What Is A Heart Attack?

A heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction, occurs when the heart's coronary arteries are blocked. When this happens, the fatty deposits start to build up, including cholesterol and substances like a plague resulting in a heart attack. This eventually narrows the arteries further, and this condition is known as atherosclerosis. Finally, this coronary artery disease causes a heart attack. Very rarely, the plague will rupture and form clots too that will block the blood flow. This interruption in the blood flow will destroy and damage parts of the heart muscles, and in case of emergency, consult doctor online to help with first aid.

What Causes Heart Attack?

The heart muscles need a constant supply of blood that is rich in oxygen. The coronary arteries provide the heart with the necessary blood supply, and any problem with these arteries will lead to narrowing of them. Heart attack causes develop when the blood is unable to flow correctly, thereby giving the heart an attack. The plagues are the fat, calcium, protein and other inflammatory cells that build upon the artery wall, and these are the causes of heart attack. These deposits are hard on the outside, whereas soft and mushy on the inside. These hard outer shells crack, and when this rupture happens, the platelets rush to the particular spot to clot the blood there. This blood clot blocks the artery, which makes the muscles of the heart starve without oxygen. Ultimately the cells in that particular area dies, and it leads to permanent damage. Another rare scenario is when a spasm in the coronary artery again serves as the causes of heart attack. The arteries restrict the blood flow on and off to the heart muscle. It can happen even when a person is resting or does not have any coronary artery disease.

What Are The Symptoms Of a Heart Attack?

The heart attack symptoms in women and men are both the same. They are:

  • Tightness of the chest
  • Pressurized sign on the chest and its muscles offering a heavy feel
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Abdominal pain
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • An ache in the arms
  • Squeezing chest pain
  • Neck, jaw and backaches.

What Steps To Take During A Heart Attack?

The first step one must think of is to offer a quick treatment to open up the blocked artery to decrease the damage and relieve the symptoms of heart attack. If the person is treated within one or two hours of the heart attack, they have a better chance of survival and recovery. The immediate first aid is to chew on aspirin as it inhibits the blood clots and lowers the risk of death by twenty-five percent. This lowers the heart attack symptoms instantly.

Treatment For Heart Attack

The treatments that one can include to open up the blocked-up arteries and relieve heart attack symptoms are:

1. Balloon angioplasty:

This treatment requires a balloon-tipped catheter inserted into a blocked artery after a heart attack. The balloon is then inflated and is then gently pressed against the plaque against the walls of the arteries. This helps to open the arteries, thereby aiding blood flow and curing heart attack symptoms.

2. Stent placement:

A small tube is inserted through the catheter into the blocked artery to make it open after a heart attack. The stent is always metal and is a permanent fitting that the body will absorb over time. A stent can also have a medicine included in it to prevent the artery from getting blocked again.

3. Bypass surgery:

This is the last resort to restore blood supply to the heart after a heart attack. It opens the heart by a surgeon to reroute the blood flow from the blocked artery with the help of a blood vessel from the leg or chest.

How To Prevent Heart Attack?

In order to prevent a heart attack, the goal is to keep the heart healthy with various aspects like regular heart check-ups, healthy lifestyle changes, or even medications. So, the multiple factors that help in lowering the risk of heart attack are:

1. Medications:

Certain drugs and medicines help prevent a heart attack and treat any sign of heart attack. Their functions include:

  • Preventing blood clots from helping the heart perform better.
  • Stopping the formation of plagues.
  • Lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Treating uneven heartbeat and controlling chest pain.

2. Lifestyle changes:

The necessary lifestyle changes that are required to keep away from heart attacks are:

  • Stop smoking as this raises the risk of both strokes and heart attacks.
  • Maintain healthy body weight. Overweight and obese people are at a higher chance of getting affected with heart problems. Therefore, follow an exercise plan and lower the harmful cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Consume a healthy diet and fill the plate with more fruits, veggies, lean meats, poultry without skin and bean. Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and oatmeal are excellent choices.
  • Avoid unhealthy foods like added sugar and recipes that are high in salt. Cut back on items with preservatives and try to stay away from beef, butter, palm oil, and other fried stuff rich in saturated fats. When it comes to unhealthy foods, skip sodas, cookies, cakes, pies and all baked items that result in weight gain. Moreover, the baked and packed foods are high in trans-fat that will tend to raise cholesterol levels and avoiding them will prevent any sign of heart attack.
  • Refrain from alcohol or limit the amount of consumption as drinking raises the heart rate and blood pressure. It also increases the level of fat in the blood and results in gaining weight. This is the main factor contributing to heart attack symptoms in men.

3. Regular heart check-ups:

Make cholesterol checks mandatory after a certain age. Keeping a check on these numbers to make yourself aware of the changes to bring back the levels to normal limits.An electrocardiogram is a primary monitor to determine the functioning of the heart and to diagnose if there is any risk involved or any chances to get a heart attack. Hence this has to be necessarily done by people when they have doubts without being lethargic and seek the help of a cardiologist.

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