A Plank to Pushup is a full-body exercise. The Plank to Pushup is a variation of a plank that one should try if they’re looking for a challenge. It is also known as a Plank Push-up. 

Plank to pushup is a hybrid exercise. These exercises combine a few specific movements into a compound exercise and are one of the best ways to make the most of your workouts. Plank to pushup exercise takes the standard plank to the next level by adding the element of controlled movement in the arm work. It is an excellent core strengthener and a perfect exercise for beginners looking to gain core strength and stability to advance to the next level.

In a pushup plank workout, one alternates between a forearm plank and a high plank, while maintaining the plank position. Throughout the workout, you are supposed to repeatedly cycle from a push-up position to a forearm plank position while alternating the arms to lower and raise your body to build strength. Your stabilizer and core muscles stay turned on and engaged throughout the plank to pushup movement, helping in building core strength

In this article, we will discuss how to do plank to push up. We’ll also discuss the various plank to push up benefits.

How To Do a Plank To Pushups Exercise?

When it comes to plank to a pushup, the form is of utmost importance. Here is a step-by-step guide on doing the exercise the right way.

  • To begin, get into a modified plank position by placing your forearms in contact with the floor. While your knees and toes touch the ground, your hips should be off the ground. Make sure your elbows are directly underneath your shoulders.
  • Now, rotate your shoulders outwards to engage your lats. Pull your forearms towards your midsection to create tension. Squeeze your quads and glutes.
  • Now, engage your core and tuck in your pelvis tightly. Your ribs should be down. Make sure your chin remains untucked throughout the movement.
  • Now, straighten your legs to lift your knees off the ground to get into a full plank position with your legs hip-width apart. It is the starting position.
  • Maintaining full-body tension, and keeping your core engaged, slowly straighten one arm at a time to move into the push-up position.
  • Now, slowly bend your arms one at a time and place the forearms back on the floor to return to the plank position.
  • These form one repetition of the Plank to pushup exercise.

Alternate between push-up position and plank position for the desired number of repetitions. It is a good idea to begin with a plank to pushup,   by performing 2-3 sets of 5-10 repetitions on each side. However, always make sure to meet your appropriate edge by choosing your sets and repetitions as per your ability to maintain good form and technique throughout the exercise.

Things to keep in mind to avoid common mistakes while performing the plank to pushup exercise are:

  • Do not allow your hips to sway back and forth as you alternate between plank and push-up positions.
  • Do not allow your head and neck to drop throughout the exercise.
  • Do not allow your hips to drop or rise too high. Keep your hips stable, core engaged, and lower back safe throughout the exercise.
  • Always pay close attention to the form and keep your entire body in a straight line.

Learn to do Plank To Pushups Exercise Watching this Video

Learn how to do the Plank Push-Ups by Cult Fit that helps you work your obliques. This video has brought you power-packed Beginners series to work out from homes!

Benefits of Plank To Pushups Exercise

There are various plank to push up benefits you should know. These plank push up benefits include:

  • Works the entire body: Push up plank workout targets various muscles in the body simultaneously. It works your biceps, triceps, anterior deltoids, abdominal muscles, hamstrings, glutes, and back. The workout is a great exercise for full-body strengthening and conditioning. 
  • Particularly good for upper body strength: As the plank and push up workout targets most of the upper body muscles, it is a great exercise to build upper body strength. A plank and push up workout is particularly helpful in strengthening the shoulders, chest, and triceps.
  • Particularly good for core strength: Performing the alternating push up plank is also an effective workout for your core muscles and increases core strength. Alternating push up plank is good for working the anterior core. It is also great at targeting and increasing the strength of the posterior core and the glutes.
  • Helps in preventing injuries: Alternating push up plank is a great exercise to even out asymmetries and imbalances between the right and left sides of the body. As a result, it helps reduce the risk of injuries in day-to-day activities. Additionally, plank to pushup works the core, pelvis, and back and is particularly helpful in preventing injuries that result from a weak anterior core and subsequent spinal and pelvic stability.
  • Can be practiced at any level of fitness: Plank to pushup is a good upper body and a full-body strengthening exercise for any level of fitness. If the standard plank to pushup is too challenging for you, you can modify it and make it easier by placing your elbows on an elevated surface, like an exercise block. It will then be easier to perform the plank push up workout by shortening the range of motion. For another easy variation, you can also modify by keeping your knees on the ground throughout the exercise.
  • Is a convenient home workout: Plank to pushup is a convenient exercise to perform anywhere as it requires no equipment. Plank to pushup is a great way to work on strengthening your body even when you’re traveling or stuck at home.

Now that you know all the plank push up benefits, make sure to give this strengthening exercise a try. It is a good idea to make this exercise a part of your home workout routine. As a bodyweight exercise, plank to pushup can prove a useful addition to any strength training program, whether you work out at the gym or home.

Other variations of the exercise that you can consider are high plank, side plank, and plank jacks. To build body strength and progress continuously, make sure to incorporate proper warm-ups and cool-downs in your workout routine. Additionally, supplement your workout routine with adequate rest and proper nutrition to see results in your health and fitness levels. 

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