Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant that a human body requires to repair the tissues in the body and accentuate further growth. It helps in maintaining the bones, teeth, skin and cartilage that gives protection to the system. The primary benefit of Vitamin C is that it fights all the free radicals in the body, thereby increasing immunity and preventing various diseases like cancers, heart ailment, ageing and cartilage loss in osteoarthritis. Most important of all, Vitamin C for immunity is essential learning in recent times.

Sources of Vitamin C

The body cannot produce Vitamin C, and therefore it has to be pumped into the body system through various foods like citrus fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, etc. A healthy recipe with Vitamin C rich food helps the body to increase immunity levels. Besides these, they are also found in strawberries, kiwi, sprouts and others. Vitamin C for immunity helps the body absorb the non-heme iron from some plant foods like spinach, beans and quinoa, and this should be done by consuming both the iron-rich and Vitamin C rich foods in the same meal. Mainly Vitamin C for immunity is found in raw foods rather than stored or cooked dishes as they tend to lose nutritional value. Another excellent way to boost Vitamin C for immunity in the body is by taking such supplements.

How Does Vitamin C Improve Immunity?

Vitamin C for immunity plays a vital role in increasing the immunity levels in the body after the two major immunity boosters that are exercises and yoga. This is done by producing more white blood cells that fight against all the infections in the body. They are an effective antioxidant that protects the human system from oxidative stress, thereby protecting the health from diabetes and heart problems.In the current scenario, Vitamin C tablets for immunity are highly recommended for patients infected by coronavirus as they are seen to improve immunity levels drastically. It is also referred to as ascorbic acid and is a water-soluble Vitamin that repairs various functions in the body. For the well-functioning of the immune system, there are certain things it does to the body, and they are:

• It enhances the phagocyte function, a type of white blood cell that defends the body from all dangerous invasions. These surround the intruders, and they digest with the help of a neutralized enzyme.
• The white blood cells and other primary cells that are the main components of the immune system have 80 times more Vitamin C than the amount found in the blood plasma.
• Vitamin C increases immunity by supporting interferon production, which takes place when the pathogens are detected. They enhance the ability of the cells to offer protective defence to the body.
• Vitamin C is beneficial for the cellular immune response that happens in two main ways. They are:
1. Antibody immunity: This is what we had discussed previously.
2. Cellular immunity: In this, the cells activate the macrophages that are natural killer cells and a specific T lymphocyte to attack the foreign invader.

•  Vitamin C and immunity go hand in hand, and this is seen as Vitamin C produces nitrogen oxide in massive quantities by the phagocytes. These are the main factors to kill all the pathogens entering the body.
•  Vitamin C food brings about the cytokine production that is communicating protein released by the white blood cells. They transmit the information to the other cells in the body and promote an immune response.
•  Vitamin C immune booster diet produces T-lymphocytes that are very important for the immune response. This is mediated through the cells, and it also inhibits the apoptosis of some forms of these T-lymphocytes. This plays an integral part in the body's immune defence mechanism as they help keep all the cells alive and viable.
•  It neutralizes oxidative stress and also improves the immune response during vaccination procedures.
•  Vitamin C immune system is then a hot topic these days as it further inhibits neuraminidase production. These are created by specific viruses and bacteria. Neuraminidase is an enzyme that prevents pathogens from getting trapped in the mucus. By doing this, Vitamin C helps to optimize the body's defence mechanism.
•  Vitamin C enhances the production of B lymphocytes, and this is nothing but the antibody-mediated immune response. Here the antibodies are created as a responsive action to the foreign antigens.
•  Vitamin C favours prostaglandins that are hormones to control various physiological processes of the body. They are the ones responsible for the T-cell function.
•  It brings about a mucolytic effect that helps to fluidize the fatty secretions by increasing the immunity levels and fighting against the infection.
•  Vitamin C activates the antibodies and increases their production.
•  It creates higher quantities of circular GMP levels in the lymphocytes, which regulates the immune responses and specific physiological responses. The circular GMP is also seen to control the action of various hormones in the body and relax the muscles.
•  It brings about an activity like natural killer cells that attack the foreign bodies or cancer cells directly and kill them.
•  Vitamin C helps with the interaction with hydrogen peroxide and kills all the microorganisms by dissolving the protective granules of some bacteria like pneumococci.
•  It inhibits histamine, and the effect of Vitamin C is to support the immune system by these components.
•  It supports the healthy immune function by making the bacterial membranes permeable to specific antibodies.

Recommended Dosage of Vitamin C to Increase Immunity

The recommended intake levels of Vitamin C for an adult are 2000 mg per day, and there is no evidence of developing any side effects due to overconsumption of these. But it is known that anything beyond 1000 mg per day will make the body not absorb them, leading to minor problems like diarrhoea or other gastrointestinal discomforts. And a high intake of Vitamin C through diet leads to kidney stones also as it becomes impossible for the body to store it. For people with hemochromatosis, a hereditary problem leads to tissue damage as they have trouble with the body absorbing iron. And in the case of women after menopause, it puts them at risk of cardiovascular problems.

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