What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a type of viral infection that attacks the liver resulting in acute and chronic Diseases. It is easily spread through infected bodily fluids. Although the Symptoms vary from person to person, the commonly seen Signs include yellow eyes, dark urine, abdominal pain, and so on. However, some people, including children, do not exhibit any Symptoms. It is essential to seek medical attention for Hepatitis B Treatment to Prevent liver failure, cancer, or scarring. In extreme cases, a liver transplant might be the only Treatment available.

Symptoms Of Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B Symptoms and Signs range from mild to severe. The Symptoms start to appear after 1 to 4 months after infection. Some Symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Joint pain
  • Dark urine
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Skin and the whites of your eye turns yellow
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Achy joints or muscles
  • Diarrhea
  • Lack of energy

In most cases, the Symptoms do not show up until one to six months have passed since you caught the virus. The two types of Hepatitis B infection are Chronic and Acute.

Who Is At Risk?

Although anyone can fall victim to a Hepatitis B infection, some people are at a greater Risk. The common Hepatitis B Risk Factors include:

  • Hemodialysis patients
  • Healthcare workers
  • Public-safety workers
  • Infants born to infected mothers
  • People who use IV drugs
  • People with chronic liver Disease
  • People who have sex with Hepatitis B infected person
  • People with diabetes and over 60 years
  • Men who have sex with men
  • People who share drug equipment
  • People with kidney Disease
  • People with multiple sex partners
  • Sharing a living space with aa Hepatitis B infected person
  • Traveling to places with a high incidence of HPV cases

Hepatitis B Causes

Hepatitis B infection is a result of the Hepatitis B virus or HBV. The virus can be passed from one person to another through infected bodily fluids like blood, semen, etc. However, it is not contagious through sneezing or coughing. Some of the commonly seen Hepatitis B Causes include:Sexual contact: Having unprotected sex with an infected person will allow the virus to travel from their body to yours via blood, semen, saliva, or vaginal secretions.

  • Sharing Needles: Hepatitis B virus spreads easily through infected needles and syringes. This is why it is essential to use single-use needles and syringes for any purpose.
  • Accidental needle sticks: Health workers are at a high Risk of contracting Hepatitis B virus via accidental needle sticks or while working with human blood.
  • Mother to child: Pregnant women infected with Hepatitis B virus will pass on the virus to their infant. This can be Prevented by vaccinating the child.

How Is Hepatitis B Diagnosed?

Hepatitis B Diagnosis is done after a physical examination followed by a couple of tests. The Hepatitis B doctor will look for Signs of liver damage like belly pain yellowing skin before prescribing the following Hepatitis B tests:

  • Blood tests: Blood tests look for Signs of the Hepatitis B virus. It can also determine whether you have an acute or chronic infection.
  • Liver Ultrasound: A liver ultrasound is used to check the amount of liver damage.
  • Liver Biopsy: The liver biopsy involves sending a small sample of your lover for biopsy to determine if there is any liver damage.

How Is Hepatitis B Treated?

The Treatment of Hepatitis B depends on the type of infection you have. The usual courses of Treatment of Hepatitis B include:

  • Antiviral Medications: These medicines for Hepatitis B are prescribed to help your body fight the virus and slow down the damage caused to your liver. Antiviral medications are a Hepatitis B cure for acute infections.
  • Interferon Injections: These injections help your body fight the infection and Prevent long-term Treatment against the virus. It is often prescribed for young women who plan on getting pregnant soon.
  • Liver Transplant: A liver transplant is often prescribed if your liver has been damaged beyond repair. The surgeon replaces your damaged liver with a new healthy liver.

If you are concerned about your health and have observed Symptoms that indicate Hepatitis B, it is essential to meet a Gastroenterologist as soon as possible. Cure.fit offers you the option of having online doctor consultation with the top doctors in the country. With their help, you will be able to chart out a course of treatment and be on the road to recovery soon enough.

How Can Hepatitis B Be Prevented?

The best method for Hepatitis B Prevention is to get vaccinated. You can also reduce your chance of contracting HBV by avoiding unprotected sex and washing your hand well with water and soap after any exposure to blood or other bodily fluids. You also need to avoid sharing syringes or needles with anyone else. After all, Prevention is better than cure.

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