Five Skin and Hair Conditions Caused or Exacerbated by Stress

In the fast-paced world we live in today, being able to deal with stress is almost a necessary trait if one wants to achieve success. However, no matter how well you are able to do so, there could be incidents and circumstances that lead to short-term or long-term spikes in stress levels and too much stress could have an adverse impact on your skin as well as your hair. The amount of stress required to actually trigger or worsen these conditions may vary from person to person but there is no doubt that stress in many ways is not good at all for the health of your hair or your skin. It is, therefore, very important to find ways to reduce stress.

+ Skin and Hair Conditions Caused or Exacerbated by Stress - Types

The following are 5 skin and hair conditions that are caused by or worsened by stress.

  1. Dullness:

In general, high levels of stress more often than not leads to reduced sleep, unhealthy diets and lack of adequate intake of water and each of these things cause significant changes to the skin tone and health. When there is too much stress, the skin tends to look duller and loses its freshness and glow. The same can also affect your hair, leaving it looking rougher and duller.

  1. High oil production:

One of the effects of stress on skin is that there is a significant spike in the quantity of oil secreted. This leads to acne and pimple breakouts that may completely change the tone and health of your skin. This excess oil also negatively affects the hair.

  1. Skin inflammation:

It has been proven that inflammation is one of the effects of stress on skin that could lead to a wide range of skin problems like hives, eczema and psoriasis. This has been linked to the fact that high-stress levels usually weaken the skin’s ability to stay healthy.

  1. Hair loss:

One of the most common symptoms of overly high-stress levels is hair loss. Those with high cortisol levels may notice significantly more hair fall in the days post-exposure to the trigger that is causing the stress.

  1. Skin irritation and thinning:

If ways to reduce stress are not found quickly, high cortisol levels lead to the deterioration of both skin and scalp health and may trigger incessant itching or thinning of the skin as well as the hair.

+ Ways to Prevent Skin and Hair Conditions Caused or Exacerbated by Stress

There are many simple ways in which you can prevent or control the impacts of stress on your skin and hair and they are as follows.

  1. Follow a regular skin and hair care regimen:

Use mild and chemical-free products that nourish and rejuvenate your hair as well as your skin and stick to it irrespective of how hectic your schedule is. This will help you keep your skin and hair clean and fresh at all times. Home remedies for skin and hair like the use of essential oils and massages can also be helpful.

  1. Get exercise:

Regular physical activity has been proven to significantly reduce stress and can help you control your stress levels by promoting better and less disturbed sleep and also calming you down and clearing your head. Exercise may help get rid of toxins in the body and can also contribute to healthier and fresher hair and skin.

  1. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking:

Caffeine and the nicotine found usually in cigarettes are stimulants and in fact increase stress levels. Many individuals smoke or consume caffeine or alcohol in order to reduce stress but this has the opposite effect as these substances only stimulate the body further and leave you feeling even more stressed out over time.

  1. Get adequate sleep:

The best remedy for stress is to sleep more and get enough rest every day. Lack of sleep can significantly increase stress and its effects on skin and hair and therefore getting enough sleep can drastically lower stress and improve health. Stick to a regular bedtime routine that will help you fall asleep easier and train your body to be able to sleep better.

  1. Stress management techniques:

One of the best home remedies for stress is opting for stress management techniques like yoga and meditation that help you lower your stress levels and leave you feeling calmer and less agitated. Yoga is known to improve body functioning and restore hormonal balance as well by reducing stress and allowing you to calm down and get rid of negative energy. Meditation is often a part of yoga and can also be practised separately in order to get rid of stress. Simple breathing exercises are known to improve cognitive ability, reduce anxiety and offer stress relief to those who practice them.

  1. Good diet:

One of the things that can throw off your body’s hormonal balance is an unhealthy diet. A diet that is too inconsistent and consists of high-sugar foods and does not offer all the nutrients required for optimal health may lead to stress and can eventually result in unhealthy skin and hair. A good, balanced diet with very limited intake of caffeine and alcohol may therefore be very beneficial to those seeking stress relief.

  1. Time management:

A simple way to reduce stress is to manage your time effectively and not let deadlines and last-minute work get you all worked up. Do not take up assignments that require you to sacrifice your health or sleep and always try and avoid a last-minute rush to finish your tasks. Never skip a meal or your daily exercise in order to remain fresh and fight stress.

  1. Make time for yourself:

The best remedy for stress is to find time for your hobbies and leisure as this can greatly relieve stress. Find time every day, even if it is just ten minutes, to read a book, watch some television, catch up with friends or cook your favourite dish. This will allow you to reconnect with yourself and ensure that you are not taken over by anxiety and stress.

  1. Talk about it:

If stress is affecting your daily life, you must seek help from either friends and family or a professional therapist who can help you overcome these challenges. Talking to someone about your concerns may help you tackle them better and also reduce stress over time if you have a good support system that you can reach out to if needed.

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