While it might be difficult for you to believe that yoga can help you to lose weight, it's actually true. Read on to find out which Yoga asanas can come in handy as you try to focus on weight & fat loss..
Keeping your liver healthy & functional is an absolute necessity. Try these 5 effective yoga postures to reduce body weight & stimulate the liver for better functioning. Here is some yoga to control fatty liver.
To get rid of waste & toxins liver plays an important role; hence it is important to keep it healthy. Try these effective yoga asanas today for a healthy liver.
Yoga For Heart Blockage is the best alternative remedy to cure your heart problems. Practice these yoga asanas mentioned here, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. Read more!
Yoga for eye exercises helps you manage your eye strain & improve your eyesight focus. In this guide, you'll find the best exercises to try that will improve your eye health. Learn more!
With bhastrika pranayama, you surge more air into the body, producing heat and energy to strengthen your mind and body. Learn how to do it with its steps & benefits.
Sinus infection or sinusitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs inside your nose & head. Try these 5 most effective poses to get rid of sinusitis naturally. Learn how to do these poses today!
Are you trying to gain weight through yoga? Here are effective yoga poses that can be beneficial to improving your weight. It would be best if you practiced them regularly. Learn more!