What is Erythema Nodosum?

‍Erythema nodosum is a type of skin condition in which painful and swollen red or purple lumps form most commonly on the shins. At times, these shuns can also appear on other parts of the body.This condition is also said to one of the most common form of panniculitis which is essentially inflammation of the fat layer which is present underneath the skin. There are different contributing factors. There are no different types of Erythema nodosum that experts and researchers have been able to identify.

‍Erythema Nodosum Symptoms

The Erythema nodosum symptoms and signs are quite a few as is known. These common symptoms have been listed below for your reference and knowledge:

  • The most common one is the appearance of painful red bumps on the lower part of your legs
  • Appearance of these painful bumps on the face, torso, arms and thighs as well.
  • Sudden fever
  • Feeling tired and fatigued all the time
  • Pain in the joints
  • Unbearable pain in the legs
  • Swelling in the ankles
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes in the chest
  • Development of a cough
  • sore throat
  • weight loss
  • stomach pain
  • diarrhoea

These are the other common symptoms that are known. If you notice bumps and experience any then consult a doctor. 

Who is at Risk? 

There are quite a few Erythema nodosum risk factors that all individuals should be aware about as this can develop in anyone. We have mentioned them below for your reference and understanding of the same:  

  • It depends on the gender and is largely known to affect more females than males
  • An individual who is in their twenties
  • Someone with a family history of having erythema nodosum
  • An individual who is suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.

These are some commonly known red flags of this condition. If you fall into any of these then consult a doctor.

‍Erythema nodosum Causes

The Erythema nodosum causes are not actually known. It is often linked to different things. However, there are certain different diseases identified by experts which might eventually result in this as well. These have been discussed below for your understanding.

  • An inflammation of the lymph nodes or even other organs
  • Tuberculosis
  • A flu-like disease called psittacosis
  • Having Cancer
  • Streptococcal infections
  • An infection in the lungs and upper respiratory tract
  • Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
  • An infectious pulmonary disease

These are some of the most obvious causes which have known to lead to the development of metabolic syndrome.

‍How is Erythema nodosum diagnosed?

‍For Erythema nodosum diagnosis, a erythema nodosum doctor will need to perform a certain number of Erythema nodosum tests in case if a physical exam and health history do not help. The doctor may check one or more of the following for better diagnosis:

  • A blood test which can help rule out possibilities of any type of infection
  • Doing a biopsy in which the removed piece of bump will be examined under a microscope
  • A swab test which is done to check for strep throat which is actually one of the most common causes of erythema nodosum.
  • There are other tests a doctor might ask you to do. These include an X-ray or stool cultures.

How is Erythema nodosum treated?

‍Erythema nodosum treatment different types of treatment depending on the severity of the condition.

  • A treatment of other underlying conditions which might have caused this.
  • Stopping a medicine which might have caused a reaction
  • Oral corticosteroids
  • Leg elevation and bed rest

In case these do not work then the doctor will most probably prescribe medicine for erythema nodosum.Care.Fit is your neighbourhood health care provider offering a variety of services for various health conditions. They some of the best dermatologist from all over India to attend to any and all medical requirements. Their services are listed on their app and website. You should consider them if you are looking for a good Erythema nodosum cure.

‍How can Erythema nodosum be prevented?

‍There are no set rules as such for Erythema nodosum prevention as it does not happen overnight in anyone, however there are some recommended precautionary measures that an individual can make to ensure they do not develop this skin condition. Some of these have been mentioned below for your understanding and consideration:

  • Developing and maintaining good hygiene practices
  • Ensuring that you wash your hand often to avoid any sort of infection from entering your body
  • Ensuring that you are not sharing your food, drinks and utensils with any other individual especially an infected one.

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