1. What is Disc Prolapse?

Our spinal chord is make up of a series of bones which are cushioned for discs. The disc has primarily two parts: a tough outer ring and a gelatinous and soft inner portion. When do you any injury or weakness, the inner portion of the disc protrudes through the other ring is known as a disc prolapse. There are no different types of Disc Prolapse however, there are different stages of a herniated disc that doctors know:

  • Disc protrusion
  • Prolapsed disc
  • Disc extrusion
  • Sequestered disc

Disc Prolapse Symptoms

There are quite a number of Disc Prolapse symptoms. Pain and discomfort are the most common ones faced by an individual. However, despite that, there are some other common ones which we have listed below for your reference and knowledge:

  • Numbness and pain mostly on one side of the body
  • Pain that gets worse after sitting or standing
  • Muscle weakness for which the cause is not known
  • Pain while walking short distances
  • Burning, tingling or aching sensation in the affected area
  • Pain that gets worse due to certain movements
  • Pain till the arms and legs

These are some of the reasons for Disc Prolapse that doctors have been able to identify. 2. Who is at Risk? There are various Disc Prolapse risk factors as it can happen to anyone due to multiple reasons. Some individuals are more sensitive to this condition as compared to others. However, experts have been able to identify certain risk factors related to this. We have mentioned them below for your reference and understanding of the same:  

  • An individual who is above the age of forty years is more prone to this condition.
  • An individual who performs Strenuous activities like lifting heavy weights or difficult forms of exercises as that puts pressure on the rib cage as well.

Disc Prolapse Causes

The exact Disc Prolapse causes have not been identified by researchers till now. However, there are certain causes which are believed to contribute to this.

  • Performing certain motions like lifting an object or twisting can result in this.
  • Tasks like lifting a heavy object puts pressure on the rib cage and lower back muscles
  • Individuals who are overweight or obese as this puts pressure on the discs then.

How is Disc Prolapse diagnosed? For Disc Prolapse diagnosis, a Disc Prolapse doctor will need to perform a certain number of tests for this condition as there is no one common test to understand the root cause of the problem. As mentioned, the doctor may then have to conduct multiple tests to get a proper understanding of the problem:

  • The doctor will start with a physical test and get an understanding of your medical history including that of your family members.
  • The doctor in most cases prescribes different tests for the individuals to help get a better understanding of the condition. Some of these tests include X-Rays, MRI scans, CT Scans and discograms. Either some or all will be needed.

How is Disc Prolapse Treated? There are different methods for Disc Prolapse treatment. The treatment is done with the aim of improving the symptoms and helping the individual lead a better quality of daily life. We have mentioned in brief the process of treatment:

  • The treatment varies between conservative to surgical treatment methods depending on the intensity of the pain and how far the disc has slipped.
  • Doctor may prescribe some medicine for disc prolapse.

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  • Ensure that you eat a good diet and maintain a healthy weight that does not fall in the obese or overweight category. A BMI chart is a good tool to check progress.
  • Practicing safe lifting techniques
  • Get up and stretch between intervals of prolonged sitting.

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