The new coronavirus that has overtaken the entire globe since December 2019 has been officially named SARS-CoV-2. Unlike other viruses, the Covid 19 virus is easily transmitted and can also be life-threatening in some cases. The Covid-19 virus can survive on surfaces and in the air long enough to infect other people, making it an easily contractible disease unless you follow necessary precautions. Some people contract the infection and do not display any symptoms, yet they pass it on to others unknowingly. This is why it is essential to follow safety precautions for Covid-19 and help prevent Covid-19 potential outbreaks.

How Does Coronavirus Spread?

According to the data collected since the onset of Covid-19, the virus tends to spread from one person to the next through close contact. The SARS-CoV-2 spreads through respiratory droplets released by infected people when they cough, sneeze, talk, sing, or even breathe. When these drops are inhaled by another person, it will cause them to get infected by the Covid-19 virus. This virus also spreads through airborne transmission, increasing the transmission rate compared to other viral infections. Following the CDC guidelines for Covid-19 can help lower the transmission rate and even put a stop to potential outbreaks.

Precautions & Tips To Prevent Covid-19

You need to follow health protocols for Covid-19 to the dot to make sure that you do not contract the infection or become an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. Here is some advice to prevent Covid 19 and keep your loved ones safe:

1. Wash Hands Carefully And Frequently

Use soap and warm water and rub your hands for around twenty seconds. Make sure you lather between your fingers, under your fingernails as well as your wrists. Using antiviral and antibacterial soap offers even more protection. If you are not able to wash your hands frequently, keep your hand sanitizer within easy reach. You need to sanitize your hands numerous times throughout the day to prevent Covid-19.

2. Do Not Touch Your Face

Studies have shown that the Covid-19 virus has the capability to live on surfaces for up to 72 hours. So when you touch surfaces like doorknobs, cell phones, cash, lift buttons, light switch, you risk contracting the virus. Besides sanitizing your hands regularly, you also need to avoid touching your face or head so that you do not give the virus a chance to enter your body via your hands.

3. Stop Hugging People And Shaking Hands

Avoid shaking hands or hugging people to stop SARS-CoV-2 transmission and prevent Covid-19. You can also implement the social distancing rule of staying 6 feet or further apart when talking to another person.

4. Do Not Share Personal Items

In order to prevent Covid-19, you need to stop sharing personal things like phones, makeup, pens, combs with other people. You also need to teach young kids to use only their utensils and straws and not share them with anyone else in order to prevent Covid-19.

5. Cough Or Sneeze Into Your Elbow

SARS-CoV-2 is present in large amounts in the mouth and nose. You need to make a habit of coughing or sneezing into your elbow to prevent Covid-19 transmission when you cough or sneeze.

6. Disinfect Surfaces Regularly

Disinfect surfaces in your home regularly several times a day, especially after you bring in packages or groceries into your home.

7. Avoid Large Groups Or Gatherings

People in large groups or gatherings are more prone to contracting the SARS-CoV-2 virus. You need to keep a distance of six feet or more at public places like parks, beaches, and so on.

8. Wear A Mask In Public Places

Always wear a mask in public places. Remember to discard the mask without touching your face as soon as you get home and sanitize your hands immediately. Masks used correctly can help prevent asymptotic people or undiagnosed people from transmitting Covid-19 unknowingly.

9. Do Not Eat Or Drink In Public Places

Avoid drinking or eating in public places like restaurants, bars, coffee shops to prevent Covid-19. The Covid-19 virus has been observed to be transmitted through utensils, food, cups, and dishes. You can choose to get takeaway food and heat it thoroughly at home before eating it.

10. Wash Groceries

Always wash your groceries while running before preparing or eating. You also need to sanitize all grocery packages before placing them in your pantry in order to prevent Covid-19.

What To Do If You Feel Sick?

Even if you follow all precautions, there is still a chance that you may contract Covid-19. It is essential to be aware of the different symptoms caused by this disease. Some of the common symptoms include shortness of breath, cold, headaches, fatigue, body ache, loss of taste or smell, nasal congestion, diarrhea, red eyes, and so on.In case you suspect you may have contracted the disease, keep track of your coronavirus symptoms day by day and self-isolate. Talk to a doctor via COVID-19 Online Consultations and ask for advice. Ask someone to bring your medicines and essential supplies while self-isolating. If you feel that your symptoms are worsening contact COVID-19 Consultations for Adults. If you have young kids at home, contact COVID-19 Consultations for kids to find out more about protocols to be followed in case someone close to them has been affected by the Covid-19 virus.Besides following the above-mentioned precautions to prevent Covid-19, try to stay home from work and school. You also need to avoid public transportation and only leave your home in unavoidable situations. With Covid-19 still continuing to spread in different corners of the world, it is essential to follow the protocols in order to avoid getting infected by this virus. Stay safe by isolating yourself and limiting contact with people outside your home. People who suffer from lung disease, diabetes, heart diseases, or have a weak immune system tend to get seriously ill for Covid-19. Since asymptomatic carriers may unknowingly carry the disease to compromised people, follow health protocols and stay a safe distance away. After all, prevention is always better than cure.

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