While it might be difficult for you to believe that yoga can help you to lose weight, it's actually true. Read on to find out which Yoga asanas can come in handy as you try to focus on weight & fat loss..
Virasana helps to strengthen the lower back and make it more flexible. Check out this blog on doing safe Virasana, steps to perform, advantages, etc by cult.fit
Raja Yoga means a form of meditation that instills similar qualities of fearlessness, independence, and self-realization. Check out different poses of raja yoga and its benefits on cult.fit.
Skandasana is a yoga pose that improves the flexibility of your lower body, and there are a variety of variations. Learn how to perform skandasana yoga and its benefits.
Practicing siddhasana improves your posture, lengthen your spine, & open your hips, chest, & shoulders. Learn how to do this asana and its variations with their benefits. Read on!
Want to make your hair thicker & healthy? Try balayam yoga asana that helps you prevent hair fall & treat other hair-related issues. Read more for benefits & side effects provided by cult.fit.
Salambasana is commonly known as the locust pose, as this pose resembles a locust with its backward-bending posture. Find out how to perform and what are the benefits of locust pose.
Back pain is one of the most common problems faced by people from all walks of life all over the world. Find out how to reduce back pain with these 5 simple exercises.