What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that disables a person to function normally and may affect their day-to-day activities. They may experience feelings of sadness, anger, or even loss. Most of the time, external intervention is required to help cure Depression or find relief from it. If gone untreated, Depression can cause more harm than one can imagine.

Causes of Depression

Depression is a very complex disorder that is not very easy to detect or cure. The root cause of a person’s depression could come from various reasons and depends from individual to individual. Here are a few underlying Depression Causes:

  1. Abuse: any sort of abuse in the past, such as physical, sexual, emotional, or mental can lead to increasing the vulnerability of clinical Depression
  2. Death or a loss: Losing a loved one can cause sadness or grief. Although this is natural, this could sometimes lead to the risk of Depression Disease
  3. Genetics: Depression can also be inherited. A family history of depression is likely to increase the common risk of severe Depression
  4. Major events: Events that can cause trauma to your personal peace such as losing a job, getting divorced, or even moving to a new place or retiring
  5. Other Illness: serious illnesses can trigger Depression in a person purely due to the stress caused to them and their family
  6. Substance abuse: Although the use of drugs or alcohol can make you feel good temporarily when consumed regularly over a period of time, it can aggravate Depression

Types of Depression and their Symptoms

It is normal to feel low once in a while. However, feeling sad most of the time can be a reason for Depression. Here are a few types of Depression to be aware of:

1. Major depressive disorder 

This is the most common type of disorder. In this type of Depression, one tends to feel low almost all the time. Some common symptoms of Major depressive disorder are weight loss or weight gain, loss of interest in daily activities, Insomnia or oversleeping, fatigue, guilt, and suicidal thoughts.

2. Persistent depressive disorder 

 If your Depression lasts for 2 years or longer than that, it could be persistent depressive disorder. This type of Depression could result in a loss of appetite, feeling of fatigue, low self-esteem, and hopelessness.

3. Bipolar disorder 

 Also known as maniac disorder, this type of Depression causes people to behave in extreme moods, either extremely high energy or extremely low and slow. The low phase can imitate Symptoms of major depression.

4. Seasonal affective disorder 

This is a period of major Depression that usually happens during the winters. This is due to the fact that the mood is gloomier and also you receive less sunlight as opposed to summers.

5. Psychotic Depression 

 Similar to Major Depression, psychotic Depression has some additional psychotic Symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.

6. Postpartum Depression 

Symptoms of Depression in women who have just delivered a baby are likely to experience postpartum depression in the weeks and months to follow. This is usually due to the hormonal change and can affect mood instantly.

7. premenstrual dysphoric Depression

Some women at the start of their period experience premenstrual dysphoric Depression. They also experience other symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue, mood swings, etc. Symptoms of Depression in teen girls are usually a cause of this type of Depression.

8. Situational Depression 

Although this is not a technical term in psychiatry, your Depression doctor may call this “stress response syndrome” as this happens as a response to a stressful event in your life causing you a depressive mood

9. Atypical Depression 

This type of Depression is not like any other. It describes a pattern of depressive symptoms that can be improved by a happy incident that happens to them. Some Symptoms of Atypical Depression are increased appetite, oversleeping, oversensitive reactions to others' criticisms, and a feeling of heaviness in your body, arms, and legs especially

How is depression treated?

Given that Depression is a mental disorder, it requires professional intervention from a Psychiatrist.  It is first important to recognize the signs of Depression and accept that you need help. You will need to first take a Depression test in order to understand your mind space and the Causes of Depression. While some types of mild depression can be treated by the constant support of family, friends, and self-awareness through regular exercise, meditation, etc, others require professional help. There are several kinds of Depression doctors in order to provide different clinical Depression treatments. While Therapists can help patients understand the mess in their minds better and untangle the confusion, some complex cases require medications to be treated. Antidepressants are common in the process of Depression treatment. Your personal therapist will be able to guide you better on the best medicine for Depression depending on your case. At cult.fit, we have different Depression specialists available to treat this mood disorder. They are highly qualified professionals and ensure all protocols are followed during treatment. Privacy and personal security are never a concern when you consult with a psychiatrist at cult.fit.

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