefits of biceps curls are numerous, but sculpted arms are the most obvious.

  • Biceps curl exercise will help train the body’s shoulders by making them more stable. In addition, it will engage the core in the stabilisation process, and therefore you get a triple benefit here.
  • Biceps Curl will help perform other exercises better as it aids with the flexing of the elbows. As this movement is involved in most upper body exercises, it is essential. In an activity like rowing, the biceps support the elbows to pull the weight back to the body, so it has to be strong and healthy.

How To Perform Biceps Curl?

The stepwise manual for performing a biceps curl to train your sexy biceps and ace the move is as follows:

  • Choose dumbbells appropriately, which you will be able to lift at least 10 times effortlessly in good form. It is advised to start with 2.5 to 5 kgs in each hand. But if you have been inactive for quite some time, begin with a one-kilogram dumbbell.
  • Stand with the feet wide apart as the hip. Throughout the exercise, you should engage your abdominal muscles. Now start by holding the dumbbell in each hand.
  • Perform the bicep workout in a very calm and composed state of mind. Relax the arms down at the sides of the body.
  • Now with the upper arms stable and the palms facing forwards, take care to have your shoulders relaxed. Lift the weights with the elbow bent slightly.
  • Raise the hands with the dumbbells up to your shoulders. At this point of the bicep curl, take care to have the elbows close to the ribs by tucking it in and exhaling gently.
  • Go back to the starting position by lowering the weight and performing 8 to 10 curls. Then take a rest and perform one or two more sets according to your fitness levels.

What Are The Common Mistakes You Should Avoid With Biceps Curls?

You should always perform the bicep curls properly and take it slow. This will help you avoid errors and prevent any unnecessary injury. Lift the weights in a flawlessly smooth motion, and buy more time to lower the weight. It will not only correct the posture but will also help you master the move better.

Another technique is to have the elbow close to the side of the body, and a simple method to determine if you are using the correct weight is checking the elbow movement. If it goes away from the torso or floats elsewhere, it indicates that you are lifting a heavyweight that will not suit your fitness level.

Do not recruit the torso or shoulders during the biceps dumbbell curl, as it will end up making you uncomfortable. Instead, always concentrate on having the spine upright and tall with the core tight. Most importantly, it would be best to relax your shoulders without moving forward while exercising. To take care of all the common mistakes, ensure that you opt for lower weights or decrease the number of times you perform the lift.

What Are The Variations In A Biceps Curl Workout?

The most common biceps curl exercise modifications are preacher curls, reverse curls, seated curls, concentration curls, and incline seated curls. You can also add a barbell biceps curl to add variety to the workout instead of always using dumbbells.

Start by doing the bicep curl with barbells. Stand erect with the chest up, and it would be best if you pulled the shoulders without hunching forward. Squeeze the barbell bar, which will activate all the target muscles. Then place the elbows in front of the body and curl up by always keeping the shoulder blades down. Hold the bar till you reach one or two inches from the shoulders. Then lower it slowly and go ahead with the next rep. Perform the lowering part of the barbell biceps curl slowly to prevent muscle breakdown and isolate the muscles properly.

You can also perform the same with a balance disc, resistance bands, BOSU or cable machine to challenge the biceps and gain better stability. Use a seated armless chair or a bench to perform bicep curls if standing posture is challenging for you.

A biceps curl workout is recommended for all age groups. You may feel exhausted and have a burning sensation in your biceps or forearms, but this is essential to get your biceps growing and strengthen it effectively. It is highly advised not to overdo it if you feel fatigued. Taking rest between sets will prevent injury and improve the exercise's efficiency. One more precautionary measure you have to take is not to lift heavyweight, especially if you are a beginner. Heavyweight lifting might lead to elbow or wrist injury and mess with your entire workout routine. That said! Begin with a few warm-ups sets if you plan to perform the bicep curl without any hindrance.

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