
What is Tonsils Infection?Tonsils are two lymph nodes present on both sides at the back of a human’s throat. They protect our body from various infections. When these tonsils become infected themselves, the condition is called tonsillitis, or as it is popularly known as - tonsils. Tonsillitis is contagious, which means you can catch it from a person who is already affected. There are mainly three types of tonsils:

  • Acute tonsils: If tonsils last long only around 10 days, it called acute tonsils. Most of the time, it can be treated by home remedies.
  • Chronic tonsils: If the symptoms last long for many days, it is probably chronic tonsillitis. Small stone-like structures develop in crevices of tonsils that are formed by the dead cells, saliva, and food particles.
  • Recurrent tonsils: When you start developing tonsils almost every year, it is called recurrent tonsils. Doctors usually recommend surgically removing the tonsils to correct this condition.

Tonsils SymptomsThe common symptoms of tonsils include:

  • Sore throat
  • Sharp pain while swallowing food or liquid
  • Scratchy voice
  • Foul-smelling breath
  • Chills and fever
  • Pain in ears and head
  • Stomach-ache
  • Stiffness in neck
  • Lymph nodes get swollen
  • Redness on the region of tonsils

If your child is very young, and suddenly starts getting irritates, drooling, and losing appetite, there are chances that he/she might be experiencing tonsils symptoms. Who is at Risk?The risk factors that increase the chances of a person developing tonsils are:

  • Age factor: Age is the biggest risk factor when it comes to tonsils. Children younger than the age of 2 years rarely get tonsils. The age spectrum that is most vulnerable to tonsil is 4 to 15 years. Tonsils rarely develop in adults.
  • Exposure to germs: Children get in contact with germs in playgrounds, schools, and other public places. Frequent exposure to bacteria and virus make a child prone to tonsils.

Tonsils CausesTonsils come in direct contact with viruses and bacteria. In the process of protecting our bodies, sometimes tonsils get infected themselves. The most common tonsils causes are:

  • Viruses: The common cold viruses are the most common cause of tonsils. Other viruses that are causes of tonsils are Epstein-Barr virus, Hepatitis A, and HIV.
  • Bacteria: About 15 to 30 percent of tonsils are caused by bacteria. The most common bacteria that cause tonsils is strep bacteria.

How is Tonsils Diagnosed?Tonsil diagnosis is mostly done by a physical examination of your throat by a doctor. Here are a few other tonsils tests that doctors do to diagnose tonsils:

  • Culture test: Your doctor might take a throat culture for laboratory to know the root cause.
  • Blood test: A blood sample might also be taken to know whether your tonsils are caused by a virus or bacteria.

How is Tonsils Treated?Acute tonsils can be treated by home remedies. It is mostly caused by cold viruses and might even not require treatment. However, severe forms of tonsils need special treatment like:

  • Medications: Doctors usually prescribe medicines for chronic or recurrent tonsils treatment.  
  • Hydration: Many people get dehydrated because of tonsils. Doctors give intravenous fluids for hydration.
  • Tonsillectomy: If medicines do not improve the condition of a patient, doctors remove the tonsils surgically, which is called Tonsillectomy.

If you are looking for tonsils cure, then Care.Fit is the perfect place for you. We have experienced doctors who can give you consultation without any hassle of long-lines and wait. You can visit our website or app to know more about online consultation. How Can Tonsils be Prevented?Since the primary reason for developing tonsils is an infection, the best way to get prevented from tonsils is to stay away from infections. Here are methods of prevention of tonsils that can keep you away from the infection:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly every time after using the toilet, going outside, or before eating.
  • Try to avoid sharing food, utensils, or drinking glass with others.
  • Replace toothbrushes every three months or after you are diagnosed with tonsils.

Not just yourself, it is also necessary to prevent others if you have developed tonsils. Here are a few methods to prevent the spread of tonsils:

  • Avoid contact with others
  • Try not to go to public places
  • Cough or sneeze only into a tissue
  • Wash hands thoroughly after sneezing or coughing

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