What is Folliculitis?
Folliculitis is a skin condition where the hair follicles become inflamed and get infected. This is a common infection that occurs due to fungal or bacterial growth. They are more likely to happen in areas such as your neck, thighs, buttocks and armpits. Folliculitis appears as small red bumps around hair follicles. They are mainly two types of folliculitis: superficial and deep. The superficial folliculitis refers to the part of the follicle. On the other hand, the deep folliculitis involves the entire follicle and can be more serious. Folliculitis is not a life-threatening condition but if left untreated it can cause severe complications such as permanent hair loss, boils under skin, cellulitis and even scarring.
‍Folliculitis Symptoms
‍Usually, folliculitis causes small red or white crusty pimples around hair follicles. However, they can also be accompanied by other symptoms. Some of the most common folliculitis symptoms and signs include:
- Itching and burning sensation in the skin
- Pain and tenderness in the skin
- Swelling
- Puss-filled blisters
- Crusty sores
- Mild fever
In some cases, folliculitis may lead to various complications.
‍Who Is At Risk?
‍Anyone can get folliculitis but there are certain factors that can make you more prone to this skin disorder. Here are some of the folliculitis risk factors you must know:
- Acne and dermatitis
- Wearing tight clothes that irritate the skin
- Skin injuries, even those caused by shaving
- Causing damage to hair follicles through waxing
- Not bathing after excessive sweating
- Certain medications
- A weak immune system
Folliculitis Causes
‍One of the main folliculitis causes is staph bacteria or fungi. They can cause skin irritation and lead to pimples around hair follicles. The other reason for folliculitis is a transmission. If you share the personal items such as towel, soap or clothing of a person already infected with folliculitis, you can also pick up the bacteria. Unclean spas and pools can also increase the chances of infection.
‍How Is Folliculitis Diagnosed?
Folliculitis diagnosis is quite simple and is mostly based on the physical examination. The doctors will check the affected area and ask you details on the symptoms. You may also have to tell your medical and family history during the diagnosis. In some cases, the doctors may also take the swab of the infected skin to examine the presence of the bacteria and fungi that have caused folliculitis. A skin biopsy may also be required in rare cases to determine if the condition is due to an underlying disease.
‍How is Folliculitis treated?
Folliculitis treatment highly depends on the type and severity of the disorder. While in mild cases, the doctors may advise simple home remedies, you may need medication if the condition is severe. Here are some of the treatment options you can expect:
The dermatologist may prescribe certain medicine for folliculitis to treat the condition along with the symptoms.
Light therapy:
Though used rarely, light therapy can treat deep folliculitis while killing the bacteria.
Laser Hair Removal:
In some cases, laser hair removal may be used to cure the infection by destroying the hair follicles. It is also known as photodynamic therapy and can also be used to treat acne.
Sometimes, the folliculitis doctor may make a small incision to drain the pus. It leads to faster recovery and less pain.
Folliculitis cure is easy and successful if you seek the right treatment on time. We, at Care.Fit, understand each and every need of our patients and help them find the best healthcare. Our experienced doctors offer online consultation, letting you get medical help from the comfort of your home. To know more, you can visit our website or check our app to book an appointment as per your schedule.
‍How Can Folliculitis Be Prevented?
Prevention of folliculitis can be done through various ways which are as follows:
- Avoid wearing tight clothes as they can cause friction between the skin and clothes.
- Shave frequently
- If possible avoid razors and consider other hair removing products.
- Do not share towels or soap of others.
- Take proper precautions during shaving such as applying moisturizer afterwards.
- Use hygienic tubs and pools and make sure you clean them often to avoid any chances of infection.
- Do not use harsh chemicals or irritating products on the skin.
- Avoid spending too much time in sweaty clothes.
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