Post-traumatic stress disorder is also known as shell shock or battle fatigue syndrome. PTSD meaning, post-traumatic stress disorder, is a condition that affects the mental health of a person. Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD is seen to happen after a traumatic event that causes patients affected with PTSD to have traumatic symptoms like nightmares, severe anxiety and flashbacks. It is challenging to cope and adjust to regular life, but they become better with good self-care.When post-traumatic stress worsens, it will last months or years and cause permanent damage to the person. The things that trigger post-traumatic stressdisorder PTSD are loss of a beloved, accidents, crimes or abuse. This even happens after a person surpasses the incidents as the thoughts and memories keep recurring. Studies state that 8% of the population are affected with post-traumatic stress disorder PPT, most of which is women. Treatments for PTSD can help a person recover effectively, and therefore, it is essential not to keep experimenting with natural ways of solving the problem and seeking medical help immediately.
What Are The Causes Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
PTSD is seen to develop only after a traumatic event or situation that triggers emotions like horror, shock, fear or helplessness. Some of the instances that cause PTSD are:
• Natural disasters
• Serious accidents
• Personal assault
• Types of abuse
• Loss of a loved one
• Being a victim of crime
• Life-threatening health diagnosis
• Losing a job
• Lack of social support
• History of mental health issue
• Severe substance usage
• Poor physical health
• Genetics or heredity
What Are The Triggers Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
The triggers are the factors that remind one of the traumatic events in some way or the other. They are:
• Sound
• Smell
• Thoughts
• Sight
What Are The Symptoms Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
The PTSD symptoms are always seen to start within three months after the traumatic event or even later. There are four types of PTSD symptoms, and they are:
• Intrusion symptoms are nightmares, fearful thoughts and flashbacks of the particular event happening again.
• Avoidance symptoms are refusal of discussing or even getting reminded of the event.
• Arousal symptoms include difficulty sleeping, anger outbursts with irritability, hypersensitivity to all dangers, and feeling anxious or unnecessarily tensed.
• Mood affecting symptoms like inability to concentrate or remember, feeling guilty, detachment problems along with depression, phobias and anxiety.
• Physical symptoms are headaches, dizziness, perspiration, chest pain, stomach aches, tiredness, insomnia and weakened immune system.
What Are The Treatments For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
The treatments that are done for PTSD are psychotherapy or counselling, medication or a combination of both.
• Psychotherapy treatments help in learning new skills to manage the PTSD symptoms and to cope with them. This particular therapy aims to educate the affected person's family about the disorder and help the person recover quickly. There are various forms of psychotherapy approaches, and they are:
• Cognitive behavioural therapy is a PTSD treatment in which the patient is given a learning session to change his thought processes that cause all the troubling emotions and behaviours.
• Exposure therapy is another type of PTSD treatment that makes the patient relive the traumatic event. This is more like a social experiment done in a well-controlled environment that is entirely safe. The therapy is very effective to help the person confront all the fears and become used to the situations that once caused all the anxiety.
• Psychodynamic therapy is yet another treatment that helps the individual examine and self-analyse one's values and emotional conflicts and then change within. Another branch under this treatment is eye desensitization and reprocessing, which alleviates distress and is popular in treating phobias.
• Family and group therapies are seen to allow the person to share the fear, thoughts and feeling with their family and close circle and then solve their problem by venting them out.
• Medications are antidepressants that are used to control all the symptoms and the feeling of anxiety. The various medications are:
• Tricyclic antidepressants are amitriptyline and isocarboxazid.
• Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like citalopram, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline and fluoxetine.
• Atypical antipsychotics like aripiprazole and quetiapine.
• Mood stabilizers are Divalproex and lamotrigine.
• Some blood pressure medicines are prazosin for nightmares, clonidine for sleep and propranolol to minimize all traumatic memories.
• Tranquillizers like lorazepam and clonazepam are also seen to treat PTSD in severe cases.
How To Prevent Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
PTSD meaning, post-traumatic stress disorder, is affected by certain things. Hence a person has to take care of oneself or develop necessary healthy habits to prevent PTSD. They are:
• Take time and relax. Relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing or massage will activate the body's response and ease various symptoms of PTSD. Various online courses teach how to do meditation, and the Buddha meditation and Chit shakti meditation are the ones that are used to treat complex emotional problems.
• Do not consume drugs and alcohol. A person will be tempted to self-medicate with for all the complicated emotions and traumatic events with substances. This will worse all the symptoms of PTSD that will interfere with the treatment and worsen the situation.
• Always eat a healthy diet. The energy must be kept high with nutritious and balanced meals. Omega 3 fatty acids have a good effect on developing the emotional health of a person. Hence a person must consume flaxseed, walnut and fatty fish in the diet. Avoid all processed and fried food along with refined starches and sugars.
• Get enough sleep as sleep deprivation will trigger moodiness, irritability and anger. A person has to sleep for at least seven hours every night to enhance and save mental health.
• Perform all the activities that help to have the mind occupied and drive away stress. Physical exercises are included in these, and even low-intensity ones contribute to avoiding all kinds of mental problems.
A post-traumatic stress disorder meaning PTSD is to be treated at the earliest. The primary thing is to understand that PTSD is not a sign of weakness and to confront the fear by accepting the past. Hence even if you know anyone exhibiting these symptoms, show them to a doctor and treat them immediately.
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