
Weight Loss

Yoga for Weight & Fat Loss - The Ultimate Guide

While it might be difficult for you to believe that yoga can help you to lose weight, it's actually true. Read on to find out which Yoga asanas can come in handy as you try to focus on weight & fat loss..

Kapalbhati: How to Do It, Benefits & Precautions

Kapalbhati asan is a kind of breathing exercise performed to improve mental health. Read this blog to learn kapalbhati steps & know its benefits & precautions

10 Effective Yoga Asanas for Belly Fat

Turn to yoga if you want to reduce belly fat. Try these 10 effective yoga asanas to help you tone your abdominal muscles. Read cult.Fit post to find out more!

Upavistha Konasana: Meaning, How to Do & Its Benefits

Upavistha konasana, known as wide-angle seated forward bend, this asana helps you to strengthen your abs, spine & legs. Check out the benefits and step by step guide.

How to Do Tulasana: Meaning, Benefits & Steps

Tulasana, or the scale pose in modern yoga, enhances your circulation by placing your hands on your wrists. Check out a step-by-step guide on how to do tulasana with its benefits.

Parivrtta Trikonasana: How to Do Revolved Triangle Pose & Its Benefits

The parivrtta trikonasana pose is good for your home workouts as it can improve your balance, both physically and mentally. Learn benefits & how to do parivrtta trikonasana.

How to do Natarajasana (dance Yoga Pose): Its Benefits & Precautions

Natarajasana is also known as a dance yoga pose it opens up the frontal parts of the body and enhances flexibility in the spinal cord. Read more benefits and precautions by

6 Yoga for Irregular Periods: How to Regulate Periods With Yoga

Wondering which yoga asanas to do for irregular periods? Here are some of the most effective yoga poses you can try to regulate your periods. Ensure you practice these asanas regularly & with the right technique.

5 Effective Yoga Poses to Tone Your Butt

Yoga poses for the butt helps to tone up the shape of the butt perfectly. Learn different types of yoga poses and their benefits by cult.Fit today!